Edit: Wolff242 is in clear violation of forum guidlines.
Once bashing oldgamerz for his religion on a seperate post in April of 2021 and the severity of covid on these forums by suggesting one would wish for covid death in the form of prayer on a gaming topic that never suggested it.
Once telling a user he has no life on a harmless and innocent thread not even a week ago.
And third calling 2 users lunatics here on his thread.
These examples have been forwarded to the administrative team. Sorry you had to deal with this oldgamerz and merry christmas to you for when it comes
I do always enjoy your posts.
Man, if you're going to make shit up, at least try harder.
The severity of Covid? Yoou mean the post I referred to where Oldgamerz literally said, and I quote
"If they do I hope to God they just die of the freking COVID 19, I don't care about them now."
How am I starting that, HE said it and I responded. You want accountability, start with him. Bringing eating babies/cannibalism into a thread that had nothing to do with that....wishing people would die of covid, and all other sorts of inappropriate things he says. I could come up with plenty of examples if I wanted to take the time to search.
Also, did you forget YOU were the one who said, and again I quote
"humans are the virus, covid is the cure"
Yeah, you can claim it was a meme. My lunatics comment was a song....Fun Boy Three if you want to try to play games. Who's downplaying the severity of Covid here? Looks klike you are also wishing death on people.
I've never bashed anyone for their religion, but I sure would if they distort things try to impose it or their beliefs on others. I have no doubt I called him out on something inappropriate with religion, since he does that a bit too. I certainly haven't bashed religion or faith in general.
Edit: The April 2021 thing IS the covid comment. Nice attempt to make that sound like 2 separate incidents. Yeah, if someone is going to PRAY that people get Covid, I'll call them out on that shit. That is a gross misuse of religion.
As for telling someone they have no life...where. YOU made a topic, I responded and in that response I said "You must have a lot of free time". I did not say get a life, you have no life, etc.
YOU have accused me of all sorts of things you know nothing about. You just love to go off and make all kinds of comparisons.
Report away, but I will also go through both yours and oldgamerz posts and report the both of you as well. I'll happily accept whatever punishment the mods deem appropriate, but you both have run amok with things the mods should have dealt with a long time ago. He particularly has gotten away with stuff that wouldn't fly anywhere else.
I'm glad I saw this before the PM, otherwise I might have thought you were serious.