I don't know how easy it would be to add but I wish you could search for parts of the title. What I mean is if you search for "super 3" that it would return Super Mario Bros 3. I know there have been a couple of times this would have helped me.
Also what if to help fight duplicate listings the site told you there was already a game with the same name listed for that system and then you had to click ok to add it anyway.
I *especially* like the 2nd half of of this.
Probably, because I think that I may be 'guilty' of contributing a "duplicate" entry (for Pokemon Platinum Version on the DS

I think it would be great if,
instead of having to worry so much about "the" coming after the title...and...the strict structure of what & when hyphens/colons get used as well as what parts of the title are hyphenated as opposed to following the colon...
In a nutshell, what I'm trying to say is that, I think, if you enter a search for "FF VII" (or as "FF 7" or as "FF Seven")...instead of presenting you with a long list (which seems to include a lot of over-kill)...that it would bring you to a drop-down screen listing
*ONLY* the versions of FF 7 that are currently in the database here.
Also, if possible...next to each entry listed...have the "SLUS" "ULUS", etc number (w/ prefixes/suffixes) listed next to them to make it much easier to tell if the one you're looking at matches-up to one of the versions already entered here.