Hello everyone

Today I was talking to a friend who has a friend who named his new daughter Marvel because he is such a comic fanatic and Marvel was basically his childhood. He says his daughter will be strong, have longevity, inspire and all the beautiful traits that Marvel has instilled in him so to him it wasn't a name, it was naming his life in human form

. I thought Marvel was different, and at first struck me as off putting but now I find it a unisex type of pretty empowering name. So long as disney doesn't file a sieze and desist and banish him into the shadow realm. His daughter forever forced into a paradox wear George Lucas heads yell "make me money" in intervals of 5 seconds at a time as the blood moon howls.

So this got me thinking if you guys would ever consider naming your child or if you already have named your child after a video game character or slogan you love

Here are some that although I wouldn't name my child. I think they are fairly nice names and not as job interview eye brow raising as say "north west" or "chicken fajita"
GirlGenesis - I feel Genesis is already a name so it fits well for the sega fanatic. It's also religious, spiritual and in general beautiful to me.
Dream - With destiny, faith, hope and all those emotion and philosphical type names. I feel dream for dremcast is very underused if ever and it's pretty
Peach - Not bad, people will know you subscried to G4 in 2007
BoyDualshock 4 - It means he can take a rumbling and keep on playing the game, hands on, always down for adventure and loyal. I see it pronounced Dewallllll shosh IV
Sony - Some may consider it a waking billboard but Sony Michel is a football player for the patriots. It kinda exists
Rapture - Bioshock city.
What do you guys think of gaming inspired names or do you feel the traditional Emily or Craig would suffice?
Thanks for sharing.