Author Topic: XBOX 360 Help  (Read 3125 times)


XBOX 360 Help
« on: May 05, 2012, 06:30:08 pm »
So my wife bought me the Star Wars XBOX 360 bundle for Star Wars day yesterday, and being more of a retro gamer, I have no clue as to what games I'd like to get.  Can anyone suggest a few relatively inexpensive games that are fun?   I like platformers and action games primarily.
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Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2012, 06:41:46 pm »
If you're into shmups, check out the Raiden games, and Otomedius Excellent. On XBLA, definitely check out Shadow Complex and 'Splosion Man.

I'm sure more people around here could help you out. I'm not really aware of much on the 360 that's not also on the PS3.


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2012, 07:05:17 pm »
If you like SHUMPS then you really need to get Deathsmiles. It's awesome.

As far as other recs go, it's hard to say without having an idea of what you're looking to get into. If you're looking for exclusives to 360 then there aren't too many options. If you're looking at this gen (assuming you haven't played all of the multi-platform releases on PC or PS3) then I can make you a pretty significant list.

EDIT: Check out LIMBO on XBL. It's a really awesome game.


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 07:07:08 pm »
If you're looking for Shmups, don't forget Deathsmiles! You can also DL Deathsmiles 2 from XBLA. Otomoedius Excellent is full of awesome and is a Gradius spin off.  XBLA has a bunch of shmups to offer too, Galaga Legions, Radiant Silvergun, Guwange, 1942: Joint Strike and the Geometry Wars games. They have Trouble Witches NEO, Ikaruga, Triggerheart Exelica and Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team too.

As far as platformers go, you there's Super Meat Boy, all of the original Sonic games, plus Sonic 4 (if you don't have it on another system), Bionic Commando's remake, BC: ReArmed and it's sequel and Mega Man 9 & 10.

Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 07:36:52 pm »
The only current gen system I have is a Wii, so I know I've missed a lot.  I'll look into those shmups.  I don't even have it hooked up yet, but how does the xbox live thing work?   The box says it includes a lifetime subscription, but that xbox live gold is required for online play.  What is the difference between regular and gold?
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Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 07:54:27 pm »
If you haven't already played all of them, the Lego games are always good. I loved Lego Indiana Jones but not everyone did, I know.

Let's see...I love Ninety-Nine Nights (N3), it's sorta a "push buttons as fast as you can and maybe you'll get a combo" type action game, but I enjoyed the story. Haven't played the second one yet though.

Ronalopolis really enjoyed the Ghostbusters game, since they got the original actors for voices, and he loves the movies.

And I'd definitely suggest Earth Defense Force 2017. It's a great game for a night when you really just don't know what to play...basically, the premise is that giant ants and spiders have invaded the Earth from space, and you are part of a crack team of soldiers set up to eradicate them. Has vertical split screen and is super fun as a Co-Op. The sequel (Insect Armageddon) was available on both 360 and PS3, but this one is 360 only and I think we had a lot more fun with this one.

All of these have been out a while and shouldn't be too expensive. Heck, I think Earth Defense Force 2017 was only $30 new.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2012, 08:38:49 pm »
The only current gen system I have is a Wii, so I know I've missed a lot.  I'll look into those shmups.  I don't even have it hooked up yet, but how does the xbox live thing work?   The box says it includes a lifetime subscription, but that xbox live gold is required for online play.  What is the difference between regular and gold?

Oh well then you have a lot of options!

Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
Street Fighter 4 (or super, etc)
The Witcher 2
Mass Effect
Dead Space
Rainbow Six Vegas (2 is much better)
Lost Odyssey

I could keep going :)


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2012, 10:12:03 pm »
I've tried a lot of Xbox 360 games but I'm not into platformers. There is an exclusive Banjo-Kazooie game that is probably discounted by now.

Edit: Just checked what charges and Banjo is only $19.99 these days.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 02:18:18 pm by psydswipe »


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2012, 08:04:09 am »
If you like platformers you absolutely need to play Braid.

Playing - KOTOR, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2012, 02:33:32 am »
Ninety Nine Nights is akin to the Dynasty/Samurai Warrior games only with a lot less characters.  Every bit as repetitive.

Shmups or Shoot'em ups,  Think R-Type, Gradius.  Fun bunch of games.

May I suggest

Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Devil May Cry 4
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Fable II
Fable III
Red Dead Redemption
L.A. Noir
Alan Wake
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I'll stop there.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 02:43:17 am by ffxik »


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2012, 02:40:00 am »
The only current gen system I have is a Wii, so I know I've missed a lot.  I'll look into those shmups.  I don't even have it hooked up yet, but how does the xbox live thing work?   The box says it includes a lifetime subscription, but that xbox live gold is required for online play.  What is the difference between regular and gold?

To answer your question about Silver and Gold.  Silvers have a lot restricted on Live.  All social programs and most movie and TV services are not allowed, no online multiplayer gaming period.
To get access to that and more you need to become a Gold member.  If the box says lifetime of Gold then your set.  If not, then if you want Gold your going to have to pay for it.


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2012, 04:09:57 am »
May I suggest

Fable III

I loved, loved, loved Fable II. However, I cannot play III, no matter how many times I start it. Peter Molyneux should know enough about game development by this time to not have the game run so badly on the console it was designed for. It's jaggitiy, and clips, and renders with obvious lines, and this is AFTER the update that supposedly addressed some of that. I keep saying that I'm going to buy it on PC so I can actually attempt to get through it, but I don't think that Lionhead should be encouraged to keep pulling that crap by getting money out of me TWICE, and once at full cost.

I'm almost never like this about games, and I usually don't notice badly done graphics like this, but when the cutscenes in Fable II were so pretty and these are so rough around the edges, it just makes me want to play Fable II.  A new game should not make me want to dig the old one out BECAUSE IT LOOKS BETTER.

/soapbox rant
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2012, 07:11:54 am »
May I suggest

Fable III

I loved, loved, loved Fable II. However, I cannot play III, no matter how many times I start it. Peter Molyneux should know enough about game development by this time to not have the game run so badly on the console it was designed for. It's jaggitiy, and clips, and renders with obvious lines, and this is AFTER the update that supposedly addressed some of that. I keep saying that I'm going to buy it on PC so I can actually attempt to get through it, but I don't think that Lionhead should be encouraged to keep pulling that crap by getting money out of me TWICE, and once at full cost.

I'm almost never like this about games, and I usually don't notice badly done graphics like this, but when the cutscenes in Fable II were so pretty and these are so rough around the edges, it just makes me want to play Fable II.  A new game should not make me want to dig the old one out BECAUSE IT LOOKS BETTER.

/soapbox rant

Would you believe me if I said I never had any real issues with Fable III, except lag.  Which is bad with Fable II on my old 360 Arcade, but I never had any issues with the graphics.


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2012, 11:09:42 am »
Ninety Nine Nights is akin to the Dynasty/Samurai Warrior games only with a lot less characters.  Every bit as repetitive.

Shmups or Shoot'em ups,  Think R-Type, Gradius.  Fun bunch of games.

May I suggest

Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Devil May Cry 4
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Fable II
Fable III
Red Dead Redemption
L.A. Noir
Alan Wake
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I'll stop there.

Take out Fable III and I completely agree!

I'm not the biggest Fable fan so take that statement for what it's worth.


Re: XBOX 360 Help
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2012, 11:35:20 am »
Lords of Shadow is good. But other than it being a dude wielding a whip who's name is Belmont. Its not very Castlevania.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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