Sounds like Mondo Gecko.
No I just looked him up, this lizard I was referring to was a lot more well perverted, he has orange eyes not large red ones, and I think he was one of the villain's or assistant villain's of the main show on the YouTube channel of the the angry Joe show even
he can be seen toward the top right of this video looks totally bad ass in a perverted sort of way to me with all those somewhat adult themed cartoons of the 1990's I saw on Nickelodeon such as Rocko's Modern life in which one episode Rocko's actually had sex and yes this was a kids show, it makes me wonder what something back then aimed at teenagers would have been like.
Pop culture references and cartoons were a lot more perverted to a degree if you know what I mean even an episode of bugs bunny when he got his ass fried I don't remember any more. in fact all cartoon characters where getting their ass fried in episode of the 1990's even Bruto in PopEye
I'm sure nobody noticed but me, did and since this is a stupid question thread I wonder if
has anyone else noticed this?
(edit) and before you judge me no I was never purposely trying to see porn, I didn't go searching for porn however it was place right in front of me in cartoon form ever since I was I think 3 4 and 5 it started?
and I'll admit it's hilarious playing a video game watching a bunch of horney evil lizards get spanked to death that was hilarious I thought as a teen
there is a lot of things
perverted about the entire Duke Nukem Franchise after Duke Nukem II the platformer I want you to know

Starting with Duke Nukem 3D when female strip clubs were introduced but only for a couple of levels, the eite lizards were the worst they would even often even take a shit and throw it at you, and it took 2 or 3 pipebombs that somehow made there way behind them every time to bring them down, you admins can earase this post but Duke Nukem 3D is and was and always will be the best FPS game I ever played with tons of free mods custom levels that came with my copy on Steam no I don't do this anymore but I still find it funny