Author Topic: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?  (Read 9153 times)

Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #45 on: December 18, 2021, 07:01:25 pm »

Edit: Wolff242 is in clear violation of forum guidlines.

Once bashing oldgamerz for his religion on a seperate post in April of 2021 and the severity of covid on these forums by suggesting one would wish for covid death in the form of prayer on a gaming topic that never suggested it.

Once telling a user he has no life on a harmless and innocent thread not even a week ago.

And third calling 2 users lunatics here on his thread.

These examples have been forwarded to the administrative team. Sorry you had to deal with this oldgamerz and merry christmas to you for when it comes :)  I do always enjoy your posts.


Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #46 on: December 18, 2021, 07:39:50 pm »

Edit: Wolff242 is in clear violation of forum guidlines.

Once bashing oldgamerz for his religion on a seperate post in April of 2021 and the severity of covid on these forums by suggesting one would wish for covid death in the form of prayer on a gaming topic that never suggested it.

Once telling a user he has no life on a harmless and innocent thread not even a week ago.

And third calling 2 users lunatics here on his thread.

These examples have been forwarded to the administrative team. Sorry you had to deal with this oldgamerz and merry christmas to you for when it comes :)  I do always enjoy your posts.

Man, if you're going to make shit up, at least try harder.

The severity of Covid? Yoou mean the post I referred to where Oldgamerz literally said, and I quote

"If they do I hope to God they just die of the freking COVID 19, I don't care about them now."

How am I starting that, HE said it and I responded. You want accountability, start with him. Bringing eating babies/cannibalism into a thread that had nothing to do with that....wishing people would die of covid, and all other sorts of inappropriate things he says.  I could come up with plenty of examples if I wanted to take the time to search.

Also, did you forget YOU were the one who said, and again I quote

"humans are the virus, covid is the cure"

Yeah, you can claim it was a meme. My lunatics comment was a song....Fun Boy Three if you want to try to play games. Who's downplaying the severity of Covid here? Looks klike you are also wishing death on people.

I've never bashed anyone for their religion, but I sure would if they distort things try to impose it or their beliefs on others. I have no doubt I called him out on something inappropriate with religion, since he does that a bit too. I certainly haven't bashed religion or faith in general.

Edit: The April 2021 thing IS the covid comment. Nice attempt to make that sound like 2 separate incidents. Yeah, if someone is going to PRAY that people get Covid, I'll call them out on that shit. That is a gross misuse of religion.

As for telling someone they have no life...where. YOU made a topic, I responded and in that response I said "You must have a lot of free time". I did not say get a life, you have no life, etc.

YOU have accused me of all sorts of things you know nothing about. You just love to go off and make all kinds of comparisons.

Report away, but I will also go through both yours and oldgamerz posts and report the both of you as well. I'll happily accept whatever punishment the mods deem appropriate, but you both have run amok with things the mods should have dealt with a long time ago. He particularly has gotten away with stuff that wouldn't fly anywhere else.

I'm glad I saw this before the PM, otherwise I might have thought you were serious.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 07:44:30 pm by wolff242 »

Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #47 on: December 18, 2021, 07:53:46 pm »

Edit: Wolff242 is in clear violation of forum guidlines.

Once bashing oldgamerz for his religion on a seperate post in April of 2021 and the severity of covid on these forums by suggesting one would wish for covid death in the form of prayer on a gaming topic that never suggested it.

Once telling a user he has no life on a harmless and innocent thread not even a week ago.

And third calling 2 users lunatics here on his thread.

These examples have been forwarded to the administrative team. Sorry you had to deal with this oldgamerz and merry christmas to you for when it comes :)  I do always enjoy your posts.

Man, if you're going to make shit up, at least try harder.

The severity of Covid? Yoou mean the post I referred to where Oldgamerz literally said, and I quote

"If they do I hope to God they just die of the freking COVID 19, I don't care about them now."

How am I starting that, HE said it and I responded. You want accountability, start with him. Bringing eating babies/cannibalism into a thread that had nothing to do with that....wishing people would die of covid, and all other sorts of inappropriate things he says.  I could come up with plenty of examples if I wanted to take the time to search.

Also, did you forget YOU were the one who said, and again I quote

"humans are the virus, covid is the cure"

Yeah, you can claim it was a meme. My lunatics comment was a song....Fun Boy Three if you want to try to play games. Who's downplaying the severity of Covid here? Looks klike you are also wishing death on people.

I've never bashed anyone for their religion, but I sure would if they distort things try to impose it or their beliefs on others. I have no doubt I called him out on something inappropriate with religion, since he does that a bit too. I certainly haven't bashed religion or faith in general.

As for telling someone they have no life...where. YOU made a topic, I responded and in that response I said "You must have a lot of free time". I did not say get a life, you have no life, etc.

YOU have accused me of all sorts of things you know nothing about. You just love to go off and make all kinds of comparisons.

Report away, but I will also go through both yours and oldgamerz posts and report the both of you as well. I'll happily accept whatever punishment the mods deem appropriate, but you both have run amok with things the mods should have dealt with a long time ago. He particularly has gotten away with stuff that wouldn't fly anywhere else.

I'm glad I saw this before the PM, otherwise I might have thought you were serious.

You seen this like an hour after the PM because you were literally viewing messages before I posted it. I'd honestly love the simple solution of you ignore me and i'll ignore you or even the better solution of hearing eachother out without the subtle attacks but you seem too immature for it. Admitted as such.

Oldgamerz is more who i'm in defense of as he's a good friend on here. This community is like a family and tiffs happen all the time in any functioning family. But if we are talking my posts. In the 5 years ive been here and 2000 posts i'm sure you'll find a dumb statement or two. The point is I never directly attacked a user and 95 percent of my posts are simple questions that you don't need to trash everytime I log in. You are actually attacking me actively and i'm fed up of it.

If I ever said what you claim I said about the virus then I do apologize but last year was a blur. I will confess last year I was suffering from major tragedies. I had just lost my job of 7 years to covid. I was facing hunger and barely keeping up with bills. I have an anxiety disorder that causes hypertension and I was in a bad way. My father was sick. If not for the few people I had I was facing death and my posts here were a sincere cry for help.

You however are not joking, I don't care if it's an 80s song or some meme. I told you months ago that you hurt me with a comment and got no reply but you simply won't stop. Aside from my gorilla post made in jest all my posts of late have been heartfelt and real questions. Yes even the Britney vs Christina one. Me and my girlfriend have been hooked on them and the end of the conservatorship so it was fresh on my mind.  But I honestly think reaching out and just talking to me is way more mature than the jabs. I deserve that much respect. We all do.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 08:01:41 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #48 on: December 18, 2021, 07:57:54 pm »
That is my attempt at solution. The mods can delete my account for all I care. Also "you have a lot of time on your hands" and "you have no life" are synonymous. They both suggest one doesn't have anything meaningful to occupy themselves with.

Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #49 on: December 18, 2021, 08:16:44 pm »
Ahhh what an attempt at making me out to be cruel while leaving out the entirety of the context  ::)  The post being referred to was one seether made essentially tongue in cheek taking a sarcastic shit on the off topic section. My respond and the ones that followed were clearly and I mean CLEARLY in jest same as any user does to Seethers posts. It was me making a mockery of a post that was making a mockery. Basically a joke. Latin of the world Joccus meaning not to be taking seriously. What a weak attempt at my character and I will not stand for it. But why am I even here arguing with someone with 1 topic creation in 4 years lol. I wish I had just taken the oldgamerz approach of ignoring you. Farewell.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 08:20:25 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #50 on: December 18, 2021, 08:19:49 pm »
You have made weak attacks at mine too, but I don't really care. Your opinion of me is irrelevant.

You however are not joking, I don't care if it's an 80s song or some meme. I told you months ago that you hurt me with a comment and got no reply but you simply won't stop. Aside from my gorilla post made in jest all my posts of late have been heartfelt and real questions. Yes even the Britney vs Christina one. Me and my girlfriend have been hooked on them and the end of the conservatorship so it was fresh on my mind.  But I honestly think reaching out and just talking to me is way more mature than the jabs. I deserve that much respect. We all do.

If I wasn't joking, report me for calling everyone here a lunatic, as I referred to this place as "the asylum". Well, I guess the mods would be the orderlies so not EVERYONE.

I just want a button I can push so I never see your posts on my unread posts page again.

Also, I think (I could be wrong) that this is the 5th thread I've addressed you in. The off-topic thread where you mentioned Covid as the cure (In which a mod even told you to cut your crap out), , one where you went on about Seether being sexy waifu or something, the free time comment, one about naming your kid after a PS4 controller, and this. That goes back nearly 2 years. You make it sound like I'm stalking you (While you are the one monitoring my activity on here) You let Oldgamerz slide on all the BS things he says, but want to report me. Makes sense.


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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #51 on: December 18, 2021, 08:22:01 pm »
Ha! This is great. I'm glad someone is calling out these asshats. Marv and oldgamerz always post bullshit and now you're upset that someone is calling you out on your nonsense. Wolf is 100% right.

Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #52 on: December 18, 2021, 08:28:57 pm »
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 10:45:19 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #53 on: December 18, 2021, 08:37:57 pm »
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 10:44:02 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #54 on: December 19, 2021, 02:13:52 am »
Ha! This is great. I'm glad someone is calling out these asshats. Marv and oldgamerz always post bullshit and now you're upset that someone is calling you out on your nonsense. Wolf is 100% right.

I get the views and the replies and so does Marv, his conversations are interesting, and he works vary hard on a lot of the post he never gets barley any replies on, like his annual VGCOllect rewards thread.

 I just type and start text conversations stuff and get all kinds of replies and views, while Marv scourers the web for photos, he is vary creative more creative then me, at least Marv has kept the conversation going on here for 4 months straight while I have not.

 Most of you are probably too young to understand what it feels like to be broke and have nothing maybe if you were homeless or had to live under direct control like I was for 4 years of my life to understand how it feels to have no money and no way out other than charity and to depend on someone else funds to essential get out of a financial prison

I wish you would find another bullshit post I made I regret saying that about COVID but I never actually prayed that was just me talking through my hat. 

I know the admins are probably pissed now, because this site also depends on donations I know they are watching the thread closely, don't know what they think but they know what they are doing, they could hard delete this thread and every single one of my threads in an instant but don't.

@Marvelvscapcom2 keeps the forum running and interesting I do too and so does all of you guys My cannon is was never pointed at Wolf but it's now pointed at you

keep clicking that report to moderator button Marv, I don't click it unless I'm really pissed off of if someone is trying to hardcode or hack the forum but I will report next time I see something like that again it was disrespectful for wolf to say those things and me so but that is over.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2021, 02:33:31 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #55 on: December 19, 2021, 03:04:23 am »
If you want to know about my financial prison I'll explain, I was in a group home with no control over the phone and transportation, with people breathing down my neck forcing me to do things for free. I could not get a job, as a result and I was only getting $44USD a month with the potential of getting robbed every last cent I could save up 24/7 in a house of lottery and drug addicts who most were only looking out for themselves.

Most homeless people have the potential of getting robbed since they are always on the street carrying their clothing with them, they can't afford an apartment or a house hence why they are homeless, like I was.

 if they do save up like lets say $500 USD, that could be stolen  from them in an instant with how people are these days, what is a homeless person to do?

The only reason why I'm out is because I knew the right people and was in the right place at the right time you could say I won the lottery without even spending a dine on a ticket. I got government funds  that gave me free furniture and food and money to pay a security and first months rent,

YOU NEED AT LEAST $1000USD just to get into a cheap one room apartment most places all of which could easily be stolen off a homeless person even with a job, the lottery is a pit other people need it more, you rich folks don't understand do you?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2021, 03:09:22 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2021, 03:18:03 am »
Ha! This is great. I'm glad someone is calling out these asshats. Marv and oldgamerz always post bullshit and now you're upset that someone is calling you out on your nonsense. Wolf is 100% right.

I get the views and the replies and so does Marv, his conversations are interesting, and he works vary hard on a lot of the post he never gets barley any replies on, like his annual VGCOllect rewards thread.

 I just type and start text conversations stuff and get all kinds of replies and views, while Marv scourers the web for photos, he is vary creative more creative then me, at least Marv has kept the conversation going on here for 4 months straight while I have not.

 Most of you are probably too young to understand what it feels like to be broke and have nothing maybe if you were homeless or had to live under direct control like I was for 4 years of my life to understand how it feels to have no money and no way out other than charity and to depend on someone else funds to essential get out of a financial prison

I wish you would find another bullshit post I made I regret saying that about COVID but I never actually prayed that was just me talking through my hat. 

I know the admins are probably pissed now, because this site also depends on donations I know they are watching the thread closely, don't know what they think but they know what they are doing, they could hard delete this thread and every single one of my threads in an instant but don't.

@Marvelvscapcom2 keeps the forum running and interesting I do too and so does all of you guys My cannon is was never pointed at Wolf but it's now pointed at you

keep clicking that report to moderator button Marv, I don't click it unless I'm really pissed off of if someone is trying to hardcode or hack the forum but I will report next time I see something like that again it was disrespectful for wolf to say those things and me so but that is over.

Thank you oldgamerz :)  I needed that.

Your posts are creative as well and I do remember making those VG collect rewards threads, uploading them to imgur to make them all the same size, photoshopping and making the categories and you were one of few users to appreciate them. But if I make a off topic opinion post here comes these 2 with a bag of insults. They say they want gaming related posts but they don't. They want to find a new target. When you post you engage every facet of this forum and I have met some of the best hearted people on here like you, wartoy and hexen. Turf is cool as they come. At any given time you can look at the guest list of this site and see 56 guests who aren't users and like 5 to 10 of which are reading an oldgamerz thread new or old. That says something to what you do on these forums and I hope you feel proud of that because to be here like 5 years and have users claim all you post is bullshit when you make 1 post they don't like is quite frankly not acceptable. You post gold. You post creative threads. You have done more for VG collect than you are given credit for and I enjoy the things you make. I sincerely do and others do too.

I hope god blesses you with a merry christmas oldgamerz.


Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2021, 03:28:48 am »
thanks marv :)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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Re: Would You Rather Gamble Your Money Or Donate To A Better Cause? Or?
« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2021, 09:59:33 am »
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