3. Dead or Alive 3 (XBOX)
Despite how much I loved DOA2 on the Dreamcast growing up, I never once played DOA3 on the XBOX until this evening. While my fondness for DOA2 has faded in recent years, I still hold it in fairly high regard, especially with how impressive it was visually at the time it came out. DOA3 in many ways feels like an enhanced version of 2, rather than a sequel. The gameplay, while supposedly different than 2, feels pretty much the same to me. Visually, the game also looks pretty much the same despite being newer. If it weren't for the all new levels, more levels, and a few new characters, this really wouldn't feel like much of a sequel at all. But for what it's worth, most of the same things that charmed me in DOA2 did so in DOA3 too. I just wish DOA3 would have moved the needle a little more than it did to make it truly feel like the sequel I was hoping it would be. (1/3/25) [35/50]