Author Topic: Slipcover - PlayStation 4 [BR]  (Read 1174 times)

Slipcover - PlayStation 4 [BR]
« on: September 15, 2024, 10:01:32 am »
I have 4 games with slipcovers and all 4 have different bar codes (and other codes) for the slipcover and for the game box inside it:

- The Witcher 3 has the description "originally a part of the The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt slipcover release".
I know this game is sold without the slipcover as well, but I can't confirm if the bar code of this version is the same of the box inside the slipcover.

- Cyberpunk 2077 the only version submited here, I can't say if this game is sold without the slipcover

- Terra-Média: Sombras de Mordor the only version submited here, but I had a previous box without slipcover with this exact bar code, and now I have a slipcover version with the same bar code on the box and a different bar code for the slipcover (I don't know if my previous version was sold originally without slipcover, I bought it used)

- Sonic Mania Plus
not submited yet, I can't say if this game is sold without slipcover

As I said, I can't confirm that all games are sold with and without the slipcover with the same bar codes, but I have a game that I guarantee that I bought it new and sealed without the slipcover:
but I discovered it is sold in a version with the same bar code for the box that comes inside a slipcover that have its own barcode
and because of that, maybe it is the same case in some or all the games above.

So, is it ok to submit the two entries like The Witcher 3 with the description saying it is part of a slipcover edition?

If the text is confusing, I can elaborate further.


Re: Slipcover - PlayStation 4 [BR]
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2024, 10:44:01 am »
So, is it ok to submit the two entries like The Witcher 3 with the description saying it is part of a slipcover edition?

First, 204194 has been merged into 204195. I originally created both entries, although only one should exist. The remaining entry has been renamed to Witcher 3, The: Wild Hunt. The only reason for a (slipcover) entry to exist would be if there were two unique items sold: one with the slipcover and one without. But, in this instance, the keepcase was sold as part of the slipcover release, so an entry representing the keepcase specifically is regarded as a duplicate.

I have 4 games with slipcovers and all 4 have different bar codes (and other codes) for the slipcover and for the game box inside it:

Sometimes, slipcover or boxed releases have different barcode and item number information from the actual cased item but are still to be considered as one item and one entry. Outer packaging information should be prioritized to its relevant entry field, but additional information can be supplied to the Description field, such as mentioning if the keepcase barcode has a unique sequence apart from the slipcover's sequence.

I have a game that I guarantee that I bought it new and sealed without the slipcover:
but I discovered it is sold in a version with the same bar code for the box that comes inside a slipcover that have its own barcode
and because of that, maybe it is the same case in some or all the games above.

The two aforementioned items are two, wholly unique items. Were it to be added, the bundled release would be submitted as Batman: Return to Arkham (slipcase) and should mention that it contains the keepcase and Blu-ray movie, ideally with each component's details listed in the Description field.

I can't confirm if the bar code of this version is the same of the box inside the slipcover.
I can't say if this game is sold without the slipcover
(I don't know if my previous version was sold originally without slipcover, I bought it used)
I can't say if this game is sold without slipcover

As a general rule, information shouldn't be submitted to the database unless it can be confirmed. All sorts of variants and alternative releases exist, and it's not likely or expected for members to know them all prior to submitting details for any one item. For now, focus on what you can confirm. Should more details become known about them, then those entries can be improved upon at a later time.

Re: Slipcover - PlayStation 4 [BR]
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2024, 07:51:26 am »
From what I have been looking in online stores, at least the Warner games are sold with the same bar code on the box for the normal and slipcase editions (which always comes with a movie). Confirmed cases are: Terra-Média: Sombras de Mordor, Batman: Return to Arkham and Lego Ninjago. I didn't go deeper, but there must be other cases published by Warner.