Author Topic: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread  (Read 4446 times)


Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« on: January 02, 2023, 09:27:14 am »
I picked up MK11 Ultimate and started changing all the character costumes to their classic looks that I like and it dawned on me that I've been playing this series for 30 years now.  :o Figured it would be fun to go through the years.

We all know that Mortal Kombat started as an arcade game and was later ported to basically everything. I will post a little blurb about each from personal experience and what I have owned and still own. Please post any MK games you've owned and what your favorites have been over the years as well. Heck, post your favorite character(s) too. Might end up being a fun conversation.

My first experience with the series was when a bud of mine rented the Sega Genesis version. There was all this hype in the news about how ultra violent the game was but after an hour or so of playing rounds with my friend, we were underwhelmed. Punches and kicks didn't seem like anything new but we also didn't understand the Finish Him screen. As with many things back then, we were hoping that it was button combo oriented and we were right. Eventually, I managed to get Sub-Zero's fatality to work and our jaws dropped as he ripped Scorpion's head off with the spine still attached. Shortly after, large grins appeared on our faces and we were set on finding the fatalities for each character.

Mortal Kombat was immediately on my Christmas list but as I didn't have a Genesis and only a Game Gear at the time, that's what I had asked for it on. I almost had it too. My mom had apparently bought the Game Gear version for me but heard the politics on the news about the violence and returned it in favor of Ecco the Dolphin. Still a great game but I'd have preferred MK. I eventually went on to own the Sega CD version once I was an adult, which was the worst due to the last boss transformations having to load from the disc which would literally pause the game for a moment.

Mortal Kombat
Owned Versions -- Sega CD, Game Gear (Komplete), PS2, PSP
Still Own -- Game Gear (Komplete), PS2

With the second game, a different friend of mine managed to get it on Genesis and it... was... glorious. Everything that made the first game incredible but amplified to near perfection. Each character now had multiple fatalities and friendships and even the ridiculous babalities that would turn your opponent into a crying baby. It was hilarious. They added quite a few characters as well that would become fan favorites like Kitana and Mileena. Even the once hidden Reptile became a main character and a favorite of mine.

I recall getting a GamePro magazine specifically because it had all of the finisher moves listed in it. My friend and I would test each move to get the gory details. It was fantastic. I have owned many versions of MKII but it was the 32X version that I felt was the best home console port due to being most like the arcade version. I even had it on Game Gear (pictured below) which didn't look too bad at all.

Mortal Kombat II
Owned Versions -- Game Gear, Genesis, 32X, PSP, PS3
Still Own -- Game Gear, Genesis

Now, my experience with the next couple MK games were limited as I didn't find them enjoyable. I wasn't one for juggling combos as was prevalent in the third and the first attempt at 3D in MK IV was a bit wonky.

Mortal Kombat 3
Owned Versions -- PSP
Still Own -- N/A

Mortal Kombat IV
Owned Versions -- PS1
Still Own -- N/A

It wasn't until Deadly Alliance on PS2 that I got back into the series and even then it was still more casual. Still they added in a favorite character of mine, Frost. Very happy to see her return in MK11. Still, I was poor during the PS2 days being in the midst of college so when I picked this one up, I had little time to get good at it. I believe this is where they started the Krypt with unlockable items but it may have been the next game. Sadly they started to take Reptile literally and changed him from a ninja to a literal reptilian lizard man. *sigh

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
Owned Versions -- PS2
Still Own -- N/A

The next installment, Deception, is where the series really shined for me in the 3D realm. Not only was it a solid fighting game, but they had added more characters. It was like MK2 back on Genesis, but for PS2. It had an enhanced storyline where you traveled the realms in a story mode that was fun. They even had a silly side game with MK Chess that was fun to play and a ton of unlockables i the Krypt. Deception gave MK2 a run for its money as my favorite in the series. Just a fantastic game all around.

More characters were added, with one becoming a favorite, Kira. I would eventually get her confused with Skarlett as they look similar depending on the outfit worn. Apparently in MK11 you can even make Skarlett look like Kira so that's a win. My only complaint with Deception is that Sub-Zero looked like Shredder from Ninja Turtles. What's up with that?

Mortal Kombat Deception
Owned Versions -- PS2 Collector's Edition
Still Own -- PS2 Collector's Edition

While I bought MK Armageddon on PS2, I never really got into it. The game didn't feel as fun but the roster was insane. I think it had every character imaginable with the exception of just a couple. Can't remember who they were. They also added in a Mario Kart type game that was stupid fun. Sadly, this one felt a bit stale to me.

Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Owned Versions -- PS2
Still Own -- N/A

That's when they decided to reboot with Mortal Kombat on PS3 and 360. They emphasized story more and went back to the stories of the original two games fleshing them out in an alternate timeline fashion. The best addition here were the x-ray moves that literally showed you bones shattering with specific hits. It was fantastic and a great new beginning for the series.

Mortal Kombat
Owned Versions -- PS3
Still Own -- N/A

I had taken a break from fighting games for a long time but ended up getting MK X on PS4. It was fun and had a lot of the same great moves as the previous game, but still felt a bit flat. I didn't like any of the newly added characters but still shelled out $5 for both Alien and Predator. I thought they were fun and good additions for nostalgia. I learned my lesson here though to just wait for a Komplete version of a Mortal Kombat game as they charged so much for DLC characters anymore.

Mortal Kombat X
Owned Versions -- PS4
Still Own -- PS4

I'm glad I did hold off on buying MK11 with everything they've thrown into MK11 Ultimate. I believe I read somewhere that the cost for buying the game and all DLCs when they first became available was something around $140 without buying any extra koins. I got MK11 Ultimate on PS5 for $30 with all of it so pretty happy. I'm hoping to have another great revival to the series as I've heard really good things about this one. Time will tell though. And with MK12 apparently just around the corner, this will give me time to wait for a similar amount of time for a Komplete version of that should one become available.

Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Owned Versions -- PS5
Still Own -- PS5

So what are some of your favorite characters from the series? What were your favorite games listed above? Did you like the spin off games like Shaolin Monks (I enjoyed this one personally), or are you just not that into Mortal Kombat? Please add to the discussion.


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 09:44:20 am »
Used to play at least the first three version of this franchise at the Arcades, man I used to spend most of my free time there as well a lot of my money, best fucking days of my entire life, at home wasn't able to play it because didn't had the money to get it, the only way I was able to play MK1 at the SNES and at the GameBoy was because I rented the cartridge, some times a friend borrowed me the game for days, specially the GB version but damn it wasted tons of batteries, attempted to play at the PS2, the Dreamcast and even at the PSP but there were a lot of awesome videogames that I practically forgot this franchise, returned to it as a married man with Mortal Kombat for the Xbox 360 but had a couple of troubles with my wife, you know because they have big boobs, I was in heaven, sadly this is the latest game for me, can't afford right now a new console and now that I got kids have to control a little what I play at home.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2023, 11:35:23 am »
I was putting together the below image of the various mainline Mortal Kombat games... one box per game and came to the conclusion that we were missing the 8th game somewhere. Well, according to the fans, Mortal Kombat vs DC... an odd cross over game counts as the mainline 8th game. News to me. I had actually ignored it because I didn't care about super heroes being tossed into MK. Still don't but it is what it is.

You'll notice if it's not the main dragon logo, that Scorpion was often portrayed on the covers for each game. Only Deception had some really cool variations with the different Kollector's Editions. Sub-Zero graced the PS2 version (pictured) while Scorpion, Mileena, Baraka and I think Raiden got different covers for the Xbox 360 versions. Each came with a metal Kollectors Kard. I had them all at one point. Incredible covers for each.

Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2023, 01:31:02 pm »
Why is everyone ignoring the 8th game MK v. DCU?

Anyway, MK is my favorite fighting franchise.  The combat is pretty good and fluid and the story telling is on point.


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2023, 01:47:20 pm »
Why is everyone ignoring the 8th game MK v. DCU?

I ignored it because I wasn't a fan of bringing super heroes into MK. I didn't like Kratos being in there either.

My reasoning for the DC specific one is Superman. Nothing... literally nothing... beats Superman. If a bullet can't puncture the guy's skin, then a blade won't do it either. It's what we've known the character as for decades. So to suddenly have Superman able to be injured in such a way was... odd. Then... I believe I heard that fatalities were either put to the side or dumbed down significantly with DC not wanting their characters being utterly destroyed. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I never actually played this one.

Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2023, 03:29:02 pm »
I've been dabbling with the series for years now too at this point.  I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, I like the crazy violence of MK, but I always preferred the gameplay abit more in Street Fighter, but I played the series off and on in arcades, on SNES/Genesis.  I didn't play it much after that, but I puttered around in MKX abit and I played a decent amount of MK11, I did the campaign and played to progress stuff through the bonus mode too.  As a spinoff (It's close enough with similar gameplay and both games have an MK character in them lol), I also played Injustice 2 a good bit also. 

As far as favorite characters go, I'm still mostly a fan of the classic ninja's, Sub Zero always being my go to.  I really like how NetherRealms has embraced the crossover action in their games, all the horror and action movie characters they've been adding since MKX is pretty fun, or how in Injustice 2 we got other comic book characters aside from DC like Hellboy and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2023, 06:28:32 pm »
I was only in first grade when the first MK game came out, but of course you were one of the cool kids if you played it. At the time my cousin was living with us and he knew how badly I wanted a copy for my Sega Genesis. Despite only being in high school at the time, he somehow got me a copy (knowing him he probably stole it), but my parents told him I was too young. I was not happy at all, but luckily soon after a friend of mine at school's older brother got the Genesis version and I used to love playing it at his house. We'd try for hours to pull off fatalities, but never could lol.

The first MK game I really played a lot was MK2 for the Genesis. I never owned it until years later, but I used to rent it often from an independent rental store called Famous Video. I used to play the hell out of it whenever I'd have it over a weekend or whatever, but again, I never could figure out the fatalities. It was also during this time that i got to play MK1 and MK2 in the arcade for the first time, even though there was a huge intimidation factor for me because it was common for a group of teenagers in ripped jeans, flannel, and trench coats to be gathered around it. It was like it was there machine and I'd get my ass kicked for even trying to play it lol. But I did, and freakin loved it too[size=78%].[/size]

It is worth mentioning that around this time is when I first saw the MK move and I was head over heels in love with it! I don't think there's a movie I rented more in my entire life. 8-year old me used to do kicks off the couch while watching the fight scenes, which I would rewatch over and over again. I was obsessed with it, and it's probably one of the most nostalgic movies for me to this day.

Like MK2 I ended up renting MK3 and UMK3, but never owned either until years later. However, it was seeing news for MK Trilogy that got me super exciting. Being able to play as every character plus the boss characters sounded amazing. I begged my parents and aunt for a copy for Christmas back in 1996, maybe 1997, but never got one. Again, it was a game a picked up years later.

When MK4 came out an older neighbor kid I was friends with got it for the N64 and I loved it at the time, mostly because it was the first MK game where I could actually pull off more of the special moves and fatalities.

My little brother and I were really into MK Deception on the PS2 when that came out, and I remember playing for hours with him unlocking all the extra content in the krypt. I also picked up MK Armageddon around the the time that game came out, but I didn't end up getting into it as much as previous games.

Over the next few years until MK9 came out I began to acquire all the MK games I played as a kid, but never owned. I went out of my way to acquire the most arcade perfect ports of those games too, assuming that game got an arcade release. Luckily most of the old Midway collections had many of the arcade ports of the original MK games, and the special addition of Deception I believed had an arcade version of MK1 if I'm not mistaken.

But when MK9 came out I fell in love with the series all over again, especially since it was a remake of the original three games, and went through the story in it too. I bought MK10 close to when it came out and really liked it, but not as much as MK9. However I LOVED MK11 and have played the hell out of that game since buying it.

Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2023, 07:15:29 pm »
But when MK9 came out I fell in love with the series all over again, especially since it was a remake of the original three games, and went through the story in it too. I bought MK10 close to when it came out and really liked it, but not as much as MK9. However I LOVED MK11 and have played the hell out of that game since buying it.

The decision to do the MK9 reboot is one of the single best calls that a game company has made in the last decade or so.  Got the series back to its roots, smplified the narrative, and reinvigorated the series in massive ways.  I'd only followed the series off and on since UMK3, but it completely got my interest again.


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2023, 08:14:18 am »
The decision to do the MK9 reboot is one of the single best calls that a game company has made in the last decade or so.  Got the series back to its roots, smplified the narrative, and reinvigorated the series in massive ways.  I'd only followed the series off and on since UMK3, but it completely got my interest again.

Totally agree. I'm hoping MK11 has the same affect of getting me back into the series. MK Deception and MK9 both did that for me when they released.


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2023, 09:42:42 am »
I was putting together the below image of the various mainline Mortal Kombat games... one box per game and came to the conclusion that we were missing the 8th game somewhere. Well, according to the fans, Mortal Kombat vs DC... an odd cross over game counts as the mainline 8th game. News to me. I had actually ignored it because I didn't care about super heroes being tossed into MK. Still don't but it is what it is

Even when I do freaking love superheroes, this game never had my attention but for some "unknown" reason Sonya got it, that white top was something else, yes I already know that am a freaking pervert, just wondering if by any chance she used that outfit/costume in another game  :-\

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2023, 10:34:09 am »
Even when I do freaking love superheroes, this game never had my attention but for some "unknown" reason Sonya got it, that white top was something else, yes I already know that am a freaking pervert, just wondering if by any chance she used that outfit/costume in another game  :-\

I honestly don't know, but many of the women in the Mortal Kombat series were very scantily clad up until the more recent releases. I'm guessing that's due to the times and so many getting offended over anything they can. That said, do the outfits match the personality of the character? I'd say Sonya's new commando-ish outfits make sense given her police background.


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2023, 11:21:21 am »
Never a super big fan of the series. But I will always remember them days fondly when I played MK 2 or 3 with friends back in the day. Good times
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2023, 12:38:11 pm »
I honestly don't know, but many of the women in the Mortal Kombat series were very scantily clad up until the more recent releases. I'm guessing that's due to the times and so many getting offended over anything they can. That said, do the outfits match the personality of the character? I'd say Sonya's new commando-ish outfits make sense given her police background.

After MK9 they started to do the female characters less sexualized and not only in this game, as well the Dead or Alive franchise was affected, that's the reason why we didn't had a release here, guess that the women voice was clear and loud, am not saying that is bad but come on, is just a game.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2023, 01:06:59 pm »
After MK9 they started to do the female characters less sexualized and not only in this game, as well the Dead or Alive franchise was affected, that's the reason why we didn't had a release here, guess that the women voice was clear and loud, am not saying that is bad but come on, is just a game.

With the emphasis on different outfits in MK11, perhaps some of the Klassic outfits they bring back in MK12 will be some of the more revealing ones. No harm in options. It would appease those that want more skin and those that don't want more skin. Not sure why that's difficult for some devs to grasp.

That said, many of the female characters don't need to be hanging out like they're from the red light district. Case in point was my example of Sonya above. Then Frost makes sense as having the outfit of Sub-Zero's clan, the Lin Quey. There's reasons for others as well, but I won't bother going into them.

On a slightly different subject, I kept getting Skarlet and Kira mixed up over the years. I heard there was a fan rumor going around that they're one in the same but it's heavily debated amongst the more diehard fans. In MK11, apparently you can make Skarlet look like Kira which is great. Two birds with one stone so to speak. You just have to unlock all the proper gear.

I will add that she looks quite fetching without having to show much of any skin.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2023, 01:11:14 pm by telekill »


Re: Mortal Kombat Appreciation Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2023, 10:06:15 am »
Ahhh MK. The absolute in fighting games. I used to actually play in arcades on the weekends and a group of us would drive around looking for new arcades so that we could take on their crews. Ended up placing bets on matches too.

I love MK. Nothing in the genre will ever even come close. Kitana/Sindel/Mileena is always my go-to when I have an option. I also got my boy into the game and he's pretty untouchable as Kung Lao.

I have been following Ed Boon for years and hoping to see an inkling soon of 12. I think it's time (on a side note, I am in the process of trying to get to voice a character for the next game).