Author Topic: Review Bombing Entitlement Or Rockstar Fumble? The GTA Trilogy Controversy  (Read 2153 times)

Hello everyone :)

Well Rockstar just released their news juicy soup to suck down by the bowl.

The GTA trilogy was met with backlash and praise combined in one big socially diviscive nugget of both review bombing entitlement, actual solid gripes and nostalgia lens confusing what could have been a fun trip down memory lane. But I guess we are dealing with a developer who is out of touch and out of time? Or are you simply dealing with gamers who are out of their head when they're not around? To a point that they could bring democracy to cuba and it would still get a 10 on metacritic?

The complaints

Missing songs -  I mean come now Ethyl, Fred Mertz already bought you a Don Juan original last year at the paris fashion show.  We all know that licensing and copyright retainment is tricky business and songs like Billie Jean suffer simply because Michael Jackson's IPs are unobtainium unlike they were in 2002.  I just wish gamers would cut them some slack on this one.

Rockstar stopped modders from modding old GTA games now -  This one confuses me the most about gamers at large. It's like if an artist paints a portrait for 300 hours and you buy it and then say "i'm gonna add some touches here and then give it out to the world as my remastered version".  It is blatantly illegal, it is a modification of licensed first party content and rockstar is not at all in the wrong for sending sieze and desists to modders messing with their products admist them trying to gain validity for doing it themselves. Be like if a car deal found a car mechanic selling their cars just with new rims.  Rockstar owns the logo, the story, the writing, and the modding community should just be happy that Rockstar let them live this long. 

Rockstar Depth And Draw Distance - I will agree the lack of serious fog, wind effects and the city being fully visible is eery, and gross looking. I intend on spending my time on the ground because of this and with vice city it's less of a big deal but I just can't get myself around it. The game is 20 years old and still couldn't get better treatment then this? I do side with the gamers on this gripe.

Their are also bugs and calls for refunds after Rockstar fumbled some of the in game physics.

The consensus

Once reality sets in, 64.95? Now now Lucy you need to learn the value of a dollar earned :(  I work all day at the tropicana night club and you do this? Money doesn't grow on trees yet WB Mason, also know as the Mussilini of the moss, the Bonoparte of Bark.  And paper ripped from the ribs of howling trees is a 16 trillion dollar enterprise.  Money grows on trees, money is tree flesh. Money is tree guts. And quite frankly they know.  Can we even say for sure the game is being played or if the game has played us all along? Can we know for sure if you collect games or if games brainwash you into physically hoarding and curating them into massive piles knowing one day while you sleep they will unite and form megatron and take over the world. You are both good and bad. You are pepsi in a coca cola glass but we still love you for it.  Know him by his 3rd eye and don't be afraid of him for he his daddy. 

But what is your take on the new GTA trilogy? I just downloaded because nostalgia made me and i'm scared I wasted my money. But the channel "before you buy" by gameranx says good things about it. I have high hopes and feel I will let myself decide.

Thank you for sharing.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2021, 01:51:31 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »

I agree, however "We can't be right because Rockstar can't possibly be wrong" - Sun Tzu


PRO Supporter

My expectations were a bit low before release since this is Wardrum Studios we're talking about (now renamed "Grove Street Games"). They made the absolutely terrible San Andreas port for the 360/PS3, these versions of the game are riddled with bugs that didn't exist in the original game. But despite the new GTA Trilogy having many bugs and things that are completely retarded, it's much better than I had anticipated. Grove Street Games / Wardrum Studios is still a completely incompetant studio, but the new games aren't bad, at least this time they made more improvements than screw ups. These days every single game has some sort of backlash, YouTubers have an extremely negative mindset with every game release so they make it seem like everything is worse than it actually is. GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition definitively doesn't deserve the hate.

Still, fuck War Drum Studios / Grove Street Games.
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!
Saw this image looking back at SA's map from a high vantage point... I never remember it looking so small...


PRO Supporter

I think people on the internet love to complain about every little thing. It's the popular trend these days, so people just follow like sheep and jump on the band wagon. Why can't they just enjoy the new trilogy for what it is, and stop nit picking about the size of rain drops?!... Damn. Nothing is perfect, get over it.  I think it looks fantastic. Ok there's my 2 cents :D

I think people on the internet love to complain about every little thing. It's the popular trend these days, so people just follow like sheep and jump on the band wagon. Why can't they just enjoy the new trilogy for what it is, and stop nit picking about the size of rain drops?!... Damn. Nothing is perfect, get over it.  I think it looks fantastic. Ok there's my 2 cents :D

Amen friend. I been playing for 72 hours now. What bugs do they speak of? I went in expecting to hate it too. I think if you're a "pc master race" type of uncultured, stick your nose up at anything that isn't 120fps then you'll nitpick. The rest is followers like you said. What I love is that it feels like vice city. Not GTA V with vice city skins which is literally all "talented modders" do lol. This launch and the hate is annoying to me. Happy I gave them a chance :)

I stopped caring about what those socalled "reviewers" or "experts" think, Life is too short to worry what the internet thinks off you. Most of those nitpickers need to get a life (and maybe a job aswell) since they clearly got way too much time on their hands.

I rarely pick games up day one but for this one going to make on exeption and pick it up once it releases physical. Probably by time i get around to playing the trilogy most problems will be solved.


Ah, the benefits of having physical copies of the originals so you don't have to give greedy companies money for crappy cash-grab remakes. The whole idea is silly to begin with, anyone above super normie standards can just boot up a PS2 emulator and play all these games with enhancements over even the original with hobbyist enhancements. Remasters are the most hilarious wastes of money, especially with the standards of companies these days.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!

Review bombing is a good thing. These remasters are a crappy cash grab.

Compare this to Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Like.. come on. Not only was that $20 less but that's three full remakes not remasters. If you aren't familiar with Spyro every level has an entirely different look and feel with a bunch of new characters specific to that level. That's a lot of work.

Now GTA is at least 100x bigger than Spyro sales wise and this is what they can come up with? It's inexcusable.

Review bombing is a good thing. These remasters are a crappy cash grab.

Compare this to Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Like.. come on. Not only was that $20 less but that's three full remakes not remasters. If you aren't familiar with Spyro every level has an entirely different look and feel with a bunch of new characters specific to that level. That's a lot of work.

Now GTA is at least 100x bigger than Spyro sales wise and this is what they can come up with? It's inexcusable.

In fairness Spyro are much smaller PS1 games with so much wiggle room to play with in terms of plot and story line. With GTA Vice City if so much as a folicle of beard is off on Tommy Vercetti the gamer world at large wants Rockstars head on a stake. Should it have been 60? I think 40 would have made me happier. But it is a sincerely playable? I love it so far. I'd pay 40 for it.  Toys for bob the developers that made the spyro trilogy did a beautiful job.  But let's not underestimate how much bigger a job it is to remaster a GTA Map.  Spyro maps you can touch border to border in like 10 seconds most of them, the larger levels can be beat in about 20 minutes. GTA is a massive undertaking and you gotta redo pieces of gravel and beach textures alone that can be larger than spyro.  Not saying they didn't do the most they could have done. I think it's absurd that things like regenitive health couldn't be added, or that the hospital somehow takes all your guns away? lol.  Those were flaws of the original game not pros to me.  But they added lock on aim.  They added new textures, waypoints and a checkpoint system.  And that there is not bad :)    Idk.  Just my opinion. And they are like belly buttons and taxes. We all have some. 


Yeah... Happy to still have my PS2 copies. I'll stick with those.

IMO, Rockstar has become a pathetic developer. They went from releasing 2-3 good games a year on the PS2 to having a good release every year or two on PS3... to having one.... ONE... release during the entire PS4 gen. Now they can't even be bothered to do ports of nearly 20 year old games any justice.

Pathetic and I won't support this dev anymore.

Review bombing is a good thing. These remasters are a crappy cash grab.

Compare this to Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Like.. come on. Not only was that $20 less but that's three full remakes not remasters. If you aren't familiar with Spyro every level has an entirely different look and feel with a bunch of new characters specific to that level. That's a lot of work.

Now GTA is at least 100x bigger than Spyro sales wise and this is what they can come up with? It's inexcusable.

In fairness Spyro are much smaller PS1 games with so much wiggle room to play with in terms of plot and story line. With GTA Vice City if so much as a folicle of beard is off on Tommy Vercetti the gamer world at large wants Rockstars head on a stake. Should it have been 60? I think 40 would have made me happier. But it is a sincerely playable? I love it so far. I'd pay 40 for it.  Toys for bob the developers that made the spyro trilogy did a beautiful job.  But let's not underestimate how much bigger a job it is to remaster a GTA Map.  Spyro maps you can touch border to border in like 10 seconds most of them, the larger levels can be beat in about 20 minutes. GTA is a massive undertaking and you gotta redo pieces of gravel and beach textures alone that can be larger than spyro.  Not saying they didn't do the most they could have done. I think it's absurd that things like regenitive health couldn't be added, or that the hospital somehow takes all your guns away? lol.  Those were flaws of the original game not pros to me.  But they added lock on aim.  They added new textures, waypoints and a checkpoint system.  And that there is not bad :)    Idk.  Just my opinion. And they are like belly buttons and taxes. We all have some.
They aren't much smaller though.  Adding up every level compared to the one open level per game likely equals a much larger size.

That is not at all what is happening with GTA. Pretending this is nearly perfect with minor errors is just completely wrong. Swapping out gravel and beach textures is not a massive undertaking. Completely remaking 100+ characters and tons of vastly different levels is.

Adding basic quality of life improvements should be expected not congratulated.


Ah, the benefits of having physical copies of the originals so you don't have to give greedy companies money for crappy cash-grab remakes. The whole idea is silly to begin with, anyone above super normie standards can just boot up a PS2 emulator and play all these games with enhancements over even the original with hobbyist enhancements. Remasters are the most hilarious wastes of money, especially with the standards of companies these days.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!