Author Topic: Question about formatting for SNES white label games.  (Read 1151 times)

Question about formatting for SNES white label games.
« on: September 14, 2024, 09:19:35 pm »
Can I get some clarification on how to create these entries?

When I created this entry: I did so without any box art, since it was never sold with a box. Box art was later added, not by me. The tag was also edited to (Majesco / white label). I assumed that meant that white label SNES games should have box art and the (Majesco / white label) tag. So when I created this entry: I gave it box art and the (Majesco / white label) tag, but it was then edited to remove the box art and change the tag to just (white label)

How should I format future white label games to be added to the database?


Re: Question about formatting for SNES white label games.
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2024, 10:05:00 am »
Because I've made changes to all three Contra III: The Alien Wars entries in the NA category, here were their original names:
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Contra III: The Alien Wars (Majesco)
Contra III: The Alien Wars (Majesco / white label)

As you'll see, 158065 features two entry name descriptors to differentiate it from 86330. This rule is outlined in the Item Name post of the style guide:

If multiple descriptors are required, as with items with multiple names, we use the forward slash ( / ) to separate them.
Legend of Zelda, The: Skyward Sword (25th Anniversay / Includes Zelda Music CD)
- has 25th Anniversary logo on front cover
- has "Includes Zelda Music CD" text on front cover

Another rule worth addressing now is that, if an item did not originally include a box (i.e. it is a loose copy), then the image of the item should instead be added to the Front Art slot, not the Cart Art slot.

If the item has no outer packaging (pack-in items, unofficial releases, bootleg/homebrew games, merchandise, console accessories or controllers (without a separate retail release), the image of the loose item can be placed as Front Art/Image. Leave Back Art and Card Art images blank.

However, the following changes have been made to provide more helpful information:
10815: name changed to Contra III: The Alien Wars (Made in Japan), Description details added explaining entry name descriptor and included components, relevant Box Text field differences, updated Alt-Name field. I'll also mention that I've observed three different cartridge labels but omitting adding those details: SNS-USA-1, SNS-USA/CAN, SNS-USA/CAN-1
86330: name changed to Contra III: The Alien Wars (Assembled in Mexico), Description details added explaining entry name descriptor and included components including cartridge back item number, relevant Box Text field differences, Barcode field, Item Number field, updated Alt-Name field.
158065: name changed to Contra III: Alien Wars without any descriptor, removed Front and Cart slot images, added image of cartridge to Front slot, updated Alt-Name field. I'll also mention that, from my observations, the term Majesco is nowhere present on this item, so it's not an ideal entry name descriptor, were it to be needed.

So, with these actions done, the changes made to 272541 should make more sense. Like 158065, due to how this item's named, the entry name has (again) been updated to WF Wrestlemania without any descriptor, alongside WWF Super Wrestlemania being added to the Alt-Name field. Like with the other text label entry, I removed the Front and Cart slot images and replaced a better image of the item to the Front slot.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2024, 12:09:56 pm by dhaabi »