Hello everyone
The emblem only few wear with pride, the badge of badassery that takes an otherwise unassuming piece of mass produced plastic to a realm of 80s lore, 90s nifty, or all around in your face hair band, nosebleeds, feeling like coming off a rollercoaster and saying "again" video game marketing. The Sega Game Console doesn't have the same feeling as say the Sega Megadrive, or the sega dreamcast. One feels like you are buying a kids toy or a plug and play. One feels like you are entering another world of gaming. Like entering the cockpit of a fighter jet. Entire teams put their lives into naming these consoles. What console do you think had the all around most radical name?
Turbografx 16![](https://scontent-bos3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/277284731_1474478423016921_8098961119442800542_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s403x403&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=aee45a&_nc_ohc=73Hbmf0b-A8AX-jlZV-&tn=jjlEhqGSpSZMN3T7&_nc_ht=scontent-bos3-1.xx&oh=03_AVJm6vNzBPqe-h4FSrZ1eG5rh6gq_OmBxe4Sf4eQijazHg&oe=62683F91)
Turbografx with an X? They were so cool they had a prejudice against using the letters I, C and S together when the much cooler and sexier letter X exists. When you hear Turbografx you just think of leather. You think of Jackie Chan. You think of the destination where you mere mortals seek to be but they are never satisfied so a new chase begins. Like gripping that little samson of your dreams just a mere 5 feet from the stadium events that is worth even more. It's the circle of life, it's the wanting to be somewhere so much you forget the enjoy where you are. Mixed with an 89 C4 Corvette, a lost boys VHS and lots of coolness. Turbografx just smells of time travel. It makes it seem like what you are about to experience will change your gaming life forever. And at the time the turbografx had a lot to offer. It's name might be one of the best ever.
Imagine thinking you have drive and someone comes along and tells you that you could have had mega drive? I feel the PAL naming is much better and smoother sounding than genesis. I don't know why they changed the name for American markets when Mega Drive sounds pretty cool. I love the logo. I love the name. One thing Sega did better than almost anyone was make things badass. The whole "genesis does what nintendon't" campaigns with "blast processing" and other phrases that even if they held no merit at all, they were just cool as the other side of the pillow and people gravitated towards that.
Almost as cool as this guy. The power glove. Yet another name that makes the wearer of one feel like Rocky Balboa. They say puberty accelerated among power glove owners. But it was probably radiation.
What is your pick for the most badass console name of all time? Gamecube? Fitting. Which console do you feels just rolls off the tongue perfectly and sounds like your wallet opening?
Thanks for sharing