A very good game that defenitely flew under the radar of many gamers was the PS1-RPG "Koudelka" by SNK / Sacnoth.
I actually didn't know of it's existence until I started to purchase the "Shadow Hearts"-Titles for PS2, which this Koudelka-Game is a prequel of.
People say it didn't get that lot of recognition back in the day for it being released quite simultaneosly to another - well known - PS1-RPG, which must have been Final Fantasy VII or VIII ...
This title, as well as the also lesser known sequels called "Shadow Hearts" are somewhat like hidden gems. Full fledged JRPGs with a unique creepy design. Enemies you encounter really give you the shivers. Imagine battling against an Blob-like enemy made out of rotten baby-corpses and other heisenbergish creatures that challenge your stomach when looking at them. Another neat feature of Koudelka (and also it's Sequels) is, that it's set in real places like Hong Kong, Praque, Ireland, Germany, etc. and playing in the late 1800s to early 1900s.
So, all in all a very unique, one-of-its-kind RPG, that's hardly comparable to other games in it's time and genre. I truly recommend checking it out, if you like that oldschool, tactical, turn-based RPG-Stuff, like I do.