Author Topic: PlayStation Showcase | September 9 2021  (Read 2283 times)

Re: PlayStation Showcase | September 9 2021
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2021, 02:44:46 pm »
They are all true games. Some are only true exclusives but it doesn't mean games like Sackboy weren't made for PS5 and then ported to PS4.

PS4 games do not load slow without patches. Majority of people agree DualSense is an actual evolution for controllers while Series X is basically the exact same with an added share button.

You're right. Mario, Zelda, Halo and Gears aren't on PlayStation. Shocking. All of the latest entries in the DOOM, Wolfenstein, RAGE, Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series are though and the next Elder Scrolls games is years and years away.

Why do you care so much about playing old games if you won't even consider games released for PS5 as true PS5 games since they are also on PS4?

So why did Horizon load slow as molasses until last week when it was patched? 

I didn't say they weren't true PS5 games as that is what's printed on the discs and they only work in a PS5. But Sony said "We believe in generations" while everyone tore MS a new rear for their cross-generation ideas. Sony did a 180 and are doing the exact same thing.

As for the controllers, if it ain't broke why fix it?  Nothing wrong with the slight changes between One and Series controllers. Instantly comfortable and familiar. Also no reason to buy a bunch of new controllers when the ones you already own still work. The Dual Sense is fine, but things like the touchpad will receive token support at best, same as the PS4 touch pad.

Your arguement is that I don't believe games like Sackboy are true games whatever that means and why should I care about old games because...I'm lost on this one. What does caring about older games have to do with Sony backpedaling and releasing what were supposed to be PS5 exclusives on the PS4?
Games behave differently. Some load instantly some don't.

First thing you said was "In reality, the only true PS5 games in your list are(...)" so pretty easy to see where that's coming from.

They did change their plan and it was disappointing at first but it does make sense since the PS5 still isn't on store shelves and the PS4 is still a pretty good console. I think it holds up better than the PS3 did when the PS4 launched.

DualSense added many new features. Touchpad isn't one of them. Seems clear they kept that so there's not an issue playing games that do use it.

You were pretty much writing off much of the PS5's first party library because they are playable on PS4.


Re: PlayStation Showcase | September 9 2021
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2021, 10:34:30 am »
You misunderstand,  in no way was I writing off cross gen games or the PS5 itself. Simply pointing out that cross gen games aren't true PS5 titles as Sony claimed they would be. I fully understand the reasons by which they changed their stance on this, but find it hypocritical when Xbox got trashed for their Smart Delivery system which is pretty close to the same thing. The main difference being that over 99% of the games coming out for Series X will work just fine on an Xbox One whereas a PS5 disc will NOT work in a PS4.

Series X and all the games that run on it pretty much instantly recognize the faster SSD in the system and load faster accordingly. PS4 games may load faster on PS5 because of the faster drive, but they aren't near instantaneous as the PS5 itself isn't speaking to the software and loading it faster natively. Hence, why Horizon received a patch last week to speed up load times.

I'm enjoying my PS5 which I finally scored about a month ago. But it is disappointing to see areas where it lags behind the Series X, the seemingly random crashes that occur, everything else I already mentioned and after starting it up this morning - being reminded how loud it is compared to the Series X.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: PlayStation Showcase | September 9 2021
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2021, 04:07:42 pm »
While I wasn't super wanting to see stuff way down the road, a KOTOR Remake is neat.  I use to like it back in the day, but never stuck with the series.

Project Eve looks cool, very Nier Automata feeling, but with visuals as good as Devil May Cry 5.

I've kinda fallen out abit with Borderlands, 3 was fine, but I didn't stick with it, but Tiny Tina's Wonderlands seems like a bit of goofy fun.

I'm honestly surprised we haven't seen more games tackle the Isekai genre especially with it's popularity lol Forspoken looks cool.  Way more interesting to me than that really goofy Stranger of Paradise game that Square is also publishing.

Alan Wake is a good time, though I'm not too interested in the remaster personally.

Ghostwire looks pretty cool.

It's gonna be great when Deathloop releases and they can finally stop dedicating time to it in like every showcases lol I'm sure the game will be totally fine, it's just one of those that's been overexposed at this point lol

Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy remastered for PC and PS5 is nice, but I'm not likely to replay it.  These sort of games tend to be kinda one and done for me usually.

I was mostly just wanting to see upcoming games for this showcase, but holy cow, I'm excited for Insomniac doing a Wolverine game lol  I'm too easily hyped for stuff lol

God...2023 for Spider-Man 2...Like yeah, this sucks with them announcing mostly stuff for way down the road, but I'm still excited.

God of War is nice, but another game from down the road.

Overall it was a good showcase for new games, but also bad, because most of it isn't coming out this year.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2021, 04:50:55 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: PlayStation Showcase | September 9 2021
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2021, 05:01:58 pm »
Well.. that sucked.

Wolverine is cool. I hope his yellow suit is an option since Spider-Man had so many outfits.

Spider-Man 2 is expected, I would rather it just be a Venom game though.

The free Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodhunt game not being on PS4 is weird.

I don't really care much about GotG but I think the game may be decent.

Borderlands spinoff surprised me with the guns still being in the game. I have multiple Borderlands games but haven't played them so if I like those I may pick this one up eventually.

That's about it for me. I expected a lot more and especially a lot more first party games. All of the teams they have and yet the only one announcing games has already shipped three games for PS5.. how does that make sense?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2021, 05:24:19 pm by weirdfeline »

Re: PlayStation Showcase | September 9 2021
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2021, 02:02:10 am »
As someone who has always been in camp PlayStation, last nights presentation really didn't have much to offer me :/

The God of War game will be good I'm sure (I liked the last game up until the ending), but it's not something I'm crazy about. The protagonist of Forspoken just seems really obnoxious and here companion is a set of gold bangles... ... Ok? The Project Eve game looked like a decent action game. Then it was just all super hero games, I've never really cared for them so to get 3 Marvel headlines made me impatient.

I can see they offered some Triple-A standard games, just none of them appealed to me.


Re: PlayStation Showcase | September 9 2021
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2021, 08:01:21 am »
As someone who has always been in camp PlayStation, last nights presentation really didn't have much to offer me :/

The God of War game will be good I'm sure (I liked the last game up until the ending), but it's not something I'm crazy about. The protagonist of Forspoken just seems really obnoxious and here companion is a set of gold bangles... ... Ok? The Project Eve game looked like a decent action game. Then it was just all super hero games, I've never really cared for them so to get 3 Marvel headlines made me impatient.

I can see they offered some Triple-A standard games, just none of them appealed to me.

We're in the exact same boat. Nothing screamed "Day One" to me and I have little to no hype for anything shown. I'm also not a fan of Marvel. I felt Forspoken has a lot of potential, but yeah, the main character needs to grow on me a bit more. At least Amy Henning is one of the writers for it.

Then there was the Uncharted collection... a completely lacking... and until we know more about it... worthless collection. I'm sure it'll look a bit more crisp but seriously... what's the point of this? A two game collection like this should have been a... "oh by the way, you can also pick this up to catch up on the story"... after a new game in the series was announced. We know 4k and 60fps but that's not enough to justify a full price remaster. If they were going to do this, it should have been every Uncharted game including Golden Abyss. That would have been worth it. In the meantime, we'll have to wait and hear what Naughty Dog says they specifically upgraded outside of resolution and frames per second that warrant my attention.

Re: PlayStation Showcase | September 9 2021
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2021, 09:28:15 am »
All of the "remasters" shown looked rough. Uncharted, GTA, Alan Wake. I didn't see much of a difference with Uncharted or GTA except maybe the small part of GTA Online looked like it might have better lighting? Alan Wake's face didn't look like much of an improvement either.