Hello everyone

Well Rockstar just released their news juicy soup to suck down by the bowl.

The GTA trilogy was met with backlash and praise combined in one big socially diviscive nugget of both review bombing entitlement, actual solid gripes and nostalgia lens confusing what could have been a fun trip down memory lane. But I guess we are dealing with a developer who is out of touch and out of time? Or are you simply dealing with gamers who are out of their head when they're not around? To a point that they could bring democracy to cuba and it would still get a 10 on metacritic?
The complaintsMissing songs - I mean come now Ethyl, Fred Mertz already bought you a Don Juan original last year at the paris fashion show. We all know that licensing and copyright retainment is tricky business and songs like Billie Jean suffer simply because Michael Jackson's IPs are unobtainium unlike they were in 2002. I just wish gamers would cut them some slack on this one.
Rockstar stopped modders from modding old GTA games now - This one confuses me the most about gamers at large. It's like if an artist paints a portrait for 300 hours and you buy it and then say "i'm gonna add some touches here and then give it out to the world as my remastered version". It is blatantly illegal, it is a modification of licensed first party content and rockstar is not at all in the wrong for sending sieze and desists to modders messing with their products admist them trying to gain validity for doing it themselves. Be like if a car deal found a car mechanic selling their cars just with new rims. Rockstar owns the logo, the story, the writing, and the modding community should just be happy that Rockstar let them live this long.
Rockstar Depth And Draw Distance - I will agree the lack of serious fog, wind effects and the city being fully visible is eery, and gross looking. I intend on spending my time on the ground because of this and with vice city it's less of a big deal but I just can't get myself around it. The game is 20 years old and still couldn't get better treatment then this? I do side with the gamers on this gripe.
Their are also bugs and calls for refunds after Rockstar fumbled some of the in game physics.
The consensusOnce reality sets in, 64.95? Now now Lucy you need to learn the value of a dollar earned

I work all day at the tropicana night club and you do this? Money doesn't grow on trees yet WB Mason, also know as the Mussilini of the moss, the Bonoparte of Bark. And paper ripped from the ribs of howling trees is a 16 trillion dollar enterprise. Money grows on trees, money is tree flesh. Money is tree guts. And quite frankly they know. Can we even say for sure the game is being played or if the game has played us all along? Can we know for sure if you collect games or if games brainwash you into physically hoarding and curating them into massive piles knowing one day while you sleep they will unite and form megatron and take over the world. You are both good and bad. You are pepsi in a coca cola glass but we still love you for it. Know him by his 3rd eye and don't be afraid of him for he his daddy.
But what is your take on the new GTA trilogy? I just downloaded because nostalgia made me and i'm scared I wasted my money. But the channel "before you buy" by gameranx says good things about it. I have high hopes and feel I will let myself decide.
Thank you for sharing.