Author Topic: Croc is coming back apparently.  (Read 5625 times)

Croc is coming back apparently.
« on: June 07, 2023, 08:11:18 pm »

In the comment section the owner of the IP clarifies he bought the rights to all of Argonaut Software's IP in 2004. So maybe Buck Bumble and I-Ninja could also return someday.

Crash, Spyro, Bubsy, Voodoo Vince, Raz, Kao, Glover, Klonoa, Zool, James Pond, Conker sort of, Earthworm Jim maybe and now Croc.

I'm still waiting on Gex and Tak to return.

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2023, 10:46:35 pm »
I'd no joke be into a Gex collection lol I remember liking the N64 Gex.  I never played Croc, so I'd be interested to see what a new one would being that I like 3D platformers.  I'd actually be more interested in seeing Buck Bumble get a re-release, maybe like a simple remaster for PC or something like we got for some other games like Star Wars Racer and such.

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2023, 12:06:37 am »
I never played Croc, but it was right up my ally back in the 90s. If the dude ports the classics to modern platforms faithfully then this is a win in my book.

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2023, 02:56:37 am »
I loved the original Croc game! It was a very N64 feelign game on the PS1 (& PC/Saturn...) with plenty of charm. I still haven't played through the 2nd game properly as it took a more open world-ish adveture feel. Which is okay but the pacing was very slow at times.

I'd be all for this... or like I always say even just a port of the original through PS+

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2023, 11:48:04 pm »
Oh yeah, Argonaut did make I-Ninja. That game did end on a cliffhanger....... maybe now a sequel could be a think if an I-Ninja rerelease happens. Same with Croc 2's ending now that I think about it...... OH WELL, at least there's a chance for that to be rectified too.


Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2023, 10:20:24 am »
The IP was purchased nearly 20 years ago, but only now the franchise is being revisited? It's hard to say that Croc is "coming back," though. Had the news been of a remake, then I'd think otherwise.


Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2023, 05:44:13 pm »
Omg I'm so happy, I've been waiting years for this news. It was my preferred game when I was kid.

it looks like it's just "hd smoothing", it would have been nice to have a collection of both games, I also hope they'll rework the controls.

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2023, 08:40:17 pm »
A new kingsley's adventure would be sweet
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2023, 12:47:18 am »
Gex is back woooo!!!


Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2023, 02:32:23 pm »
I want a new Croc game, not just a rehash.

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2024, 09:58:03 am »
Aero the Acro-Bat coming to PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch on August 2


Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2024, 04:34:52 am »
I'm still waiting on Gex and Tak to return.

That seems questionable to me due to the fact that the character of Tak is associated with Nickelodeon - at least that's what I'd suggest for it was a animated tv show before it was adapted as videogames for several platforms ...

prove me wrong, pls  :P

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2024, 02:36:20 pm »
I'm still waiting on Gex and Tak to return.

That seems questionable to me due to the fact that the character of Tak is associated with Nickelodeon - at least that's what I'd suggest for it was a animated tv show before it was adapted as videogames for several platforms ...

prove me wrong, pls  :P
In 2018, THQ Nordic was supposed to bring back many Nickelodeon IP:

This didn't really happen. SpongeBob I think was the only one THQ Nordic published and then Rugrats and Avatar I believe had releases from different publishers. Now even SpongeBob is getting a new console game from a different publisher.

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2024, 12:06:03 pm »
I was hoping Croc would come back, but I'm starting to think he might be one of the characters we won't see again, or maybe just as an LRG style emulation game.

I watched a video of someone who worked on the games and they apparently had a plan for Croc 3 where you'd help raise other crocs in a multiplayer-style game but it got turned down, would've been interesting to see that instead.

Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2024, 10:07:00 pm »
I was hoping Croc would come back, but I'm starting to think he might be one of the characters we won't see again, or maybe just as an LRG style emulation game.

I watched a video of someone who worked on the games and they apparently had a plan for Croc 3 where you'd help raise other crocs in a multiplayer-style game but it got turned down, would've been interesting to see that instead.
It is? The link is in the first post. The owner of Croc is in the comments section discussing it.