Hey VGC Team,
I have a feature request I've wanted to ask about for a long time. Having a pretty sizable collection can make browsing for a specific title within my collection quite a chore at times. If we were able to implement a small drop down window with the letter of the alphabet, allowing you to view your collection by the letter, this would make things 10x faster. Here's a perfect example.
I have over 500 DS games. When searching though my DS collection the way it is now, you can only browse by page 1, 2, 3, 25, 26, etc. Now this is fine when looking for a game that starts with A-D or W-Z, but when trying to find a game that say lands somewhere in the middle of the alphabet (J-S) I have to constantly click through multiple pages (5, 7, 9, 11, etc) until i finally find the right page. This takes an incredible amount of time, that could all be solved with a simple little alphabet drop down box.
Using my own collection, I drew up a quick example of what this might look like.

Hopefully this is something that isn't too complicated. I would love to see this feature, and I think a lot of other users would appreciate it as well.