Author Topic: dhaabi's VGC Database Work  (Read 12684 times)


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #60 on: November 09, 2024, 08:25:04 pm »
Here is the Famitsu issue?

No. 864 could be the right issue for where the guide is found as Drag-On Dragoon 2: Fuuin no Kurenai, Haitoku no Kuro is mentioned in the Game Index Part 1 section, but I still can't confirm it. Finding a scan of the entire issue would make this easier, but this issue may not have been archived online. I don't see a pull-out guide advertised anywhere on the cover, so I'm wondering if it's even intended to be removable. 863 and 865 also mention the game, but no luck with those issues either.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #61 on: November 11, 2024, 09:38:15 am »
Maybe this one then

Search result

I wanted to point out that Weekly Famitsu X account uses this as their name: 週刊ファミ通


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #62 on: November 11, 2024, 10:40:45 am »
Maybe this one then

Based on the page's description summary, No. 865 or the 2005年7月15日号 issue may be the one including the guide then. Although what 64293 even is still isn't answered. Until more information is learned, it may be fine or may need to be a part of a new entry.

For now, I've submitted a new entry for Famitsu No. 865.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #63 on: November 13, 2024, 10:31:55 am »
I've finally finished submitting items for Resident Evil franchise. In the end, I submitted around 3,500 new entries. Going through the film series (which I had to abandon due to tediousness) is something that was way too much time spent.

Silent Hill is next.