Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!  (Read 53226 times)


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #150 on: May 06, 2023, 09:12:04 pm »
13. Grow Comeback || Browser || 05.05.23

Many years ago in the mid-2000s, I came across the website Eyezmaze, a page for a Japanese indie developer to post their small Flash puzzle games. Oddly enough throughout the years, I would think back to these games and would periodically check in to see if anything new had been made. Over two decades, many of these small experiences have been made. I found myself revisiting Eyezmaze again but actually decided to play some of the titles new to me, which brings me to Grow Comeback.

As part of the Grow series, the games follow all follow a formulaic design. In short, the player is presented with a number of panels that correlate to an item which spawns and evolves as turns progress. In each game, there is some goal to accomplish, but the best ending is only achieved when all items have been fully leveled up which requires selecting them in the one correct order. By design, it is a simple gameplay loop of trial-and-error attempts. In some wrong scenarios, items respond differently to another or to the possible player-character, so being able to view all the differences is a small but fun component to the puzzle challenge. While there is one true ending, there are often several bad endings and sometimes a secret ending, so there all of the aspects mentioned do allow for some minor replayability even once solving the puzzle as designed.

All this said, Comeback is no different than its predecessors beyond its presentation and puzzle narrative. In Comeback, the player assumes the role of an individual in the face of a monster. In order to overcome the obstacle, players ultimately evolve into a hero encouraged by supporters while also being given a sword and armor. Comeback only presents 6 selectable panels, so it is one of the shorter Grow titles. It is a game of about 15 minutes at most, which required 3 or 4 attempts for my playthrough.

14. Grow Recovery || Browser || 05.05.23

Following the aforementioned formula I described above, Grow Recovery presents a biographic representation of the developer's experience with illness. Seeking to recover, items such as bedding, medicine, and familial support are available. Again, evolving each of the components is required to fully beat the game. Overall, I enjoyed seeing the progression of how items changed, such how the simple natural, earthly medication ultimately transformed into a doctor administering a giant syringe.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 11:12:15 am by dhaabi »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #151 on: May 09, 2023, 10:11:09 pm »
13 - Super Kiwi 64 (PC 2022) - BEAT - I have a lot of love for the N64 era of 3D platformers, so I've been kinda looking for games that are throwbacks to that era, especially if they have the low poly art style and this game was one! It's very short, I beat it in less than an hour, but it's also only 3 bucks.  It's very charming and simple, but what I think it nails best with the aesthetics, is the movement, it's so smooth to get around, and that is so important with these kinds of games.  Honestly the simplicity of the game almost feels like early PS1 type 3D stuff, a Jumping Flash, it doesn't really have the depth of a lot of the 3D platformers, but again...3 bucks lol Lovely game though, super charming.

14 - Lunistice (PC 2022) - BEAT - Another low poly throwback platformer, this one feeling abit more in line with like a Nights into Dreams/Sonic/Crash Bandicoot.  The art style in this one is pretty great, some pretty fun level design, definitely more going on it terms of platforming challenge and such.  I didn't get the true ending which requires getting specific stuff on every level and I'm not as keen on replaying each level multiple times to get it, not that I think it's crazy hard, I was just satisfied with what I did.  It's also a very affordable game as it is decently short, but a recommend for sure.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2023, 04:12:47 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #152 on: May 11, 2023, 07:26:43 pm »
15. Diet || Browser || 05.06.23

While many of the Eyezmaze games are in some way a part of the collection of Grow series, Diet is not. While this was released in 2018, it was new to me as someone who's known about the site for nearly two decades, so I was looking forward to playing it.

Unlike a lot of the other Eyezmaze puzzle games which generally have little active player input, Diet requires the player to be very involved. As a top-down dungeon explorer, the game is set up with five floors which the player must navigate as a absurdly large character beginning at 9,999,999kg with an enormous cube body. With each floor set up as a 3x3 grid, entrances and exits are only accessible as the player reaches a certain size. Quite common, buttons and collectibles are hidden in plain view and only noticeable once the next tier of weight has been lost. At times, the player will even need to re-gain weight which is possible in one specific room, although this is generally only required toward the end of a playthrough.

Despite playing, I am not sure what the exact goal is, as the game ends abruptly. In the final moments, your character's figure (or lack of) is just as absurd as it was at the game's beginning, with the final end weight  being +/-∞. Once 0kg was first met, I was pleasantly amused because I obviously did not think that was possible. Even compared to the start weight, 100kg looks funny. At 0kg, you are essentially air, with each tier elevating to more all-encompassing such as sky, stratosphere, solar system, and finally, the Milky Way.

Overall, I was pleased with Diet, as most of the other puzzle games are more static with only one screen instead of more exploratory-based.

16. Neighbours || Browser || 05.06.23

While I'm sure there are plenty of other puzzle games similar to Neighbours, I believe it is the only one of its kind I've actually ever played. That said, I have played through Neighbours a number of times before years ago, but it is always a fun little game to spend a few minutes with.

In brief, the player is presented with a 3x3 grid of holes which are homes to nine peaceful creatures. However, many of these creatures will quickly turn to anger once set beside a neighbor they don't like. So, the objective is to place all nine creatures next to others they do like. There is little else to be said of the objective itself, as it is very simple. There is no time limit or turn-count score to beat, although one could try to finish the game on their own with those criteria. I do believe the game is randomized each playthrough, so just memorizing one successful playthrough's order will not be helpful in subsequent playthroughs. While Neighbours is simple, it's a game I have fond memories of.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 11:12:26 am by dhaabi »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #153 on: May 12, 2023, 07:54:28 pm »
35. Virtue's Last Reward - platinum'd

Sometimes, I like to replay a game to see certain parts again, maybe get a few easy trophies and a platinum if it's on a modern Sony console, or a little bit of both. I found a copy of Virtue's Last Reward on Vita and thought I would be able to do just that. I figured, "Hey, it's mostly a VN. I can skip through most of the fluff and get to good stuff." Not so much. It turns out I can't skip text unless it's already been viewed once. And my god, I forgot how slow this game moved. It's also not fun to mess with on Vita since the touch screen ain't great. The puzzles themselves were still fun, but everything else? Man, this game is like a person so up their own you-know-what that they can't be bothered by anything. They just love to tell the same story over and over, by with different word choices. It's weird how a replay can alter your perception of a game.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #154 on: May 12, 2023, 09:48:09 pm »
17. Knights and Bikes || PlayStation 4 || 05.08.23

When the announcement trailer for Knights and Bikes released, I remember being instantly captivated and hopeful for the project. Beginning as a Kickstarter campaign, Knights and Bikes was even a project I helped fund. Many years later (even after owning it for a number of years), I finally took the time to play it.

Upon the game's beginning, players meet the game's two young protagonists, Demelza (~6-7 years old) and Nessa (~8-9), who are introduced to one another shortly into the narrative in the rural island town of Penfurzy in the 1980s. Demelza is loud, imaginative, and adventurous, but at the same time is going through a rough time in life. Still mourning the recent loss of her mother, she struggles with loneliness due to being taken out of school and anger from the reality that her mother has died. Now, her father is financially insecure in securing their family-run golf course and caravan park, which too affects Demelza. On the other hand, Nessa is free-spirited and rebellious yet sensitive and reserved and has just arrived alone to Penfurzy with the implication being that she's run away from home on the mainland.

Learning of her family's pending eviction without fully understanding the full gravity of it, Demelza does what she can to discover the island's rumored lost treasure with Nessa's encouragement. But, soon into their journey, they become aware of the island's supposed curse, which relates to enemies the pair face. Throughout my entire playthrough, I found some aspects challenging to distinguish what is imagination and what is not, as there are a lot of fantastical happenings regarding the island's history taking place. With that said, I think it is largely up to player interpretation to decide just how much is real, which is welcoming. On their quest, the pair bike all across Penfurzy with childlike wonder and adventure. I found Knights and Bikes to be outstanding in demonstrating a child's imagination and letting it dictate the world being presented through their own experiences.

As kids, Demelza and Nessa clearly do not have much life experience or the adult means to solve problems. They don't have cars, so they freely bike across the island. They're without money, so they resort to collecting all sorts of trinkets and junk such as bottle caps, toys, and dead bugs as their means to upgrade their bikes at the bike shop. They don't always know all the facts, so they piece together how events could have happened in the most outlandish ways that certainly weren't true but answer the question well enough. Running around, they make noises as if they're an airplane flying high while also imitating a noisy engine as they bike long distances. When danger appears, some of their weapons of choice include Demelza's trusty rain boots splashing puddles or Nessa's roaring boombox. If hurt in battle, an energetic high-five replenishes health if band-aids are stocked. While there is a clear objective, it's not unusual for the pair to become momentarily sidetracked as they will occasionally contest with another through races, play-fights, and quick reaction times. I found the last detail particularly successful, as I realized after playing how that sort of behavior is so typical of a group of children and was replicated so perfectly.

With combat having been mentioned, that is the other main component to gameplay alongside general exploration. Generally, combat is simple and forgiving, although it may feel as if too much is on the screen during some sequences. With an arsenal of makeshift weapons, the pair will fight a modest cast of enemies such as a floating ball of cursed magnets or flaming foam swords. Each of the three characters will eventually acquire three weapons each. For some weapons, the other character can interact with them to be more successful in battle, such as Demelza being able to repeatedly kick Nessa's flying disc. As I mentioned before, health is regained by stopping to high-five another, which is an exemplary way to display a moment of connection between the two which is amplified when playing in co-op. On that note, the entire game can be played as a one- or two-player experience. The game was designed with two players in mind, from combat to narrative, so I would encourage finding a partner to join in, if possible. Nevertheless, if playing on one's own is preferred or the only means, it can surely be done so too. If playing alone, AI controls one character, with the player being freely able to switch back-and-forth. As far as combat, AI is focused on what needs to be done. Outside of combat, AI is also reliable in being able to help solve the numerous environment puzzles players will come across.

Typical of games, it was Knights and Bikes's painted art style which captured my immediate attention. In both character models and portraits, characters are exceptionally expressive. Demelza's emotions in particular are so polarizing, as she will go from one extreme to another in the same breath, which is fitting for someone so young as they're learning to control their emotions. At the same time, Penfurzy's locales are vibrantly colorful and stylized so well with all the right small details of a rural area.

Of course, Knights and Bikes is not a perfect game, but its issues are minor. Coincidentally, even, the glitches I encountered were only experienced after I finished playing and had re-visited some segments through chapter select. That being said, glitches were all solvable with re-loading which shouldn't be an issue as the auto-save feature is frequent. Apart from glitches, my only complaint was that the camera is not often optimized for venturing behind some environmental structures or in far corners of the map. But again, these were all lesser problems.

Having finally played a game I fund seven years ago, I'm quite pleased with everything I was promised. When originally backing the project, co-op play was not on mind, so I was greatly pleased with how fun Knights and Bikes is as a two-player experience. Toward the end of the game, there is a one-off line from Demelza that I think perfectly encapsulates what the game is all about: "But that's just adults, they're forgotten how to explore. They just sit in their cars and make tea." And she's right, adulthood is often nothing like how freeing being a kid is like. Overall, I'm glad to have experienced this great coming-of-age story full of exploration and adventure.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 11:12:33 am by dhaabi »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #155 on: May 14, 2023, 10:19:33 pm »
5. Storyteller (Switch)- I was really intrigued when I first heard of this game. It is a puzzle game where you are also telling a story. It is simple, but complex at the same time. Also, the puzzles will work your brain, but not to the point where you get frustrated. I enjoyed it. My only complaint was that it is a little on the short side.
Currently Playing: Game & Wario


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #156 on: May 15, 2023, 10:11:49 pm »
6. The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me (PS4)- This version of the game is very buggy and glitchy. There are even very strange audio glitches I ran into. I still like the game, but this version is not a good version to play.
Currently Playing: Game & Wario



Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #157 on: May 16, 2023, 10:25:08 am »
12. Rage
FPS I basically knew nothing about. It is a product of its time I guess. Not what I would expect from an ID title. Has far too many gimmicks involved but fortunately it doesn't force you into using them, or the ones that it does are not an issue. The game follows the basic method of using tutorial moments when something is introduced before it just becomes a normal thing to do. But this continues well past the half-way part of the game and makes it feel like the game will be longer than it is.

Story: The story I don't understand at all. The beginning cutscene makes it seem like you are sent off into space to colonize other worlds, but the video shows a meteor hitting a planet. It doesn't say what planet it is, nor is the video clear enough to know (aka does it look like Earth or not). So I start the game thinking that my Ark pod is inside of the meteor. And the starting location, your Ark is located in an area that it looks like it hit. But it turns out this is entirely wrong. The meteor is something else entirely. Your ark is just on the planet this whole time but you were asleep for a really long time and just woke up. The starting area looks the way it does because of decay, not because your Ark hit it. The meteor breaks up and leaves some new element all over the place and funnily enough, this actually has little to do with the rest of the story. It starts with first helping the people that found you, and their friends. And then there is a resistance you do 2 things for, then you have to get the Mayor of Subway town to like you, but when you do the actual thing he wants you to do, you won't see him anymore. Then you suddenly have to go kill the Authority and no real reasons are given for this. They are written as some oppressive government but they don't seem to do anything against anyone (only the bandits do) and you have to go fight them just because. And guess what, the planet IS Earth after all. And you "defeat" the Authority by uploading some data and the game is over. The story is completely terrible, written worse than some B movies if you ask me.

For gameplay, it is an FPS but there are some driving elements. Driving is bad in the sense that it had to be done with the keyboard. In fact, it didn't support multiple input methods, you if you wanted to use KBM you couldn't use controller. It saw the controller and had keybinds for it, but it never worked. Driving was easy enough and you can actually win all of the races without using boost. Shooting in the car is auto-aim/homing so this makes up for no manual aiming control, but also there is no free-look when in car.

The shooting is not good. Even on easy and with good weapons, the enemies have too many hitpoints. There is location damage but unless you are at range this doesn't matter. Some enemies require multiple headshots to kill even with the sniper rifle. There is no such thing as a one hit kill with any armored enemy. Despite you can knock off their armor, their armor rating extends to un-armored portions. There is a lot of close-quarters enemy swarms that take place and it can be really intense. But it is not ideal when it takes 3 shots to take down an enemy and you have to manage not only that and reloads. During swarm sections, you can't use cover effectively for reload or heal. You can kite in some areas, but in others the game will set up barriers that you can't get past until you kill the amount of scripted enemies.

The game is also set up with all the extra gimmicks inside, like mini-games or collecting things. And there is a card game that is inside which was OK but fairly simple. The game has a false end like Fallout 3, so you can't play once you hit it. That was solved in DLC apparently.

The game has two different input methods baked into the game. One is during rendered gameplay and the other is in menus. And unfortunately, there is no options to set different speeds for each. What works on gameplay is going to cause really messed up menu usage. From what I can tell, it uses raw mouse input during gameplay. Being an older game, it appears to be based on standard DPI of years ago, so you need low DPI at start and set mouse sensitivity very low in order for normal look speeds. The issue comes in modern mice and higher (low) DPI, where gameplay is fine but the menus are messed up. The menu input doesn't use raw mouse for controlling the cursor. It uses screen segments (size of which depends on mouse sensitivity setting) that has the cursor jump between to make the cursor move. Basically it is actually still using the controller input for controlling the cursor. Setting the sensitivity too low makes it so the cursor takes a long time to move between large segments (cursor is slow or not moving), setting it "too high" (like 20%) makes it zoom all over the screen. There is no good middleground.

The audio is good but some issues. Music volume option is only for in-game and not for rendered or video cutscenes. Environmental audio is terrible as while it supports Surround, it plays the sounds in the wrong place. All enemies telegraph their presense or attack through audio and this works good. Subtitle option can be a mess in towns because it also shows subtitles for whatever is coming across the town's loudspeaker in addition to what an NPC is telling you. They are different colors but they should have made it so loudspeaker subtitles don't appear when talking to NPC.

It was an OK game, but really disjointed in story, missiong and audio. The graphics aren't that great except for the Authority level at the end. If I ever get the DLC and can play past the end, I'll give it another shot.


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #158 on: May 16, 2023, 06:40:54 pm »
18. Blasphemous (Wounds of Eventide DLC)

Without a doubt, in my top 5 Metroidvanias ever. Maybe top 3.

Didn’t start out that way. When I bought it a couple years ago, I loved the graphical style, music, and atmosphere, but it was just a little unpolished and had some frustrating enemy placement, so I quit for a few months. Then I heard some things like that had been patched, so one day I tried it again….and didn’t stop for days. In a rarity for me, when I finished it I immediately started a NG+. Got good enough to decimate the bosses, but I’m out of practice now.

Didn’t get around to the DLC until recently due to my huge backlog. The developer has really done an amazing job providing free updates that add so much, and now the game has a new final boss and new true ending. It does have a couple of small issues; jumping onto ladders is very finicky and more than once I fell to my death because the Penitent One just wouldn’t grab it, and twice I encountered bugs during boss fights (had to defeat the new final boss twice because of a bug). But overall it’s an exceptional game with a surprising amount of story depth if you take the time to look for it. Everyone talks about Hollow Knight, but IMO this game tops it in every way.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2023, 06:43:51 pm by undertakerprime »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #159 on: May 19, 2023, 09:45:43 am »
13. Mortal Kombat 11

This is probably the best looking game, graphics wise, that I may have ever played. The sound volume was a bit low but I think this is a bad mix by the software when choosing the surround audio option.

Also this is the first game I was able to play using the fightstick I had recently purchased. Technically I did verify it worked in Arcana Hearts 3, initially I had some difficulty in getting Windows to get the driver installed but I had to manually specify an Xbox 360 controller driver and it was ok. Did the fightstick make a difference for this game? I may never know since I did not play it with a controller first. One thing that was weird (and seems to not be limited to the Japanese versions) is that the L/R trigger and buttons are reversed.

Another thing is the continuing evidence that my playstyles are changing over the years and I am perhaps slowing a bit in my years. First going through the tutorials, I ended up with some difficulty getting timing to work. Even after getting a hang of where the buttons are. Having come up with PlayStation controllers, I still think I do not have a good feel for where the buttons (even the colors) are on Xbox controllers. So that is one issue I have. I did eventually figure out the basic tutorial, then I tried going to advanced and hit a wall. I get to a point where I just cannot grasp the button combinations and/or timing. I am never going to remember all of those combos, it isn't like the old days when I could play a fighting game day after day. I don't even play video games for consecutive days as it is. I have no inclination to ever play online and didn't play it because I had friends that wanted to play. Even when I did the story mode, I did try using some of the things I learned in the tutorials but it was hit and miss and I know I won't be putting in the time to really get to know the game.

The story mode was pretty cool, but there were times I could really imagine hearing the music from the movies. Too bad they couldn't get any of that in there, or even some approximations. They could save money on licensing Joker, Robocop and Terminator for DLC to get some Immortals or George S. Clinton music into these games.  Story mode is neat and also too bad that the second chapter is DLC that I don't have. I like the idea of the other modes but I didn't try it. The fact that you get items as rewards for use in the Konquest mode makes me wonder if it is like Weapon Master from SoulCalibur II.

I hope to try out other modes in the future, and hope to do so before i have to remove the game due to how much disk space it takes up.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #160 on: May 23, 2023, 04:04:57 am »
15 - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Switch 2023) - BEAT - While I still have plenty of side stuff to do and finish in the game, I decided I just wanted to push through the story and see the ending as I'd gotten it right up to where I'm supposed to go and fight Ganondorf. I'm gonna absolutely keep playing for awhile for sure, so I might have to stew abit on how I place this game next to Breath of the Wild.  It's overall a better experience I feel, but it lacks in a few spots at the same time.

The good of the game is all the unique new stuff they added.  The new powers I think are overall a more useful and fun thing to do, building vehicles on the fly or constructing interesting methods of traversal to find workarounds.  The sky world is a neat addition and the overall vertical expansion of the map is great.  I want to say the Depths are also a worthwhile addition, but it's a mixed bag.  It's too big, too tedious, and while there are good and unique things in it and the vibe of it is amazing, it's something they should've chopped down quite abit.  The weapon fusion aspect is okay too, it's more interesting with some of the more gimmicky aspects of it, but the gimmicky stuff isn't really useful I felt, especially if you want to do decent damage.

There are more classic feeling dungeons, but I don't love them.  Not that they are bad at all, I enjoyed them, but they are kinda basic feeling at times.  We get more dungeon boss variety, but they are also very easy.  Blight Ganon's from the previous game were really challenging, but boring, so it's like a weird tradeoff lol There's kind of a number of things I would've liked to see tweaked or adjusted, like we don't need 150 shrines, we don't need 120 Light Roots, Korok Seeds are something I will once again never complete, especially being that the reward still sucks, stuff like this could've been made to be less grindy.

In the end, I do love the game, I'm gonna play it more and have 100+ hours into it, but I think after two big games like this, getting the open world experience I've generally wanted from the series, I'm cool with going back to a somewhat smaller scale Zelda experience like before.  I mean it can still be open world to a good degree, but cut the world map down a good half or more, bring back regular weapons and items, try to find a mixture of the classic and new Zelda to make a cool unique experience.  I'm not sure where TOTK will place for me rank wise, it's likely to go alongside BOTW near the top, but I'm not sure yet.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #161 on: May 24, 2023, 10:52:17 am »
36. Little Witch Nobeta

Souls-like games are a dime a dozen nowadays, but this one is somewhat unique and in that it's a lot more forgiving, the narrative isn't vague, and the leading character is downright adorable. Watching Nobeta go through so much crap from start to end made the gameplay struggles worth it. The biggest struggle was that around the halfway point, you're in this endless maze/corridor that is blacker than pitch and just unfun to navigate. I'll talk more about it when I write a review but that's around the point all of its holes started showing. Thankfully, the game is short. Definitely a surprising game that I'm glad I picked up on a whim.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #162 on: May 26, 2023, 06:33:28 pm »
18. Frobisher Says! || PlayStation Vita || 05.22.23

Looking for some short handheld experiences to play, I came across Frobisher Says! which caught my attention as a free downloadable title. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect in terms of its own qualities, but I was aware that it had been likened to games like WarioWare for its series of mini-games.

Released for free shortly after the PlayStation Vita's release, Frobisher Says! is a compilation of randomized, fast-paced action game segments. To my welcomed surprise, Frobisher Says! employs optimal use of all of the Vita's unique tools including touch screen, back touch panel, microphone, camera, and AR capabilities alongside standard joystick and button use. Over the course of my time playing, I found that all of these tools function well and are integrated successfully, with one mini-game generally focusing on one aspect at a time.

With playthroughs being randomized, my experience was enjoyable. Some segments randomize the placement of on-screen items to interact with which helps prevent repetition. With that said, not all games are randomized, and I'm of the opinion that some may have been higher quality if taking such approach. There are two different play styles: fixed length and sudden death. The former has the player go through one single playthrough with a predetermined number of challenges as they aim to achieve a high score based on reaction time, whereas the latter is trial of challenges that only ends if the player fails. Additionally, up to eight players can compete against another locally by passing the Vita around. The multiplayer mode sounds like it'd be fun for a few rounds, but my time playing was exclusive to single-player play.

There are a total of 68 mini-games, but I only unlocked half. I'm not sure if there are hidden in-game achievements needing to be accomplished to unlock missing ones or if they're unlocked by total mini-games completed which the game does track. While I did unlock a number of games, I wasn't bothered to play an extended amount of time playing solo, so about half weren't played. With that said, two DLC packs are available for purchase. I'm not sure how DLC games are integrated with the default ones, but I imagine them to be introduced randomly as the others are.

Before starting, players can toggle options to have certain mini-game types appear or not, which is helpful if using the microphone or camera isn't wanted in the moment. Overall, the game quality is fun with the entire presentation having an odd sense of humor. However, I did have one issue while playing, although it may just relate to the Vita's camera quality. Camera games, even while playing in a well-lit room, are just difficult to play, as the quality just doesn't register. To play this type of game, I had to walk to an extremely well-lit area. But, in addition to simply being able to remove these game's from the playthrough's rotation, players can simply skip them when prompted as they appear.

For a free game, Frobisher Says! offers a good playing experience. And, for its use of Vita-specific gameplay, it's certainly worth experiencing to become acquainted with all of the Vita's capabilities.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 11:12:43 am by dhaabi »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #163 on: May 28, 2023, 07:36:02 pm »
7. Miitopia (Switch)- This is now 100% complete and all the medals have been earned. I loved this game, but the end game was a very long haul. Two boss monsters took forever to finally appear. It also took quite a long time to level all the classes to 50. Though I have to say making Mii's and going on an adventure, it was quite entertaining.
Currently Playing: Game & Wario



Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« Reply #164 on: May 29, 2023, 12:44:05 pm »
37. Star Ocean: The Divine Force

This game is divine indeed. It's probably the best game in the series. My favorite? No. But, it's the most polished, accessible, and a major step up after Integrity and Faithlessness (which I really liked). I already got a few of the possible endings, finished the game on Universe difficulty, and farmed a bunch of Fol for the post-game content which is likely to be filled to the top. I really liked Laeticia's side of the story, but I have a feeling I'll like Raymond's once I start it. I'll probably start his journey after I finish all of the post-game related stuff/trophies. At any rate, this is an easy game to recommend to newcomers and fans of the series.