Author Topic: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?  (Read 3357 times)

Hello Everyone :) 

I combed over the forums to see if this thread was ever made and if it ever was I can't find it and the sheriff would knock on my door and charge me for necromancy if I dug any deeper into the thread graveyard lol.  But it did have me thinking, with a collection as small as 500 or so games I am a mere pupil to the cornea of plastic hoarding epicness in this site.  Some of you having collections worth well over a quarter of a million dollars, and stacks of plastic gold that could basically put a down payment on a nice house.  And even those with more modest collections have basically a built in investment, a physical investment. 

This got me thinking. What do you or have you talked to your spouse about what would be done with your games after you no longer can play them or after you punch in your final konami code and ascend to the final level :)   

Children Or Grandchildren Make A Shrine in your honor

Would you want your relatives to keep your games as like a way to honor you in the way people save their loved ones possessions or spanish people put like a portrait with candles as a type of vigil.  Maybe your gold copy of Zelda for NES can be like the candles of a vigil? :) 

Have your games donated to a video museum

I know this is something a lot of gamers do in their retirement age or they try to.  And seeing your games go on to entertain millions rather than just you makes all your life's collecting work immortalized :)

Have your collection sold and used to support your family

Even if just for a year or so, it would feel good to know that you were making a change in the well being of those you love most :)

I hope the post isn't morbid. But more a beauty of the cycle of life, how games that gave you a lifetime of entertainment can be purposed to do so much for so many when they fulfill their purpose to you. 

Thank you for sharing


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Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2021, 10:24:39 pm »
My son doesn't like to talk about it but I have told him to sell my collection if he needs to. He also has quite a large collection himself and it's not really reasonable to be able to house both collections in one location.But I feel good knowing he can liquidate the collection if he needs to.I also like the idea of donating some of it to other collectors,I have already done this to help out some friends with my extra copies.

Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2021, 10:55:44 pm »
Viking funeral.

Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2021, 12:27:48 am »
Assuming I survive into old age (70+) I will probably start selling my collecting off at pretty aggressive rate with the plan being I'll only be down to games I've loved and that have personal meaning to me. As for the 100ish or so games that remain I will likely pass them on to someone as a way of remembering me by.

However, life is terribly uncertain and I might not make it to old age. In the event I die before then everything I own including my game collection goes to my wife, and if not her for one reason or another it would probably go to my brother.


Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2021, 05:40:59 am »
I plan on starting a "Mom and Pop" retro gaming store after I retire from my career in my old age.  After I die I can leave the store to a son or daughter (when and if I have one) or to a niece or nephew that has an interest in video games.
Time to make the donuts!


Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2021, 07:55:31 am »
Honestly? I expect WW3 to break out in the next couple years and nukes to be used... so I'm not sure if my kids will survive let alone my collection.

Hopefully I'm wrong. In the more positive scenario, I would hope my kids and grandkids enjoy the collection. I've created some specific for display that are hanging on my wall (you can see photos of them in my gallery here on this site). I would hope if they need to sell my collection to help support themselves, that they at least keep one of these each as they took freak'n forever to make.


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Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2021, 10:52:27 am »
Give to my wife to sell for money. If she passes first, then the kid gets it for the same reason.


Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2021, 10:56:40 am »
My intention is to sell everything BEFORE I pass so it doesn't get dumped on my hypothetical partner or kids to deal with.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2021, 07:38:55 pm »
Viking funeral.

Yes. There is no other option.


Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2021, 11:16:26 pm »
My wife is a gamer and collects casually. She would probably keep what she wanted and sell the rest off for the kids. I have my collection insured as well, so if something happens to the house we'd get money for it that way too.

Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2021, 12:49:48 am »
My son doesn't like to talk about it but I have told him to sell my collection if he needs to. He also has quite a large collection himself and it's not really reasonable to be able to house both collections in one location.But I feel good knowing he can liquidate the collection if he needs to.I also like the idea of donating some of it to other collectors,I have already done this to help out some friends with my extra copies.

Do you feel your son followed in your footsteps with collecting like it being ingrained in him by your collective energy or do you feel it happened naturally regardless? I love.father son stories like this. I know my dad collected die cast cars since I was little. He'd trade me ones of lesser value because as a kid id break the mirrors. But I know collecting has certainly been a passed down pastime. Happy to see another story of that :)


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Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2021, 07:59:20 am »
My son doesn't like to talk about it but I have told him to sell my collection if he needs to. He also has quite a large collection himself and it's not really reasonable to be able to house both collections in one location.But I feel good knowing he can liquidate the collection if he needs to.I also like the idea of donating some of it to other collectors,I have already done this to help out some friends with my extra copies.

Do you feel your son followed in your footsteps with collecting like it being ingrained in him by your collective energy or do you feel it happened naturally regardless? I love.father son stories like this. I know my dad collected die cast cars since I was little. He'd trade me ones of lesser value because as a kid id break the mirrors. But I know collecting has certainly been a passed down pastime. Happy to see another story of that :)
It started as something we could bond over we had a interest in games and we would go game hunting,going out to eat and maybe take in a movie.It evolved into going to concerts when they got older also.i always enjoyed spending time with my kids, it wasn't all about gaming but it definitely brought us closer together.

Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2021, 09:59:18 am »
Give to my wife to sell for money. If she passes first, then the kid gets it for the same reason.

I've specifically pointed out which items in my collection are the worth the most to my SO for specifically this reason.


Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2021, 10:50:47 am »
Donate to the Strong Museum in Rochester NY.

Re: What do you wish or intend to happen to your collection after you pass?
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2021, 05:44:16 pm »
I have friends in Australia who I know would take great care of my collection after I pass.  They're gamers, too, it runs in their family.  One of them had a baby, recently, and she plans on teaching her to play the original Nintendo.