Author Topic: Random Or Stupid Question's And Answers (About Media In General)  (Read 2892 times)


I thought I could spoof up the off topic section with another interesting thread where we can ask question about old or new TV shows, video games, music or other entertainments.

My question to you all is?

Who was that funny horney looking mutant lizard character in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon that used to air back in the mid 1990's?

when I looked up Lizard Character for that particular show all that came up on the internet was an mutant alligator named Leatherhead but it looked nothing like him in the original show or what I saw when the show was advertised.

The reason why I ask this question is because for one I never actually watched the show, and for two I'm a fan of Duke Nukem 3D who has spent countless hours as a teenager fooling around exploding pipebombs on lizards asses while Duke Nukem kept saying in the game I'm gonna put the smack dab on your ass

As stupid as is sounds

all i know is the lizard always has his mouth open and teeth showing like from what I gather he sounds kind of like a pervert in the show with a raspy lusty voice, does anybody know what the hell I'm talking about?

« Last Edit: October 04, 2022, 12:46:07 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Random Or Stupid Question's And Answers (About Media In General)
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2022, 08:38:44 am »
Sounds like Mondo Gecko.


Re: Random Or Stupid Question's And Answers (About Media In General)
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2022, 03:45:09 pm »
Sounds like Mondo Gecko.

No I just looked him up, this lizard I was referring to was a lot more well perverted, he has orange eyes not large red ones, and I think he was one of the villain's or assistant villain's of the main show on the YouTube channel of the the angry Joe show even

he can be seen toward the top right of this video

he looks totally bad ass in a perverted sort of way to me with all those somewhat adult themed cartoons of the 1990's I saw on Nickelodeon such as Rocko's Modern life in which one episode Rocko's actually had sex and yes this was a kids show, it makes me wonder what something back then aimed at teenagers would have been like.

Pop culture references and cartoons were a lot more perverted to a degree if you know what I mean even an episode of bugs bunny when he got his ass fried I don't remember any more. in fact all cartoon characters where getting their ass fried in episode of the 1990's even Bruto in PopEye

I'm sure nobody noticed but me, did and since this is a stupid question thread I wonder if

has anyone else noticed this?

(edit) and before you judge me no I was never purposely trying to see porn, I didn't go searching for porn however it was place right in front of me in cartoon form ever since I was I think 3 4 and 5 it started?

and I'll admit it's hilarious playing a video game watching a bunch of horney evil lizards get spanked to death that was hilarious I thought as a teen

there is a lot of things perverted about the entire Duke Nukem Franchise after Duke Nukem II the platformer I want you to know :-\

Starting with Duke Nukem 3D when female strip clubs were introduced but only for a couple of levels, the eite lizards were the worst they would even often even take a shit and throw it at you, and it took 2 or 3 pipebombs that somehow made there way behind them every time to bring them down, you admins can earase this post but Duke Nukem 3D is and was and always will be the best FPS game I ever played with tons of free mods custom levels that came with my copy on Steam no I don't do this anymore but I still find it funny
« Last Edit: October 04, 2022, 05:07:13 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Random Or Stupid Question's And Answers (About Media In General)
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2022, 05:54:41 pm »
Oh, that's Leatherhead.


Re: Random Or Stupid Question's And Answers (About Media In General)
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2022, 07:15:43 pm »
Oh, that's Leatherhead.

makes sense :-\

I guess he now appears different on the World wide web now I figured is was with that name and everything, so why did they change his appearance? I thought he looked badass now he looks like a fat mutant Florida Alligator on steroids'

What was his original role in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series? Was he an independent boss? or did he work for Shredder?

in my own opinion if they wanted to make him fit for the movies give him a head and mutated body of an Allosaurus, now that? would make the perfect villain for the movie screen

this is a photo of an Allosaurus dinosaur

here is the best cartoon toy version of him in my own opinion

here is a better more current modern version of him

here is a sample of one of the worst photos of leatherhead in my opinion

« Last Edit: October 04, 2022, 08:14:58 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Random Or Stupid Question's And Answers (About Media In General)
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2022, 08:02:46 am »
The design you are talking about is very similar to his appearance in the OG 1987 cartoon.  He was created by accident along with the Punk Frogs after Shredder and Krang spilled mutagen in the Everglades.  It's the same style that his action figure and most game appearances has.


Re: Random Or Stupid Question's And Answers (About Media In General)
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2022, 02:34:00 am »
 has anybody ever watched a 1980's and 1990's show called Murder, She Wrote? I was reading something about it on Facebook the other day and how it later spawned 2 video games starting with the first game released in 2009 nearly 13 years after the last episode of the last season was ever made. I never was much a fan of the show or anything, but I do know basically what it is about.

It was about a women who works with various private detectives and police, ands helps them solve crimes and cases for an exchange to write about her crime solving adventures. she is basically a rouge private detective who has no official training or official job title and a person who noses into other people private lives in an effort to write about them in various novels, mostly about murder. sometimes she gets on the police's or other detectives nerves because she is so nosy in some episodes, but always manages to be of more help to the police than a pain so they just let her do her own thing and even if that means going through their private paperwork on their desk in their offices.
here is the VG Collect link to this game only 1 person currently has this listed in their collection on this site. According to what I read on Facebook it is a PC Point and Click Adventure game

here is a wiki article if you have no clue as to what I'm talking about,_She_Wrote

Has anyone ever seen at least one episode of this show? I have seen at least 2 full episodes on live television I can remember in my lifetime but I never played either of the 2 PC games
« Last Edit: October 06, 2022, 02:45:15 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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Re: Random Or Stupid Question's And Answers (About Media In General)
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2022, 08:39:21 am »
I'm currently 2 episodes from the end of season 6 (out of 12).  It's a fun enough show.  Very much a product of its time, but it does get a bit repetitive after a while.  I love the theme song and seeing all the guest stars that were on the show before (or sometime after) they were famous.