Author Topic: Previously limited print items given wide retail releases  (Read 3963 times)


Re: Previously limited print items given wide retail releases
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2022, 01:49:18 pm »
Still published by LRG. I've never ordered from LRG before, is it more expensive directly from them?

Yes. As aliensstudios mentioned, the cost for an online purchase is higher based on shipping alone, whereas an in-store purchase cost obviously does not include this fee. As I mentioned in the topic's first post, other companies such as iam8bit do not allow for combined shipping when preordering items either.

While this topic wasn't created to focus on shipping necessarily, this aspect does relate to the problem at hand. With that said, Limited Run is widely known for having terrible shipping service as packages regularly arrive to their final destination in poor condition. For years now, the company has sold what was once a free cardboard shipping box which many buyers have reluctantly had to opt for to protect even the most basic orders. However, now the company has recently begun offering a package protection service to their buyers at another added cost. This service is automatically applied to the checking cart, so users manually have to opt out out of this added service. This all coincides with Limited Run's infamous customer service issues that seldom refunds orders relating to damage or theft, whether in-full or partial.

However, this topic is not singling out Limited Run Games distributing wide retail releases soon after announcing games yet prior to items actually having shipped. Other companies are at fault too, such as Special Reserve Games. A recent issue from buyers concerns the game Demon Throttle which is another item touted as an exclusive limited print. It was recently announced that the item is now to receive an Amazon retail release that includes a download code for another game Gato Roboto. Despite making the early purchase, those who originally reserved Demon Throttle all those months ago were told by Special Reserve Games that the orders through them would not be given this offer, so these early buyers are actually receiving less content than others for the same price. Special Reserve Games did not allow for those dissatisfied to cancel their orders.


Re: Previously limited print items given wide retail releases
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2022, 02:46:39 pm »
Best Buy has been selling LRGames for over a year at least. Are you sure the pre-orders aren't LRG's? I have maybe 10-12 LRG's and I've never ordered from them, just bought them in store at Best Buy.

They currently have a ton of games available for online purchase as well.

Edit: Here are their current LRG pre-orders. All the ones you mentioned are here.

They've been selling to Best Buy for nearly four years actually. I first bouth an LRG game from them back at the beginning of 2019.


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Re: Previously limited print items given wide retail releases
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2022, 11:18:32 am »
Should we start a list, keeping track of them?
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Re: Previously limited print items given wide retail releases
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2022, 11:51:43 am »
Should we start a list, keeping track of them?

I remember making a topic about a similar idea a long time ago,8769.msg148219.html#msg148219
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