Author Topic: (For Display purposes only)  (Read 1222 times)


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(For Display purposes only)
« on: February 08, 2022, 06:11:43 pm »
Why do we call these "For Display purposes only" and not something more akin to Only on Playstation Edition.

The current name implies it is not playable, and is more a trinket.
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Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: (For Display purposes only)
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2022, 10:53:58 pm »
The descriptors were determined by packaging text the same way that instances of Not for Resale are used. When I titled the Only on PlayStation slipcover releases, I avoided "Only on PlayStation" as the descriptor because that text is used on other releases for these items, like this. I wanted to avoid potential confusion.


Re: (For Display purposes only)
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2022, 09:42:05 am »
The name is fine but that item may be in the wrong category. If the item came with a game, was available separately or is a promotional retailer type thing, the item should be in accessories. It should only have a game entry if the item was sold at retail with that slipcover, or if the game with that slipcover was found inside of some larger box like a limited edition.

The only types of "display box" type things that are allowed to have separate entries in a game category are licensed rental copies, such as the Swedish Mega Drive games.

But it does seem that these were sold this way at UK retailers with the sleeve over a sealed game. You can find a retail picture here:

But the thing is all of the ones on Ebay have the "For Display Purposes Only" and there is no barcode and no actual sealed ones that I can tell. So unless we can determine whether these covers seen on Ebay are not the actual retail covers, then these entries can stay in the game category.


Re: (For Display purposes only)
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2022, 01:40:54 pm »
But the thing is all of the ones on Ebay have the "For Display Purposes Only" and there is no barcode and no actual sealed ones that I can tell. So unless we can determine whether these covers seen on Ebay are not the actual retail covers, then these entries can stay in the game category.

I found an unboxing video that may be able to answer some questions.

It seems that the retail version was packaged in a slipcover with a minimal design and no back cover text, which are also for sale on eBay. Based on the keepcase packaged in the aforementioned unboxing video, it was also available as a standalone item to be purchased. And, it seems that the actual retail release only had a plastic seal over the keepcase and not the slipcover.

From the retail photo you linked, it doesn't seem as if the actual keepcases are sealed. I'm assuming that the "For Display Purposes Only" items housed empty keepcases and only served to provide shoppers information of the product. The back to these items even feature the text ""Back cover not representative of actual product."

Whenever I created the nine entries, it was intended to represent a product including a game. They have yet to be added to anyone's collection, so, if it isn't an issue, I can update the entry names to something like "(slipcover)."


Re: (For Display purposes only)
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2022, 09:13:36 am »
OK then if there are two versions, the ones with "for Display Purposes Only" do indeed appear to be what is on that shelf picture, and the entries we would have for those would be as the sleeves only and would go into accessory category. It is the same thing as other retail display boxes that exist.

Then the other ones, that have the back like in that video, are allowed to have entries in the game category. I think having "Only on PlayStation" is important to exist in the descriptor. Not only was that what they were called during the promotion, but they also have that text on the sleeve. So something like (Only on PlayStation slipcover) would be OK.


Re: (For Display purposes only)
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2022, 11:50:44 am »
I forgot to provide an update, but the entry names for these items have all been updated to (Only on PlayStation slipcover).


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Re: (For Display purposes only)
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2022, 03:18:32 pm »
A good solution for these beautiful releases
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Assassin's Creed: Black Flag