Author Topic: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!  (Read 26487 times)

Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #105 on: November 27, 2023, 06:28:36 pm »
masamune I'm not your gifter, but it looks like you've got both a Sell List populated like a Wish List and regular Wish List - and that has Steamworld Dig on it.  Seems like an easy mistake to make - and I definitely wouldn't be able to identify a KO of that game (something I'm always concerned about when buying carts for other people).
« Last Edit: November 27, 2023, 06:32:44 pm by Cartagia »

Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #106 on: November 27, 2023, 07:02:11 pm »
masamune I'm not your gifter, but it looks like you've got both a Sell List populated like a Wish List and regular Wish List - and that has Steamworld Dig on it.  Seems like an easy mistake to make - and I definitely wouldn't be able to identify a KO of that game (something I'm always concerned about when buying carts for other people).

Yes, I do have SteamWorld Dig 2 on my regular wishlist, but the gifter was given the link to my sell list which I use as my Secret Santa list each year. My Secret Santa list has the words "(Secret Santa)" placed in the notes to minimize any confusion.

I would like know my gifters thought process on all this and if he knew the insert for SteamWorld Dig 2 was counterfeit.


Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #107 on: November 28, 2023, 07:27:30 am »
I’m (obviously) NOT masamune’s Secret Santa, but at least, this whole ordeal made me find out that the Xbox 360’s Asura’s Wrath is a somewhat sought after game in North America…Around here, it would be worth a ¥500 coin or less…
I understand it must be frustrating, but worst case scenario, I guess you could sell it and get something you really wanted.
That Game Gear cartridge seens pretty disappointing though…
« Last Edit: November 28, 2023, 07:32:48 am by ferraroso »


Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #108 on: November 28, 2023, 08:04:20 am »
I'm not your Santa either Masamune, but I'm sorry that you were dissapponted with your gift. I think the mistake with the Steamworld Dig game is very easy one to make. I doubt I would have been able to tell the difference.

However, if you don't count the Game Gear game and treat Steamworld Dig as loose, the approximate value is still $70 not including shipping. I like many others, tend to overspend during this event, and it's not fair to those who do follow our budget to be expected to do the same and then be criticized for doing the "bare minimum".

I think the real conversation here is whether our budget should be increased for next year. And I think we should be stricter about following that budget so that it is more fair for all involved.
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Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #109 on: November 28, 2023, 01:15:01 pm »
I'm not your Santa either Masamune, but I'm sorry that you were dissapponted with your gift. I think the mistake with the Steamworld Dig game is very easy one to make. I doubt I would have been able to tell the difference.

However, if you don't count the Game Gear game and treat Steamworld Dig as loose, the approximate value is still $70 not including shipping. I like many others, tend to overspend during this event, and it's not fair to those who do follow our budget to be expected to do the same and then be criticized for doing the "bare minimum".

I think the real conversation here is whether our budget should be increased for next year. And I think we should be stricter about following that budget so that it is more fair for all involved.

The value and budget aren't the real issues. The real issue was not going off the list that was given.


Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #110 on: November 28, 2023, 02:18:36 pm »
I'm not your Santa either Masamune, but I'm sorry that you were disappointed with your gift. I think the mistake with the Steamworld Dig game is very easy one to make. I doubt I would have been able to tell the difference.

However, if you don't count the Game Gear game and treat Steamworld Dig as loose, the approximate value is still $70 not including shipping. I like many others, tend to overspend during this event, and it's not fair to those who do follow our budget to be expected to do the same and then be criticized for doing the "bare minimum".

I think the real conversation here is whether our budget should be increased for next year. And I think we should be stricter about following that budget so that it is more fair for all involved.

The value and budget aren't the real issues. The real issue was not going off the list that was given.

Like Cartagia said, I think that was a very honest mistake. Based off your post I see the instructions "only use games off my wishlist," but the additional notes say that items listed in your Sell List are "options" for Secret Santa, not that the Sell List contains the ONLY games that should be considered as gifts. I could totally understand someone thinking that as long as a game is on either list, it's an acceptable gift option.

Gift giving is tough, especially for someone you don't know. We have a good group of folks here who have participated in this event for many years, and I'm sure whoever was your Santa wanted you to enjoy your gift and didn't intend to send something that wasn't to your expectations. I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt, rather than assume they were lazy and did the bare minimum.
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Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #111 on: November 29, 2023, 05:32:32 pm »
Guys, [...] I always go above and beyond when I do Secret Santas, so it hurts me when someone does less than the bare minimum to fill their quota. [...] It reeks of laziness.

And the way you chose to go about this reeks of pettiness. You got one of the games you wanted, one that usually goes for $40+, and another that roughly costs around $30 loose (only the cover seemingly being a repro), plus three nick-nacks. The spending limit was $60 and it appears you got a package that's roughly $80 in value, meaning your gifter went above and beyond using the "lists" you provided, so if you don't like any of the stuff you got, sell them.

The rules specifically stated to use the "wish list", not the "sell list", which seems rather dubious on your part in all honesty. I'm going to be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt, though, and guess you have those games on your sell list because the condition they're in is not to your standards; however, if that were true, then you could've easily moved the games you wanted to your wish list, which wouldn't have taken you more than a few clicks to do. In other words, this is the classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Also, your "list" covers some games that are way out of the price range established with one going over the top of $100. Not to mention that a good amount of them cost or range somewhere around $60; were you going to go into hysterics had your gifter sent you just Chibi-Robo! Park Patrol with maybe a bag of Skittles? Seriously, you weren't pragmatic in the slightest here—you played yourself. Truly, the type of behavior you've exhibited here is deplorable.

That said, I think most of all this slip-up is a learning experience that I hope dhaabi takes note of were he to host this again next year.

And before there's any kind of talk of whether the budget should be increased, I believe no, $60 is a fair price range to adhere to. What has to be done here is the giftees taking that price to heart and properly using the wish list to add games that don't go over the stipulated price, as well as come to terms with the possibility that their Secret Santa may end up gifting just one game that could possibly cost them $60. That of course doesn't mean a Secret Santa can't throw something else in the package for the sake of Christmas, but this notion of always expecting more than one thing is, in my sincerest opinion, detrimental to the spirit of the event.

To wrap this up, and this is just my personal opinion but I think what I said back in 2020 should somehow be implemented for this event: people who barely participate on the forums shouldn't be allowed to be part of the year's Secret Santa. Honestly, coming to a forum, or anywhere else for that matter, to essentially just participate in a gift exchange is akin to vultures flying over an aimless wanderer or sharks circling someone adrift in the middle of the ocean.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #112 on: November 29, 2023, 05:49:32 pm »
That said, I think most of all this slip-up is a learning experience that I hope dhaabi takes note of were he to host this again next year.

I've already drafted a feedback form concerning the organization of this year's Secret Santa event and the event on a general level to send out later on, that I am hoping whoever hosts next year's event takes into account. Looking at past events, there have been few issues, but something can always be improved upon, and I'd like to see the finer details being more concrete so that there's a mutual understanding of everything. I have no issue taking on the role of organizer again since I enjoyed seeing everything come to fruition, although I am saying that one year in advance, so it's not meaning much. But, based on the feedback form, participants may not even want for me to take on that role, which I'll certainly respect. Simply put, I'll gladly welcome whatever feedback is given.

The rules specifically stated to use the "wish list", not the "sell list", which seems rather dubious on your part in all honesty.

Also, I will quickly mention that there is nothing wrong in itself that masamune specified another list to be used for their gift wish list. The prompt states "wish list," not "Wish List," meaning any set of items provided can serve as the event's wish list instead of VGC's built-in Wish List tool. Could it be confusing? Yes. So, in the future, the sign-up form posing that question should probably be re-worded, or we will have to agree that only certain types of lists should be used. Or, the event organizer needs to be sure that all participants have an understanding in what information they're given, meaning that this ordeal was perhaps a failing on my end.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 07:33:56 pm by dhaabi »


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Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #113 on: November 29, 2023, 08:58:57 pm »

I typically open my Secret Santa gift early because I participate in multiple Secret Santas across the internet and want to avoid getting duplicate items. This is what I received:

There was only 1 item that I asked for here (Asura's Wrath). I specifically asked for only items off my given wishlist:

I thought my specified wishlist was varied and included several moderately priced items.

Additionally, I was given a Game Gear game. I don't have a Game Gear and am not sure why my gifter thought I collect Game Gear games.

To top it all off, the insert for the SteamWorld Dig 2 game is a counterfeit. This game's insert is supposed to have a reversible cover. You can check Youtube videos to verify this. Also the feel of the insert is unlike an official Switch insert. This is how I knew for sure it was not authentic.

I always go above and beyond when I do Secret Santas, so it hurts me when someone does less than the bare minimum to fill their quota.

This indeed has been the most disappointing Secret Santa I have ever participated in. There was almost no thought put in the gifts procured. It reeks of laziness.

I would just like to know who my Secret Santa this year is, and what was the thought process behind the gifts he chose?

I'm sorry you are disappointed in your gifts.  I thought your VG collect wishlist and sell list were fair game- so I used both. 

Only purchase items from my wish list.

Additional comments:
Despite being listed on my Sell List, the items on there were selected specifically as options for Secret Santa.

I read this as the sell list as additional options for purchasing.

You were not easy to buy for- you wanted a lot of stuff in mint condition/100% complete/new- and a lot of stuff well over the gift limit.  I tried my best.  My local stores had basically none of what you wanted on your smaller sell list- or if they did-not in the condition you were wanting.

Asura's Wrath was from my personal collection. 

I saw Steamworld Dig 2 on your larger wishlist so I thought it was fair game.  I didn't realize the art was repro- the local game store that I bought it from usually will identify repro cover art but I didn't check closely.  It was priced at the rate of a complete copy so I was none the wiser.  It probably fooled them as well.  It didn't occur to me that repro cover art would even be an issue with Switch titles.  If I would have known, I would have bought another game.  I am sorry about that. 

The other stuff I just threw in as extras as I thought with those two games I was well over the gift limit.  You seemed to like sealed stuff so I thought a sealed game gear game would be a fun novelty for you.  If it offends you so much, throw it away. 

Anyways- that's my position on this.  Hope everyone else is happy with their gifts. 


Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #114 on: November 30, 2023, 05:34:21 am »
The prompt states "wish list," not "Wish List," meaning any set of items provided can serve as the event's wish list instead of VGC's built-in Wish List tool.

As far as I can recall, it's always been either the wish list of the website or one sent to the host to pass along... Oh wait, I'm sorry, I worded that wrong, I meant to say the Wish List. Seriously, man, you completely lost me with that shit.

[...] meaning that this ordeal was perhaps a failing on my end.

Well, yeah, that was my point. The guy sent you a message linking to his wish list, but the moment you saw it mentioned the sell list I think it would've been wise of you to reply asking for a listing of games within that list to pass along to NickAwesome. I believe that as the host of this event, that was your responsibility. I don't know if I'm alone in thinking like this, but quite frankly it makes no sense to use the sell list for this kind of thing.

I'm sorry you are disappointed in your gifts.  I thought your VG collect wishlist and sell list were fair game- so I used both. [...]

Anyways- that's my position on this.  Hope everyone else is happy with their gifts.

My dude, you have nothing to explain—nothing. It's a gift, so he either takes it or, as you said, throws it away. Gift, horse, mouth, in that order.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #115 on: November 30, 2023, 07:30:08 am »
The prompt states "wish list," not "Wish List," meaning any set of items provided can serve as the event's wish list instead of VGC's built-in Wish List tool.

As far as I can recall, it's always been either the wish list of the website or one sent to the host to pass along... Oh wait, I'm sorry, I worded that wrong, I meant to say the Wish List. Seriously, man, you completely lost me with that

dhaabi is completely correct to call out that distinction.  That kind of exact specificity is what would help prevent something like this from happening in the future.  The Wish List is a site function, where a wish list is a specificlly curated SS list that doesn't have to be the VGCollect one.

The confusion this year is that masa provided a "wish list" (which also happened to be the Sell List) while also having the site's Wish List populated.  Something I think most agree is an easy and honest mistake to make.  We've never needed to make the distinction before, but this shows us we should.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2023, 07:45:44 am by Cartagia »


Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #116 on: November 30, 2023, 09:21:51 am »
dhaabi is completely correct to call out that distinction.  That kind of exact specificity is what would help prevent something like this from happening in the future.  The Wish List is a site function, where a wish list is a specificlly curated SS list that doesn't have to be the VGCollect one.

Sure. Let's agree to disagree on that front. Y'all deal with this mess however deemed necessary.

The fact remains: the user's deportment was deplorable, a baseless affront essentially. This was a gift, not a package he received from eBay where he'd have probable grounds to raise this kind of complaint. He says he participates in multiple Secret Santas across the Internet, which makes it seem like he's just accruing freebies, and given the way he behaved, the spirit of this is clearly lost on him.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #117 on: November 30, 2023, 12:08:55 pm »
Well, to get things back on track, my gift is supposed to arrive today! How many folks would like to record an opening on the 8th? I think we had two people say yes and another say they couldn't make it?
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Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #118 on: November 30, 2023, 12:10:44 pm »
Well, to get things back on track, my gift is supposed to arrive today! How many folks would like to record an opening on the 8th? I think we had two people say yes and another say they couldn't make it?

I'm still looking clear for the 8th.


Re: VGCollect 2023 Secret Santa!
« Reply #119 on: November 30, 2023, 12:57:56 pm »
Well, to get things back on track, my gift is supposed to arrive today! How many folks would like to record an opening on the 8th? I think we had two people say yes and another say they couldn't make it?

I'm still looking clear for the 8th.

Are you able to stream Zoom to your Twitch channel? I can try to figure it out myself but I don't know Twitch very well.
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