Author Topic: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)  (Read 2732 times)


Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2022, 11:29:22 am »
I get the logo doesn't look to hot but than again it's just a logo.

Backlash because of a logo that's interesting to say the least  ::)

Not really. Negative reception to an updated logo or branding altogether is common.

For the Street Fighter 6 logo in particular, its garnered reception is warranted. Before, each series logo—and especially from entries III-V—was bold and dynamic. Now, the direction taken with 6's announced logo reverses that established visual understanding by stripping these elements away which results in a bland mark without any personality. Even with the Street Fighter brand name below it, the shown product would not feel out of place next to logos from franchises such as Call of Duty. So, unless Capcom plans to overhaul the Street Fighter franchise into something completely new, the updated branding shown is not good in that it does not represent the series well.

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2022, 11:51:15 pm »
I'm very interested in the Capcom Fighter Collection and will be picking that up day 1. I've never actually played a few of those Dark Stalkers games and some of the more obscure Capcom fighters that will be included.

As for Street Fighter 6 even though it was a teaser trailer it didn't really resonate with me at all. I've barely played SF5 since its got so much content since it first came out that I refuse to pay for unless it's all included on disc. I'm so freakin sick of game companies releasing all their characters and stages as "Season Passes" at ridiculous prices in fighting games. It's kind of ruined modern fighting games for me in a way. With most I'll just wait several years for a final version to be made that actually has all the DLC content on disc and then just buy it then, assuming that ever does happen.

problem is that the core fight game audience embraces the season pass mentality.

It brings hype to the game with every new characters announcement it's here to stay unfortunately plus it's also an excuse for them companies to bring out balance patches and such. People love it. dlc has always been lesser value. But pumping out individual or just few characters with smaller teams is also going to be more pricy than developing the full game with more stuff it's less efficient at the end of the day hence the higher prices for dlc/ season passes.

full all dlc included versions happen at some point but by than the activity is down and the core fanbase is already transitioning towards the next entry.

It makes me sad seeing how gamers went from loathing DLC and hating the companies that practiced it, to fully embracing it. I'm not going to pretend I'm a saint and say I've never purchased DLC, but I can count the amount of times I have on one hand. I get that it's exciting to get new content, but you know what, it's even better just to have it all to begin with! It's like people would rather experience hype over the course of a games lifespan then actually have a game to begin with that's worth being hyped over. Gamers have been Stockholm'ed into thinking paying $120 for a full game is justified and okay, instead of expecting the entire game will be given to them at $60 when they buy it. Again, I'm not innocent, but I typically wait until all content has been collected and released in some sort of GotY release or whatever and pay for it all just once as it should be. Sorry, I just had to rant about this. Capcom is one of the worst offenders when it comes to fighting games.


Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2022, 10:12:53 pm »
Wow, Ryu sure is getting thicker with each new game...

Anywho, that logo looks way too generic to be the final product. I mean, I can't be the only one that sees it's a placeholder, right? The Street Fighter logo is just as iconic as the game itself, so Capcom knows better than messing that up; and even if we're to entertain the idea that they'll change the logo this time around, I'm sure they would actually put effort into it instead of nabbing a stock image from the Internet and lazily slapping a six on it. Capcom can be dumb, but not this dumb.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2023, 04:39:47 pm by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!