Author Topic: What are some incredible older games you remember that people may have missed?  (Read 3093 times)

I remember a PC game called Black & White 2. You played a god basically and it was a real time strategy game, you had a massive animal for a pet (sort of like a Godzilla or Kingkong type deal but more endearing) that was your strongest unit and really made the game unique. For the time it blew my mind.

On original Xbox there was a game called Kung Fu Chaos, it was basically a stylised arena fighter in the vein of smash brothers. There was also a game later called Tom & Jerry War of the Whiskers which was a similar deal.

More recently in the 360 generation there was Sleeping Dogs which is kind of like GTA but in China and the combat is much more fluid, think of like Batman Arkham melee combat. It was an amazing game, one of the best that gen.


A very good game that defenitely flew under the radar of many gamers was the PS1-RPG "Koudelka" by SNK / Sacnoth.
I actually didn't know of it's existence until I started to purchase the "Shadow Hearts"-Titles for PS2, which this Koudelka-Game is a prequel of.
People say it didn't get that lot of recognition back in the day for it being released quite simultaneosly to another - well known - PS1-RPG, which must have been Final Fantasy VII or VIII ...

This title, as well as the also lesser known sequels called "Shadow Hearts" are somewhat like hidden gems. Full fledged JRPGs with a unique creepy design. Enemies you encounter really give you the shivers. Imagine battling against an Blob-like enemy made out of rotten baby-corpses and other heisenbergish creatures that challenge your stomach when looking at them. Another neat feature of Koudelka (and also it's Sequels) is, that it's set in real places like Hong Kong, Praque, Ireland, Germany, etc. and playing in the late 1800s to early 1900s.

So, all in all a very unique, one-of-its-kind RPG, that's hardly comparable to other games in it's time and genre. I truly recommend checking it out, if you like that oldschool, tactical, turn-based RPG-Stuff, like I do.  8)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 04:55:29 am by bizzgeburt »


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Well a few I remember playing a lot are.

1. Zoo Keeper for Ds very simple but addicting puzzle game.
2. Dynasty Tactics 1&2 for ps2 like the title says a good tactics game same play style as Fire Emblem.
3. Extermination ps2 3rd person horror.
4. Gunship ps1 combat flight simulation.
5. Wargames: Defcom 1 ps1 strategy game.
6. Galerians ps1 survival horror with psychic powers instead of guns.
7. Covert ops: Nuclear Dawn ps1 controls like original Resident Evil but with Terrorists instead of zombies.
8. Enchanted Arms Xbox 360,ps3 rpg you can collect over 75 golems with diffrent powers to help in battles like a
    adult version of Pokémon.
9. El Shaddai Xbox360,ps3 action adventure beautiful and unique.
10. Infernal: Hells Vengeance Xbox360,ps3 3rd person shooter.
11.Hands of time Gameboy Color I was shocked how cool this action adventure game is excellent music too.



8. Enchanted Arms Xbox 360,ps3 rpg you can collect over 75 golems with diffrent powers to help in battles like a
    adult version of Pokémon.

I actually own the PS3-Version of this game for a few years now, but never got to play it. That sounds interesting, maybe I should give it a shot  :)

8. Enchanted Arms Xbox 360,ps3 rpg you can collect over 75 golems with diffrent powers to help in battles like a
    adult version of Pokémon.

I actually own the PS3-Version of this game for a few years now, but never got to play it. That sounds interesting, maybe I should give it a shot  :)

I completed it for the 360 ages ago and I would say it's a fun little JRPG with some solid humor to it (the tutorial on how to use a ladder is memorably funny, as is everyone's reaction to why a certain character couldn't be a spy). I will say though that most of the golems become completely outclassed by the human cast as you get through the game. What I found enjoyable was the battle system, as instead of a traditional click and attack style, all characters were on opposite sides of a grid, so you'd have to move your characters around the board to line up attacks and abilities, which all had their own special patterns.


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I really liked finding the different types of golems in this game and there are ultra strong bosses you can try to defeat that have nothing to do with beating the game like side quests. If i remember correctly one was called Omega it was very satisfying when I finally beat him down.

I mentioned in another thread that I have only recently stumbled into PC gaming. While I did play a few here & there years back Here are few that I absolutely love & others that I have gotten that I haven't gotten around to playing yet:

Older PC games I've played & enjoyed:
1. The 7th Guest
2. The Sims ---> creating sims & killing them off in a fiery "accident" was always fun. Then I'd place a tombstone outside the house & move another family in.
3. Allied General
4. Command & Conquer
5. Command & Conquer: Red Alert

Older PC games I am looking forward to playing:
1. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
2. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
3. Dune 2000
4. Emperor: Battle for Dune
5. Quake III: Arena
6. Unreal Tournament GOTY Edition
7. Red Faction

Most of these had a console release & I've played on that. I kind of wish that wish some of the FPS from the late 90's & early 2000's allowed you to play using a controller. Using a mouse to look & using the left analog stick on my controller, is a bit much. I wish I could take the older games & add full controller functionality.

Console wise, there are way too many for me to list. The majority of my favorites would be on the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1, & PS2.


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The first game that comes to mind is Vice Project Doom on NES.
No one ever talks about it, but I think it’s one of the best games on the console. It combines action, driving, and first person shooting in a way Adventures of Bayou Billy only wishes it could, and they’re all actually FUN. Add in the Ninja Gaiden-style cutscenes along with pretty good music, and you have a great yet underappreciated game.

One more: the arcade game Food Fight. A pretty obscure game that has been kind of forgotten, and I believe has only been rereleased once via some defunct online service years ago. I only ever saw and played the actual arcade cabinet once during my childhood. It’s actually a LOT of fun plastering the evil chefs in the face with watermelon or peas, and IMO deserves much more recognition.


The first game that comes to mind is Vice Project Doom on NES.
No one ever talks about it, but I think it’s one of the best games on the console. It combines action, driving, and first person shooting in a way Adventures of Bayou Billy only wishes it could, and they’re all actually FUN. Add in the Ninja Gaiden-style cutscenes along with pretty good music, and you have a great yet underappreciated game.

One more: the arcade game Food Fight. A pretty obscure game that has been kind of forgotten, and I believe has only been rereleased once via some defunct online service years ago. I only ever saw and played the actual arcade cabinet once during my childhood. It’s actually a LOT of fun plastering the evil chefs in the face with watermelon or peas, and IMO deserves much more recognition.

Actually, both games you mentioned here are totally unknown to me. Gotta check those out ... !


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The first game that comes to mind is Vice Project Doom on NES.
No one ever talks about it, but I think it’s one of the best games on the console. It combines action, driving, and first person shooting in a way Adventures of Bayou Billy only wishes it could, and they’re all actually FUN. Add in the Ninja Gaiden-style cutscenes along with pretty good music, and you have a great yet underappreciated game.

One more: the arcade game Food Fight. A pretty obscure game that has been kind of forgotten, and I believe has only been rereleased once via some defunct online service years ago. I only ever saw and played the actual arcade cabinet once during my childhood. It’s actually a LOT of fun plastering the evil chefs in the face with watermelon or peas, and IMO deserves much more recognition.

Actually, both games you mentioned here are totally unknown to me. Gotta check those out ... !
Great, I hope you like them as much as I do  :)

FYI, Vice Project Doom is available for free with a Switch online account.
On the other hand, unfortunately Food Fight is not currently available through any conventional means, so emulation is the only option. Just make sure you play it with an analog stick, a standard d-pad doesn’t do it justice :)


Heavy Gear

Heavy Gear was a mech warrior game like simulator where you could take part in a campaign/story mode or Tour of Duty mode, the Campaign lased 32 missions with various cut-scenes in between with REAL ACTORS and Actresses to play the roles. in Tour of Duty mode it was like a real war was taking place and you needed to pick a side north or south side and fight for your country, by choosing a unit and your missions with a strategy I never figured out how to complete,

I passed over 1500, missions both with cheats and without cheats and never found an end, my theory is you need wait until your side of the planet is conquered to win and if your die too many times during tour of duty you die permanently and lose the war but that never happened to me so it's only a guess, based on 2 cut-scenes found in the movie part of the game called north and south death.

If you used the cheats in the options menu you never get anywhere in tour of duty your can win 100,000,000 missions and still only conquer half the map. to win is unkown to me I spent 1000's of gameplay hours in Tour Of Duty mode in multiple career modes and I never made it past the rank of Colonel or Commandant, I am not even sure if the game is bugged to not ever let anyone progress any father in it, there is a patch but it acts just like a virus or a bug making the game from only seeming impossible to ever beat to completely unplayable

You have squad mates that help you through the campaign but if they die in your current mission and you don't play the mission over again they stay dead forever with nobody to replace them as you continue your quest in your war career and their AI is super dumb also often walking into enemy fire or killing themselves
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Not really that old but I loved Lord of the Rings Conquest (2009) on the Xbox 360. I rarely hear people talk about this one and it never went backwards compatible but it was made by Pandemic Studios who made the original Star Wars Battlefront game and played very similarly to it. I would love a remaster of it or even a new game in the series.

Not really that old but I loved Lord of the Rings Conquest (2009) on the Xbox 360. I rarely hear people talk about this one and it never went backwards compatible but it was made by Pandemic Studios who made the original Star Wars Battlefront game and played very similarly to it. I would love a remaster of it or even a new game in the series.
That's cool. I love the franchise.

I bought 'The Lord of the Rings: War in the North' on Steam and they've since pulled it from the store so no new buyers can obtain it, I guess some licensing problem. So glad I scooped it up beforehand.

N64DD in general.
Colton Kelsey


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N64DD in general.

Really? It barely had a library to speak of, most of which was art studio software.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2022, 02:07:46 pm by burningdoom »