I heavily second this. A clear majority of (but not all!) [FR][NL] games in the database should be [BE][FR][LU][NL] to truly represent their original market. And that only covers the market for french+dutch games… IMHO striving for country completion in the title for the european market is a wild goose chase, and doomed to be misleading *at best*. In this case most if not all european games with french & dutch on the box were released in Belgium, in addition of France, Netherlands, or both.
Listing languages on the box when a game has several language variations in a given region would be much less disputable.
Attaching TLD information to entry names based on language text leads to more problems than based on country of origin.
- Consider items without any packaging text.
- Consider items with only one regional release, regardless of the amount of languages present.
- Consider the English language. What sort of tag are you implying be given to it? Be aware that [EN] is not a TLD.
- Consider items which a language is present that doesn't directly relate to its country of origin. For instance, are you suggesting Canadian entries be tagged as [FR]? Brazilian items be tagged as [PT]? There are plenty of items originating from Asia with only English as the language text, even.
- Consider items which are regional variants only based on a label, or the few which are unique based on an included component like a different instruction booklet. Hundreds of these sorts of items already exist within the database, and their packaging languages are the exact same as others.
- Consider regional variant items which rely on descriptors solely instead of TLDs, such as 245945. TLDs should only be attached when multiple entries within the same exact name in the same category exist, so a TLD isn't used in this situation. With your proposal, there would be.
We won't be making an exception rule or altering the rules altogether due to one specific region of categories. You suggest how some entry name TLDs may be "misleading," but I don't see how that can be if sufficient information is supplied. Numerous other form fields coincide with the Name field which can mitigate this issue. If there is confusion relating to what an entry is intended to represent based on an entry's name alone, then that almost certainly means other fields were either filled out incorrectly or omitted altogether. In no ideal situation should the Name field be the only explanation as to what an item is, with image, Barcode, and Item Number fields being most helpful. At the same time, if there is incorrect data, it is usually straightforward to correct. Likewise, if existing information is correct but incomplete, that is simple to amend.
Also recognize that every item is released differently, meaning every single item in the database should be analyzed individually. So, for example, if there are some Dutch items where it can be confirmed that they were also released in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, or wherever, then submit that information. Some information is difficult for staff to confirm on our own, so it's never wrong to post to the forums in this very topic to preemptively explain certain edits with verifying links, as the topic post outlines, before the submission is responded to by staff.
While the current TLD and descriptor systems aren't perfect, they're the best we're to work with given the site's current development and limitations. Ideally, there would be one master entry for each game, so to speak, with all variants including regional ones accessible from the same page. However, that isn't how the site is currently built. So, we compromise until something better is made.
Adding sales region in the european section a can of worms you do not want to enter.
your just making up ridiculous rules that hardly matter to most collectors and make stuff super complicated withouth actually providing details that matter. Where is the actual benefit of this system? it is imo non existent.
Sometimes I really think your the only 1 that likes these changes. Could be wrong on that but it feels like it at times.Let's just keep it clean and simple.
There are not many problems if where sticking to languages for europe. if you really have a specific item you can make exceptions, but this should not be an issue for 99% of games.
say you got a sports game that was just specificly for said country with exclusive clubs. you can go ahead and go crazy with your over the top rules and say it's a BE or whatever game, It should only matter for mostly some sports of singstar games.
Besides collectors for games are not looking for a regional version, they are just looking for a copy in their language. Nobody is saying that they are looking for a Belgium game

Why should we complicate the ez codes that are already given to use.
we used to just list these codes behind said games and that was literally perfect since collectors used those codes all the time. Languages are fine enough aswell but
I never got why that was altered. Sales region is just not the way to go.
I've already seen the BE code spread throughout many items in the database which just doesn't make any sense. Like a BE coded shadow of the collosus ps2, like wtf is that
https://vgcollect.com/item/33616It doesn't even exist. game that was released in belgium had 4 languages, and how is that BE exclusive? Not to mention french and english only copies where in that same region aswell
I hope some folks can get Dhaabi back to the land of the living cause his idea's are getting out of hand
If Dhaabi does succeed with this horrible idea, I'm not going to help him with this wild goose chase that will just dilute the site with useless information. cause it's just another downgrade to this otherwise cool site.
Let's just keep it at either languages or the OG codes that are listed on said games UKV FAH, HOL, NOE, SCN etc
like what it used to be before Presumably Dhaabi altered it