6. Hogwarts Legacy - Finished - Jan, 19th 2025
(My character. She's a goblin-kind's bad dream. A ranrok humbling boss. Wizard Name? Madam Clorophyl
The life force of hogwarts)
LUMOSReview - Where does one begin with hogwarts legacy. It will seem as though i'm glazing the games this year. But it just so happens these are generational games that are already top 20 all time in terms of greatness. If you like Harry Potter, If you like taming dragons, causing goblins to impose self harm, wielding dark magic, brewing things, if you like brushing mythical alpaca looking animals. It doesn't matter. Hogwarts Legacy is for you
To say the game is grand is an understatement. I have 105 hours in this beast front to back and havent even scratched 70 percent of a completionist run. The plot is blooming like a barbados fig fruit garden with colorful characters. The city of hogsmeade feels like a secondary home. You become entrenched. You live the life of a 5th year in hogwarts, and as someone who didn't know what to expect being as ive never seen Harry Potter or read the books. The game is just grandiose to the highest order and one of the most deliciously beautiful video games ever created.
I don't say this lightly. It's a top 3 game all time for me in terms of graphics. From the lumos ability glowing rock architecture in forbidden tombs, to the way ray tracing makes lights reflect off the floors. The way every piece of the castle seems to be busy. Random NPCs will have full conversations. The games pictures will dance via magic. Everywhere you turn is a delightful mini game or even a beast. A enemy. A merlin trial. Treasure. And each professor is as memorable and deeply entrenched as the next. Ghosts fued within school halls, other students address your former competitons. House elves request your help. When you walk. It feels like walking through a bustling school in your teen years. Trade nerds for gobstone collectors. Trade jocks for quiditch champions. Trade home rec to beast class. You'll spend hours just looking around. Being like "woah thats cool"
From professor figs paternal guidance.
To professor garlick's love for the agricultural unknown.
To professor Sharpes gritty and intimidating overtones.
The thing bleeds from its core, fan service excellence and it almost never.missed. The best of this is seen in your side relations. They get nuanced and clever.
The game gives unsurprising amount of control over both dialogue and the way you attack. With maybe 30 combat related.spells. it's easy to get into the game and just play your way. I find myself freezing enemies into ice cubes and bashing that ice cube into a billion bits. You may find yourself using depulso to body slam flamed enemies into eachother. It's endless.
The map is expansive and flu flames make fast travel a synch.
Poppy is a absolute delightful character with a solid moral compass.
The inner fued between good and evil is palpable.
In short, the game rocks. It's truly a masterpiecen. Clothing, very customizable. It feels like you're in hogwarts. You kinda soak into the plot like a sponge and their is endless things to see. It is the breath of the wild of the harry potter universe.
Time to beat - 105 Hours
Rating - 100/100