Author Topic: Everything You Know About Emulation  (Read 2557 times)


Everything You Know About Emulation
« on: October 01, 2023, 03:11:21 am »
First off i'll start by mentioning most gamers determine that ANY game you can download for free is illegal. But when I ran a deep search many years ago. It said the only free full version games that are illegal are games that are younger then 20 years age since of release. OR

any game that has an active copyright. In which case most games older than 20 years don't anymore. Mostly of
 the SEGA DREAMCAST and other 5th generation and below that qualify as acceptable to play and have but not sell.

However, this does not qualify for most PS2. Xbox O
riginal, or GameCube games. But having Dreamcast games should be still ok because. Some have been renewed but i am not sure.

The first step to having some free ROM's is to buy a PC Or Mac or arcade or minicomputer. Then connect it to online. Run a search for ''free ROM downloads'' or you could type in ''download Abandonware'' if you are using a raw. Or ''Download MODS''

For consoles like Sega SATURN & Sega DREAMCAST, and PS1 you need to download BIOS files depending on what emulation software you are using.

The only 2 companies you might have an issue with when installing or giving away or using or even playing them to begin with is, Nintendo and maybe EA. But Nintendo ROMs are actually the most common. Distributed free of charge games they are found on the internet in groves and on 100's of websites including some in 1st party for temporary purchase and for temporarily to access and download. For Full price.

SONY is starting to get more like Nintendo every day I overheard. Atari & SEGA as far as I know are out of business of distribution of mainstream video game consoles but not completely.  NEO GEO i think they run a tight ship on copying too.

Turbo Graphics 16 and 3DO, are also abandonware.

If a ROM game is not responding to you controller input or game is lagging or crashing try tweaking the emulator core options or the emulator itself, or download that ROM or DOS game from a different source.

Test your controller and emulators before you start getting seriously into them.

I've ran many searches and i only heard of one person going to prison, but I think it was because the person was actually selling the stuff for a mid to high price tag and he did not have the copyright.

I recommend running your PC as best performance and in game mode on both the screen and processor or mother chips.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 03:20:09 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
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Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2023, 08:32:52 am »
I dunno. I think the legal logic is sound for 20 years or older, but then I look at the politically motiviated authoritarian modern governments. They look for anything and everything to take down dissidents. Even here in America where our Constitution states clearly that we have a God given right to free speech, yet people are getting arrested for speech here. How about how the UK government decided to go after Brand? -- someone accused him of horrendous crimes but he hasn't even been charged. Regardless, they're demanding all tech companies remove his ability to generate income at all levels. This is completely inappropriate and tyrannical. If someone's accused, they should be charged, and there should be an investigation and trial before any steps are taken for punishment.

Do you really think that walking on the eggshells of something you heard about 20 years or older grace is going to stop them from using that against you if they're looking for anything they can to arrest you?


Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2023, 10:15:36 am »

Do you really think that walking on the eggshells of something you heard about 20 years or older grace is going to stop them from using that against you if they're looking for anything they can to arrest you?

I am disabled and have a few legal rights. I did pay for a lot of them. Just to help avoid more deadly types of malwares. But I wrote many online articles, about most of the originally made copies of these games. Being held and bogged down or out of stock due to so many collectors out there.

holding onto them. And a majority of those 20 year or older games are broken and will never be re-manufactured new ever again.  Not to mention that working hardware to run these game's is just as hard to find these days too.

I also believe eventually ROM sites will go down and I am trying to use my God given hardware that my grandfather gave me for storage to preserve these games and mods,

so they are not lost completely in the sands of time, and all these hard working talented professional, and semi-professional, programmers and art designer's work does not go to waste and lasts for as many years possible. I don't consider a ROM builder a hacker but a skilled professional development programmer.

My definition of a hacker is someone who jacks up games live performance to win against other people live or creates products or services and programs in order to destroy our electronics just to piss us off.

There are things about me that I'm I cannot tell you due to the forum rules, but I am a very important person. 

« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 10:20:54 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2023, 10:29:54 am »
Well God speed then. At least there'll be backups somewhere in the world.


Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2023, 06:14:18 pm »
There are things about me that I'm I cannot tell you due to the forum rules, but I am a very important person.

We are all important people ❤️


Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2023, 09:31:55 am »
It said the only free full version games that are illegal are games that are younger then 20 years age since of release. OR any game that has an active copyright. In which case most games older than 20 years don't anymore.

This is false, at least in the US. You are referring to abandon status. This only can happen if both the IP is in an inactive usage period and the rights holder does not exist. The exception is when the rights holder releases a product into the public or has a redistribution policy attached to it.

The fact that you had previously purchased something does not give the legal right to download a copy of it later. You have a legal right to make a copy of the thing you purchased, but cannot provide the copy to anyone else. The use of "Archive" in legal terms tends to be specifically private use by individual or institution and does not cover things like an archive that has a distribution method.

I want to point out that while Nintendo is hard set against ROMs and sites that let you download them, they have used ROMs from those very sites in things like Virtual Console. :D


Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2023, 06:18:03 pm »
Gonna throw in my semi-related two cents here.

There's a few projects going on that are decompilations of the original code. This means they run with a native .exe file instead of a rom through an emulator.

Using them still requires an original legitimate rom, but there's now ports for:

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Zelda3)
Super Mario 64
Super Mario World
Super Metroid

Super Metroid and SMW are still being worked on, as are the others, but only those two are in a questionable state.

You can literally experience Super Mario 64 with ray tracing and SGI workstation graphics for free (assuming you have the hardware for it). It's completely legal as reverse engineering is a completely legal act. For those interested, snesRev on github handles SMW/SM. Render96 is the SM64 project and Ship of Harkinian is Ocarina of Time's. Go nuts! You're only shooting yourself in the foot if you don't do this.


Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2023, 07:17:14 am »
Retroarch is my favorite retro emulator, because it can be used to play any games including DOS. But Retroarch is not for beginners in my opinion. because it does has 1000's of ways to play each and every game, on multiple consoles but it's vary easy to screw up your settings and hose the program's main configuration. Or playlist file,

You need to spend some serious time on YouTube learning the tutorials and running internet searches otherwise. You could probably even destroy your physical hardware. If for example, you click on a setting that is too high for your device. Retroarch even lets you emulate A computer built in 1993 but switching the core file settings. To a 386 or 486 even before s Pentium 1 came out in 1994.

Although if you don't mind doing the tutorials Retroarch can open and play 1000000's of games and versions of them, it's a one stop fits all emulator when configured properly the default settings are not guaranteed to work just so you know.

For you unwillingly to break your hardware then download a different program that is easier to understand
« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 07:22:44 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2023, 08:45:08 pm »

These results are from the best AI search engine on the planet I believe, and this is not a deep search but a recent search 10/15/2023

The legality of downloading games from before 2004 depends on the game and its copyright status. In general, games that are no longer sold or supported by their developers are considered abandonware. However, the legality of downloading abandonware is still a gray area, and it varies by country and jurisdiction. In the United States, for example, copyright lasts upwards of 80 years, and those old DOS games are still under copyright 1. While it is technically illegal to download abandonware, it is unlikely that you will face legal consequences for doing so 1. 

It’s worth noting that some websites offer free downloads of old PC games that are no longer sold or supported by their developers 23. However, the legality of these downloads is still questionable.

I hope this helps! BING

but GOOGLE IS STILL GOOD TOO but is often not as accruate
« Last Edit: October 15, 2023, 08:47:26 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2023, 12:46:56 am »
 A Lot of Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System games on Ebay, Amazon and Esty are not original!! and some can cost you a lot of money too. But your often getting ripped by some kind of ROM chipset, some kind could even have glitches or hardware issues and be broken from the start.

you cannot be certain unless you open them up after they are delivered!! they can even contain poisons or drugs in rare cases. or bad batteries in them, batteries that are cheap and could explode in even rarer cases.

I surfed the internet for many years that is how I found out about these types of news. New cartridges are safer, . mail is usually monitored though. Amazon might even inspect the packages before shipping, I never worked for them.

 fact is many of those cartridges are not real anyway, chipset numbers can be cloned, and stickers can be copied or printed then copied. no I don't do these things but that is what I heard is a possibility. you cannot depend on Youtubers to tell you if something is or is not real. you must trust your heart of what you think is and is a lie. Liars come in many different shapes and forms nad so do imposters.

CD DVD Bluray games can also be bootleg fakes too.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2023, 12:49:00 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


Re: Everything You Know About Emulation
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2023, 01:06:21 am »
this is a BING search about Emulation.

reproduction of the function or action of a different computer, software system, etc.:
"Software emulation of complete systems" · "an additional server is accessed via emulation software."

yes my radio station is emulated to sound better on with 64kbps of sound in which, those of you who already listened or are listen to it right now or, to it lately

I recently set it up to sound better than normal so that is why it sounds so different and so good right now.
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)