Hello Everyone
I combed over the forums to see if this thread was ever made and if it ever was I can't find it and the sheriff would knock on my door and charge me for necromancy if I dug any deeper into the thread graveyard lol. But it did have me thinking, with a collection as small as 500 or so games I am a mere pupil to the cornea of plastic hoarding epicness in this site. Some of you having collections worth well over a quarter of a million dollars, and stacks of plastic gold that could basically put a down payment on a nice house. And even those with more modest collections have basically a built in investment, a physical investment.
This got me thinking. What do you or have you talked to your spouse about what would be done with your games after you no longer can play them or after you punch in your final konami code and ascend to the final level
Children Or Grandchildren Make A Shrine in your honor
Would you want your relatives to keep your games as like a way to honor you in the way people save their loved ones possessions or spanish people put like a portrait with candles as a type of vigil. Maybe your gold copy of Zelda for NES can be like the candles of a vigil?
Have your games donated to a video museumI know this is something a lot of gamers do in their retirement age or they try to. And seeing your games go on to entertain millions rather than just you makes all your life's collecting work immortalized
Have your collection sold and used to support your familyEven if just for a year or so, it would feel good to know that you were making a change in the well being of those you love most
I hope the post isn't morbid. But more a beauty of the cycle of life, how games that gave you a lifetime of entertainment can be purposed to do so much for so many when they fulfill their purpose to you.
Thank you for sharing