Author Topic: Controversial opinion on sports cars  (Read 5609 times)

Controversial opinion on sports cars
« on: October 24, 2022, 11:03:41 am »
First off, I'm not some Tesla loving, electric car enthusiast or someone who thinks lifted trucks are the only way to get around. In fact, most of my life I've been a pretty big car enthusiast, not only having owned several sports cars during my life, but also someone whose really enjoyed playing games like Gran Turismo, Need for Speed, and other car racing games too. I also subscribe to a dozen different car related Youtube channels. So what I'm about to say might seem a little strange, but bare with me.

I've recently been going back and forth about what my next big "fun" purchase is going to be seeing how I have the money to do something pretty exciting, or at least buy something I'd enjoy for a long time. I've considered going on a nice vacation next year, buying a pinball machine or two, or buying another sports car. I haven't owned a sports car since 2012 and the craving to have another has definitely been real recently. However, there is something there that wasn't there last time I ended up buying a G35 Coupe that i'm both proud and a little embarrassed to admit. That thing is a practical state of mind.

I don't think many would argue that buying a sports cars isn't almost entirely an emotional decision. They're small, impractical, sometimes unreliable, get bad gas mileage, and cost a lot to insure, but damn are they fun to drive...right? While I've never owned anything ridiculously fast, I have driven stuff that is and one of the things that has always bothered me is knowing how capable the car is (horsepower, 0-60 times, handling, top speed, ect), but how you'll never even come close to being able to tap into it fully on public roads. It's hard to get an open stretch of road where you can actually floor it without worrying about hitting someone or being so far over the speed limit that you're looking at jail time. Or how at least in America our roads are mostly grid-like and straight, so you rarely get a chance to get a feel for how good the car handles. So while many argue that sports cars are "fun" to drive, I'd say they can be, but the sad truth is 99% of the time you're only able to drive it like everyone else unless you're either a wreckless douchebag, want to lose your license, or have a death wish.

If a sports car's potential is so woefully inaccessible in normal, everyday driving, then why the hell do people actually buy them? Again, it seems to go back to that impractical, brain turned off, pure emotional decision. I feel like the following are the real reasons people buy sports cars:

-they want the attention that comes with it
-they love the "idea" of being able to go 200mph even though they'll never even come close to reaching that
-its a status symbol
-they're okay with spirited driving even though they know the car is only being driven at 3/10th of what it's truly capable of
-they enjoy the other sensations of driving a sports car (the noise, being low to the ground, the overall feel of the car)

Of course, people who buy sports cars can argue, "take it to a track" and while this is a valid argument it seems like a huge waste of money to buy something so expensive in order to maybe track it 1 or 2 times a year ,which if we're being honest 99.8% of the people that buy sports cars never track them, ever. And as someone who has tracked before, it is very expensive. Not only is track time expensive, but pushing a car to its limits like that often results in needing new tires way sooner than normal road driving. It's also not uncommon to need to change break pads out after a track day, as well as some post track day maintenance. Given all that, it's easy to see why few people do it or at least truly understand what all goes into tracking a sports car. Oh, and hopefully you live near a track since most people do not, at least one that's open to the public.

So with all that said, I am left to conclude that buying a sports car is likely one of the biggest wastes of money one can possibly have. About the closest you can get to justifying the purchase of a sports car is buying one that actually has real world usability like a Toyota GR86 or Miata, where the car is cheaper, not overpowered, capable when you need it to be, and gives you the sensation of speed even if you're not going fast. But still, given how impractical they still are makes it hard to grant them any sort of exemption. I still love and appreciate sports cars from an aesthetics and engineering standpoint, but owning one just comes across as being a fairly stupid, impulsive idea that is probably best avoided, unless you simply don't care about any of what I just wrote.

But for any car enthusiasts on VGcollect, what are your thoughts? Do you have a different perspective on sports car ownership, or do you agree or disagree with me on the subject? I'd be interested to see how others feel about this.


Re: Controversial opinion on sports cars
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2022, 11:59:07 am »
I think that those who own them, it's just to say that they have a "sport" car and show off...

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


Re: Controversial opinion on sports cars
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2022, 10:24:03 am »
So from what you listed, here's where I'm at for the reasons of wanting one:

-they love the "idea" of being able to go 200mph even though they'll never even come close to reaching that
-they're okay with spirited driving even though they know the car is only being driven at 3/10th of what it's truly capable of
-they enjoy the other sensations of driving a sports car (the noise, being low to the ground, the overall feel of the car)

If there's something I've learned over the course of my life it's that other's opinions of you means absolutely jack outside of your personal social circle. That means the only people's opinions you should be concerned with are family and close friends.

The short of it... buy the car because you'll enjoy the car. Not because some randoms IRL will think you're "cool". Especially in today's world, they're more likely to key your car than drool over it.

There have been really two cars that I've wanted since I was a kid and oddly, they're both from Dodge:

2017 Dodge Viper ACR in Competition Blue:

The Viper became my favorite car thanks in large part to being a 90's kid and getting to "drive" these in the early Need for Speed games. I'd have been happy with any Viper but the 2017 ACR was top tier for me. No way I could actually own one though. I don't have the money for the maintenance alone. Dodge made the ridiculous decision to have the tires a custom size and they're severely overpriced and necessary. Morons.

A bit more realistic for me is my runner up...

Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat:

A great looking car with the muscle to accelerate how I would want it too. Just driving one of these on an open winding road would be a blast.

All that said, I think our conclusion is the same. These cars would be great, but without real world usability it's a waste of money and time.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2022, 12:26:14 pm by telekill »

Re: Controversial opinion on sports cars
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2022, 04:40:01 pm »
I feel sports car enthusiasts would say it's impractical and foolish to spend 5000 on the graded lil samson which is essentially cardboard and cellophane with a very niche market or a 40 year old arcade cabinet that will only get played maybe twice a month and the other luxuries we enjoy on here. I personally don't think of any hobby as a bad decision so long as it hits 3 key factors. At least in my personal preference. I feel a lot of gamers have gotten the "you could have bought a car" when people look at the collections. Showing most people value cars over games or think it's a more worthwile purchase. But we all have our bag of chips.  The 3 things I go by.

1. It makes you happy.  ROHI  Return on happiness investment is not formulated into business portfolios but really is a deciding factor in life. after the essential bills are paid. the rest should be spent causing happiness both in yourself and in others. Not everything has to be practical if it's down right fun. And what you can do to make the world happy is about a humans only worth. Especially if they are able to be sold by surviving family at a later date and pay for their way of life. It recycles your legacy.

2. It has the potential to grow in value - Most sport cars, like Jay Leno's garage for example have a potential to increase in value. In 2008 the C4 corvettes were so cheap you could get one for like 3 to 4 grand. Now? collectible from a age people so desperately sought after. They can bring as much as 25k in good condition. So they really can be investments. You almost never get what you put it but you can still look at them as any other type of property investment.


3. If it doesn't grow in value, and refrains from making you happy anymore. It can be given to your kids or wife and make them infinitely happy -  If all else fails. Is it universally cool enough that it's coolness is that of Lost boys vhs tapes, stinky leather and the calculator watch? If so it can never be a bad investment.

I feel their are much worst avenues to sink money into. Like sneakers.  Sneaker heads will think nothing of sinking 5000 into an often faked pair of NEW sneakers that are prone to sink in value and NEVER wear them. Sometimes it just wracks my brain the point of being a sneakerhead. At least car guys roll down Santa Monica with the top down. Game collectors throw contra in every now and again. But some of these sneakers haven't been worn since the 90s.  They are sneakers.  So I rather be the sports car guy than a sneaker head that skips over puddles in things meant to prevent your feet from touching puddles.

But if all else convincing that sports cars are sometimes a necessary purchase fails.

The Final Evidence

Just look at her. Touch mere mortal eyes to her glory. The white hurrucan convertible.

But to your point I do feel in todays technologies.  Sports cars are becoming less and less needed and more and more silly. Mostly because the average family sedan has sports car performance at half the price. Some entry level teslas have corvette speed.  And even a car like a newer Honda Civic Type R which is a family car with family safety features, ergonomics that can be daily driven will peel the paint of the old Miatas you mentioned.

Idk if I have a horse in this race. But it is an interesting cernundum. 


PRO Supporter

Re: Controversial opinion on sports cars
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2022, 12:45:59 am »
In my situation, it was never about showing off because there simply was no one to "show off" to anyways since I lived in a remote location. The nearest racetrack was almost 1000 km away, so country roads is where I would drive my cars and my motorbike. The hills, turns and straights meant that owning a sports car made a lot of sense. But last august I moved to the Philippines, so I had to sell all of my vehicles before coming here. I'm looking into buying a car and a motorbike but I'm waiting for my income to be a little better since it is very unstable at the moment due to the drastic change in location. I really miss driving everyday, it almost making me insane, but I don't really have a choice for now. I had my motorbike since I was 16, and I sold it to my sister before leaving. I sold my modded 2011 Ford CVPI before leaving and I had also sold my Tuscani GTV6 sometime before. I'm currently looking into Lancer Boxtypes or maybe a Mitsubishi Celeste. This is because we never got those cars in my country and they're old (Celeste is from the 70s and Boxtype from the 80s), which is a very different experience than what I've driven so far. I'm still in my early 20s anyways so I can't afford to go too high-end.
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


Re: Controversial opinion on sports cars
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2022, 07:11:02 pm »
Not an enthusiast. Just an observer. I think most people view cars whether they're sports or otherwise, as status symbols. People in America spend ridiculously on vehicles and they are often very large, and very overpriced. How many of those Jeep Wagoneer things have you seen on the roads already? They're both huge and really expensive, and yet manage to look like 90% of everything else on the road. I thought Jeep people were about practicality and individualism? Oh, well.

I bought a car a couple of years ago, and have had some second thoughts like "gee, I should've just took out a bigger loan and bought something way more expensive and sportier." That's just my mind, wishing that I had some greater status symbol to drive around in. Not worth it. My car is paid off now and I like it, it's fine. Even though it's technically just an economy car (one of the smartest choices you can make), that still didn't stop me from wasting a big chunk of change to buy some aftermarket wheels in order to ritz it up a bit. Because you know... status I guess? Maybe I'm not the most wealthy car owner out there, but I still have taste, you know? I specifically sought out a car in metallic rusty orange, because I like to be the one bold enough to buck the trendy commute of black, white and silver drudgery... and I guess it pays off, I get compliments on my car regularly I guess just because it doesn't look like most other cars. That's good enough for me.

Cars all basically do the same thing. You might need one capable of hauling or more cargo, but if you don't, they're essentially all the same. It's always a matter of how much do you need to spend to satisfy your own ego. Fortunately for me, I think I'm good for a while. Not foreseeing any departure from the economy class of vehicles in the future, either.


Re: Controversial opinion on sports cars
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2023, 06:45:14 pm »
Given that I was born and raised someone who had a nice sports car, I may be a little biased. With that being said I'd like to offer up my perspective.

Throughout my life I watched my father's Supra get worked on, DINO'd, jacked up, down, and just about every position that car could be in.

It was fast, but it was clean. It was not a riced out POS. It was a White '95 MKIV Turbo and it was a piece of art. The paint job was incredible. It reflected the sunlight in a brilliant manner that still shines in my mind's eye all these years later. I wouldn't be surprised clay bar on it. For those interested in some of the specs it was 612HP at the wheels, twin-turbo, methanol injection, whole nine yards. Not the most horsepower but sure as hell smoked a Viper.

Point is, this was more of a project and admittedly piece of art than anything else. Yes, he certainly knew how to use the machine and its capabilities to the fullest. However, it was still an artistic beauty. Combine the aforementioned paint with someone who couldn't stand a crumb in his car and you have something that is at least worth looking at, never mind the fun it could offer.

I do think the point of when you can actually use the horsepower is legitimate. Admittedly it is increasingly difficult to even hit the speed limit nowadays. With that being said, growing up near the urban growth boundary and him working on the other side it allowed for some fantastic pulls. While not everyone has the opportunity to, in my area it was certainly and still is possible to use that kind of power. This is also ignoring the fact that there's a very popular raceway not TOO far from the general area.

Don't get me wrong, I understand people in L.A. or New York aren't going to be making any pulls anytime soon, but from a owning/collecting/modding perspective it's a fun project. For us it's clearly the obvious at least to a certain point. For others it may be sports, reading or painting. Simultaneously, I'm not trying to defend the Honda Civics at 3AM that lack a muffler. Those people are admittedly obnoxious.

I think it's worth mentioning the flip side of this, in that it is admittedly ridiculous to spend $773+ ( as of this posting) on LSD Dream Emulator. Cherry picked example, but we're all buying disc rot...

TLDR; It's a hobby, just an expensive and gas consuming one. Not everyone has the circumstances to not bother people and make fast pulls but for those who can, the adrenaline rush is crazy!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 06:47:41 pm by kypherion »

Re: Controversial opinion on sports cars
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2024, 09:01:50 am »
Man, I've owned a sports car for a long time. And let me tell you, it's very difficult and expensive to maintain. So I had to sell it.

Re: Controversial opinion on sports cars
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2024, 08:07:35 am »
I once owned a lamborghini and it's very expensive, but if you like sports cars you can maintain it. It was something new for me because I had never had such cars before and as soon as I earned money, I bought it immediately and it was an unforgettable experience.