Author Topic: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)  (Read 2733 times)

This could just be a Street Fighter 6 announcement, but it has potential to be more, simply because Capcom has almost no games announced to be coming out right now.  It's mostly just Monster Hunter Sunbreak and that delayed scifi game of theirs, so there's a chance this could be a "Capcom Direct" as I'm hopeful for Resident Evil news alongside something Street Fighter.

Well it was more than Street Fighter 6, but not much lol Capcom Fighter Collection is pretty dope, a lot of old school fighters brought back with full online play.  A great collection. 

Street Fighter 6 was just a tease, but the visual fidelity looks ridiculous if it is meant to represent what the game will look like.  Going hard on the RE Engine for sure with these sort of visuals and I'm cool with that.  Honestly, I would've liked something that went more anime, like what Alpha was doing, maybe looking more like an ArcSys game, but I definitely like this way more than what SF4 and SF5 were doing.  Can absolutely tell it's the RE Engine too when you see Luke and him smiling before punching at Ryu, because all I see is Devil May Cry with that lol

Logo is awful though lol It's super generic, feels like a sports game logo that you'd get from like EA or Ubisoft.  Probably purely done for eSports reasons, but I'm interested.  Hopefully this has a better launch than SF5, as I tried to get into SF again with that, but it was just such a lacking experience, it killed my interest.  I'm a very casual fan, but I would like to get into it more.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 12:51:47 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2022, 01:14:22 am »
Clearly looks like a product for eSports, though that is obviously, I don't mind the logo but it doesn't have punch at all.

Anyway, the problem is that if the game needs to be online, I am not confident they will take care again for the content for single player, maybe this time the Arcade Mode will be there day one, I guess.

I sold SFV but if they put this game on Xbox I will probably get it because I feel nostalgia for the franchise.

I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2022, 01:21:22 am »
Clearly looks like a product for eSports, though that is obviously, I don't mind the logo but it doesn't have punch at all.

Anyway, the problem is that if the game needs to be online, I am not confident they will take care again for the content for single player, maybe this time the Arcade Mode will be there day one, I guess.

I sold SFV but if they put this game on Xbox I will probably get it because I feel nostalgia for the franchise.

I think it's guaranteed to have singleplayer content, that's what SF is known for, SFV was just this very weird release that I think they know they can't have happen again, because it took them years to turn Street Fighter V around where people were like "Hey, this is a sold game." 

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2022, 02:21:01 am »
Logo is so bad. Looks like DriveClub and Asphalt's logos. I don't care about Street Fighter or really anything from Capcom though.

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2022, 02:41:59 am »
With all the pre-hype with the countdown they should have at least shown some actual gameplay...

As for the game, Eh... I didn't have a good experience with the last game when I bought it at launch, no doubt this will have years of prolonged content via seaon passess (plural there...). The buissness model fighting games are stuck in these days just puts me off.

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2022, 03:13:03 am »
Logo is so bad. Looks like DriveClub and Asphalt's logos. I don't care about Street Fighter or really anything from Capcom though.

THAT'S IT, DriveClub.  For the life of me, I could not remember what this logo reminded me of, I knew it was a car game of some sort, but the only ones I remember didn't match up lol


Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2022, 09:21:30 am »
Not gonna lie was a bit dissapointed that it was basicly a Street fighter 6 announcement felt it would be something bigger.

Than again foolish me expecting multiple games including potentially a revival of death series such as dark stalkers or megaman legends 3
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2022, 10:24:59 am »
I'm very interested in the Capcom Fighter Collection and will be picking that up day 1. I've never actually played a few of those Dark Stalkers games and some of the more obscure Capcom fighters that will be included.

As for Street Fighter 6 even though it was a teaser trailer it didn't really resonate with me at all. I've barely played SF5 since its got so much content since it first came out that I refuse to pay for unless it's all included on disc. I'm so freakin sick of game companies releasing all their characters and stages as "Season Passes" at ridiculous prices in fighting games. It's kind of ruined modern fighting games for me in a way. With most I'll just wait several years for a final version to be made that actually has all the DLC content on disc and then just buy it then, assuming that ever does happen.


Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2022, 10:51:46 am »
I'm very interested in the Capcom Fighter Collection and will be picking that up day 1. I've never actually played a few of those Dark Stalkers games and some of the more obscure Capcom fighters that will be included.

As for Street Fighter 6 even though it was a teaser trailer it didn't really resonate with me at all. I've barely played SF5 since its got so much content since it first came out that I refuse to pay for unless it's all included on disc. I'm so freakin sick of game companies releasing all their characters and stages as "Season Passes" at ridiculous prices in fighting games. It's kind of ruined modern fighting games for me in a way. With most I'll just wait several years for a final version to be made that actually has all the DLC content on disc and then just buy it then, assuming that ever does happen.

problem is that the core fight game audience embraces the season pass mentality.

It brings hype to the game with every new characters announcement it's here to stay unfortunately plus it's also an excuse for them companies to bring out balance patches and such. People love it. dlc has always been lesser value. But pumping out individual or just few characters with smaller teams is also going to be more pricy than developing the full game with more stuff it's less efficient at the end of the day hence the higher prices for dlc/ season passes.

full all dlc included versions happen at some point but by than the activity is down and the core fanbase is already transitioning towards the next entry.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 10:54:46 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2022, 09:06:27 pm »
It's a stock image lol:

That to me makes me think this is a temporary thing and that once Summer comes around, they'll have a proper good logo lol

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2022, 12:03:25 am »
It's a stock image lol:

That to me makes me think this is a temporary thing and that once Summer comes around, they'll have a proper good logo lol
I don't believe it's currently a placeholder but with the backlash they are receiving they may change it and pretend it was. Not often a game's logo of all things receives backlash. That being said the abbreviated version of Mortal Kombat 11's logo was masterful.


Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2022, 06:19:14 am »
I get the logo doesn't look to hot but than again it's just a logo.

Backlash because of a logo that's interesting to say the least  ::)
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2022, 06:46:02 am »
I get the logo doesn't look to hot but than again it's just a logo.

Backlash because of a logo that's interesting to say the least  ::)

Sure, but it's a part of the games style, it can be shorthand representation of the game.  Like you look at this list and SF6 is standing out in the wrong way...

Devoid of style, color, it's actually jarring because of the visuals they showed right before the logo drop.  I think the best thing I've seen people point out about it is "Hey, you got 6 unread messages on your SF app" lol Good chance it'll get changed, whether that was the plan or simply because of feedback, we'll probably never know.  It is a minor thing to complain about for sure, but with a 40 second trailer and no gameplay, there's not much to work with right now beyond "Hey, RE Engine gonna make this game look good" lol


Re: Capcom Countdown (Capcom Fighter Collection and Street Fighter 6 Tease)
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2022, 10:12:49 am »
Looks like the SF6 logo has 6 new messages on their email or social media.