Author Topic: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread  (Read 4784 times)

The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« on: February 08, 2021, 09:05:33 am »

The black Xbox 360 Slim is the one I own thanks to my little grown sister, it still runs, and does not have the red ring of death known to plague this console yet. I got an internal 500GB hard drive as a gift from my grandmother. and I'm happy I did. For those who do not know. The XBox360 consoles have a special feature, that lets you install games right from the game discs. Even without an internet connection. (like a Windows PC). preserving the laser in it's disc drive, and possibly giving your Xbox360 a longer lifetime. But you cannot use any harddrive you NEED to buy a specific Xbox360 hard drive in order to work. Walmart I think still sells Xbox360 hard drives new, and for low cost last time I got one. the original Xbox360 and the Xbox360 Slim models take different hard drives too.

(things I've Noticed)

First off, when you insert a Xbox 360 game, into an Xbox360 disc drive, with a harddrive installed. You can select the game in a menu and press the X button on your controller. I think, for the option to install the game onto an internal or (correct format) external hardrive. Most 360 games take a maximum of only 8-10GB of hard drive space. By running any game off the hard drive, it puts less stress, on the hardware of the Xbox360,  and my own console does not have as much heat build-up in this process,

But you still need your game disc to play the game off the hard drive.

Also? if you really really want, you can also run any Xbox360 game off the optical laser. But you cannot install any Original Xbox games onto the Xbox360 hardrive normally. BUT you absolutely need a hardrive to play any backwards compatible Original Xbox games on the 360.

 all backwards compatibly games run off the 360's disc drive only. but you can still save your OG Xbox game progress on the harddrive. but If I were you guys I'd buy an original Xbox to play your original Xbox games on but have it checked out first.

Personal Cons

when I (first) got her Xbox 360 slim It had a few problems, uncommon issues for any console. It somehow caught a virus that caused the disc tray to close automatically whenever it was opened. I eventually found the fix when I deleted all her profiles and games. However it started all over again, as well as having some other software issues.
As Soon as I insert a Used Game Stop copy of Minecraft 360 edition, ever time I insert that disc my console starts acting strange I don't know why.

So what are some of your pros and cons with the Xbox360? Do You Have One? Does yours still work? or is it broken? All I hear is RROD issues with these things, but last time we discussed the Xbox360 somewhere only one or two people ever mentioned installing their games to the hard drive. Inserting an Internal hard drive into an Xbox360 slim is vary easy you just need to find the hidden slot on the case and insert it into it, no need to take it apart. just find the hidden compartment on the side.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 09:22:09 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2021, 09:19:50 am »
The biggest con I ever had was the fanboys. For clarification here, I'm not saying anyone that owned a 360 or even liked the 360 is a fanboy. I'm talking about toxic fanboys. Example...

The week of the PS3 launch I was checking local game stores every day for a week until I managed to snag one on a fluke. The day before I got mine, I had gone into a Game Stop and asked the guy behind the counter if he had any PS3 systems. He immediately goes into a spiel of, "Why do you want one of those? Every game that'll be on PS3 is going to be on 360." I crap you not.... I think he actually believed it. He had all sorts of negative things to say about Playstation for whatever reason. Luckily, the next day, I knew his manager who was working, and he had a couple PS3's in the back and was happy to sell me one. I got to watch the fanboy's smug face try and throw daggers at me while I smiled and completed my purchase.

That's only one of many examples of the toxic fanbase from that camp, but every system has a group of toxic groupies.

The only other negative I've had with the system was vicariously through friends when their systems would die. Most my friends had 3-4 different 360 systems die on them. It was enough to keep me away.

On a side note.... *sigh*.... 360, PS3 and Wii are now considered classic as it was two gens ago. I feel really old now.


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Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2021, 11:31:06 am »
Best console of that gen. Never had the RROD problem on either my launch model or slim model.

Great library of games. Lots of mainstream and indie support. Great controller. Backwards compatible. Works well with media. And best of all: It's cheap to collect for!

I've preferred the Xbox since it's original incarnation (though still get the other consoles eventually). Just seems to focus more on my type of games and is always easy to collect for, and that backwards compatibility.

Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2021, 01:06:50 pm »
Great console, but unlike burningdoom, I had 2 RRODs and a disc drive that went kaput.  The hardware keeps it from being all-timer for me, even if they did have it figured out by the end of the generation.

Backwards compatibility can't be understated, either.  I still don't have an OG Xbox in my collection for this reason.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 01:19:01 pm by Cartagia »


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Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2021, 02:10:30 pm »
Random X360 story of the day

Today I went to an electronics shop to buy some PS2 network adapters and a lady came to the counter and asked if they had 360s. The shop owner told the lady that he could sell her a Slim 360 (with a controller) for 110$. Yo, I have two of these Slim 360s, both with 250Gb hard drives + 1 controller and I sell them for 60$... I almost went up to the lady and offered her one of mines instead but I decided it would be a dick move to make in front of the store owner, just had a pretty good deal on the PS2 adapters anyway, didn't want to spoil that.
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2021, 02:22:38 pm »
It's aight.


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Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2021, 08:17:14 pm »
Yep I have a more than a few 360's between special ed. And redesigns I Love this system it was my favorite console of it's generation. And yes I delt with the red ring of death 3 different times before the slim redesign. Although I thought it was a pain in the ass I felt Microsoft customer service went above and beyond in fixing my systems. I also loved the ps3 and had similar problems with that system Sony didn't stand behind their product (customer service sucked). Anyway I still enjoyed the ps3 very much and would recommend having one.So witch ever system you choose is fine I recommend having both,just make sure to avoid the first designs and get the slims.

Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2021, 08:28:54 pm »
I bought an Elite back when they first came out; loved the black case and also the larger HDD included. Unfortunately, the disc tray failed about a year into owning it, and then after spending around $100 to fix it, it went RRoD 6-months later. At that point I just decided to sell it on ebay for parts. For more reasons than just its poor reliability the 360 is actually my least favorite 7th gen console. With that said however, it is definitely the best console to own for SHMUPs and has some of the best shooters ever made on it, even if many were Japanese exclusives. Still, beyond that I really enjoy some of the must play exclusives on the console and it's certainly a console well worth owning. Just get the slim model since the OG 360s are trash.


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Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2021, 08:37:50 pm »
I just had good luck, I guess. I've owned a launch model up until just last year, never had the RROD. My aunt gave me her Star Wars Special Edition XBox 360 Slim just last year, so I sold the launch model.

Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2021, 12:42:48 am »
Never had a RRoD with any of my 360s. One had a E74 error, but that was covered under warranty and only took a week to send out to get fixed.

The 360 is the console that got me seriously collecting. I still do want to finish getting a complete library, but it's basically just the dregs left to get. I also do credit the achievement system as it both makes me want to complete games more as well as seeing my score climb higher and higher. I'm only at 217,000 GS with 128 completed games, so nowhere near the top, but still far higher than the average.


Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2021, 11:03:36 am »
I owned 2 360's , neither got the RROD . I bought a launch premium model that I put a Nyko Intercooler on that ended up melting the power plug and mobo which was later found to be a widespread defect with the Nyko . When that happened , I replaced it with one of the first models that had the HDMI port built in , still works today . Lots of great games on the system and a great controller with it .

Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2021, 08:33:28 pm »
I personally don't use the HDMI port on either the PlayStation 3 or the Xbox360,  instead I use an AV cord in which I've noticed causes even lesser heat buildup using an AV cord.  on both my PS3 slim and PS3 super slim, and my Xbox360. But on the downside of things. Is that the onscreen text of most games, cannot be read. when using the Xbox360 AV cord on my CRT television, but the game is still playable. Unless you need to follow on screen instructions or read some of the game dialog though.

but the PS3's never suffer the tiny unreadable text that my Xbox360 has when using an AV cord instead of an HDMI cord hookup. I believe that using an AV cord will enable a longer life of both of these 7th generation consoles, and I also looked up the following based on my heat buildup theory

(My question to google)
what causes the the RROD on the xbox 360?

As most of you know, the RRoD is a sign displayed by the 360's "Ring of Light" when there is a general hardware failure. While this can be caused by any part (or lack thereof) of the 360, the general cause is most often excessive heat, which stresses the solder joints on the CPU and GPU.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 08:45:37 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2021, 10:38:02 am »
The 360 is one of my favourite consoles of all time. It came out around the time i've gotten my first paycheck so i was around from the early days and the first 5 years the console was pretty much killing it, after that microsoft kinda starting slacking and exclusives came out less and less, meaning the ps3 could catch up to it.
My launch console i'm pretty sure it still works.

My goal is to have a complete Japanese 360 collection one day, i'm about 300 games in at the moment,so far it's a fun console to collect for. At the moment, bar a few games anything can be bought for on the cheap, even the shooters seem to be at an all time low these days  ;D


Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2021, 12:13:46 pm »
   With my launch 360 I first used a 20 inch CRT monitor and yeah , that did not work well with text . Shortly after that I picked up a 30in widescreen 1080i CRT for 360/PS3 gaming . The TV had no HDMI so I used component cables for it . Games looked great on it , but it weighed almost 200lbs . I had to get a heavy duty TV stand for it lol .
   As far as heat issues the first few variants of 360 used a 90 nm CPU/GPU , they used a lot of power and produced more heat than later models . The later models went to a 65 nm CPU , then a 65 nm CPU/GPU , finally ending with the 360 Slim which used a 45 nm SoC chip that used 40% less power than the OG launch version of the Xbox 360 .
    So , bottom line , as long as you have the 360 slim you should be good on heat .


Re: The Xbox 360 Discussion Thread
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2021, 04:42:56 pm »
This thread has got me fired up to upgrade my 360 . I've been wanting to upgrade to a slim for years and since I'm not going to find a Series X for a while I guess now is as good a time as any . I just bought a 250GB slim off of ebay , fingers crossed that it's not full of dust or bugs .