Author Topic: Lost or found items  (Read 2901 times)


Lost or found items
« on: June 14, 2012, 12:40:56 am »
When I moved I lost New Super Mario Bros Wii, I have no idea what happened to it but there were a couple of workers around shortly after I moved so it could have been that.

Now I was unpacking a few days ago after a year and a half I finally decided to sort through my VHS box and when I opened the box I founded a boxed Popeyes Game and Watch that I thought I had sold.

So anyone else have items they have lost or found in their collection?

Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2012, 02:21:28 pm »
I thought I had lost a bunch of PSone games, or at least sold them, when we were cleaning out our basement I found a ton of them, really weird cause I really thought I sold all of them. I'm still looking for my copy of GEX, I've managed to find the case and manual but not the game even though I've seen it around.
There was another time when I thought I lost my gameboy color, it's that lime green color which I love, so much so that I went and bought a new one but in yellow. I decided to poke around our garage and happen to find my old one, with I think Blaster Master for the Gameboy in it. I also found a ton of old yu-gi-oh and pokemon cards haha


Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 04:11:54 pm »
Not necessarily lost, but way back in the day I let a kid at school borrow Castlevania 3, and he let me borrow Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior 2, and Dragon Warrior 3 in return.  Unexpectedly, he moved away a month or two later.  I think I got a pretty good deal, despite losing a good game.  Also, when I moved out, I left a few gameboy games for my little sister, since she didn't have any of her own.  She promptly lost them.

I also have a copy of Super Mario Sunshine that appeared on my game shelf one day.  I'm still not exactly sure where that came from.
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Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2012, 04:19:36 pm »
I let a kid at school borrow Castlevania 3, and he let me borrow Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior 2, and Dragon Warrior 3 in return.  Unexpectedly, he moved away a month or two later.  I think I got a pretty good deal, despite losing a good game.

Heh you got a fantastic deal out of it. :) Wish I had forethought. I would have loaned out some of my games and borrowed Stadium events from someone!

Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2012, 05:16:54 pm »
I'll be honest, I'm very particular about my collection and who can borrow stuff, so I've never lost anything.  My roommate, on the other hand, has some interesting stories... like the time he thought he lost Tales of Symphonia, to the point that he bought another copy, only to find it two years or so later when he went to go play his GC Resident Evil... RE is still missing, though!  xD  There was also when he was moving in, he realized he had three copies of Sonic Adventure DX.  THREE!  Guess who got a free game out of that deal?  xD
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Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2012, 07:24:53 pm »
I'm the same as @gaiages.  I only collect for Saturn now, if you want to borrow anything I'd happily burn you an Iso.  Otherwise, you've got to play it at my place.  I'll loan out PS3, PSP, Vita and PC games without thinking twice.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 07:27:39 pm by varkias »


Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2012, 09:12:56 pm »
I don't borrow out anything any more. I did when I was a kid, but only to my cousins, so I always knew where they were.

I have a few stories:

1. I thought I had lost the soundtrack disc for my Castlevania 25th Anniversary collection. Couldn't find it for a month or better, and had recently moved. Looked online for replacements, only to see that set going for $90-100 and felt so bad for losing it. Then a week or so later, I was going through PC games and found it in a random jewel case to my extreme relief.

2. I was scanning discs for all my PS2 games, when I got to Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4. The disc are missing! As far as I could remember, it was never borrowed to anyone. So I dug out my PS2 and powered it on to check the drive, nothing. I searched around and checked another PS2 I had laying around and nothing. I remembered my Sister also was a big THPS fan and asked her about it, and she said she hadn't seen it. Then I decided to look through her PS2 games annnnnd (other than discs in cases they don't belong to) nothing. I gave up for a bit then one day decided to look again and found it inside the case for one of my sister's DVDs... because she has a tendency to take one thing out of a drive and put what ever was inside into the case she has in hand (usually something else completely).

3. I used to swap NES games with my cousin all the time. When I was High School I (stupidly) decided to sell off my NES games and console. I gave my cousin any games I had borrowed and then sold off my games. Years later, I was at his place and looking at NES games and noticed both Faxanadu and Burgertime mixed in with his games. I asked him "when did you buy these?" and he promptly replied that they were mine and they've been at his place for years. So, out of 18 some games I originally had, Faxanadu (one of my favorites ever, btw) and Burgertime survived the cut. Pretty awesome.
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Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2012, 01:30:17 am »
I don't have any lost items, but I do sorta have some found ones. Ronalopolis has had the same best friend since Kindergarten. This friend would bring games over to his house all the time. When Ronalopolis and I got married, the friend stayed with us for a few weeks on a random road trip. We told the friend that he needed to sort his games out of our stuff and take them home. Anything that he didn't take, we were now assuming was ours. He didn't take anything home, I don't think. That's how we ended up with such gems as the European Dreamcast release of Shenmue II and third copies of things that we each had a copy of (mostly NES games) when we got married.

He's still doing it, too. We've got the limited edition of Bioshock here and I know neither of us bought it. Even with board games, since he really doesn't have too many other nerdy friends, he'll buy one, leave it here, and then swear that we bought it. I guess a game here and there makes up for all the soda he drinks when he visits...
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2012, 02:28:16 am »
I'll be honest, I'm very particular about my collection and who can borrow stuff, so I've never lost anything.

Me in a nutshell.  I can count on Django Rienhardt's hand how many people actually have permission to borrow my stuff.


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Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2012, 10:08:24 am »
I'm have a bad story along these lines. 
When I moved out of my parents' house I left all my video game stuff.  All of the games I had bought new were there.  Well, I guess with me gone, my brother and sister took advantage of the situation and helped themselves to whatever they wanted.  I say that like their evil, but it wasn't so bad of them.  My sister had no interest in games and my brother took most of the SNES games while I got all the NES games.  When my collecting moved past the NES, I went back looking for my N64 and games.  I found the system and some controllers, but no games.  Turns out my sister and her douchebag husband decided they needed to take them home.  Now, she says she doesn't know if she has them.  It wouldn't be that big a deal since I've bought most of them again, but I had Conker's Bad Fur Day in there. 

So, bottom line is I lost all of the N64 games I bought new.  It hurts.


Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2012, 01:23:51 pm »

My mom and I went to visit my sisters up in Tennessee three years ago. I took several PS2 and GBA games with me so I wouldn't be bored out of my skull (the area where they live is kinda rural, the closest stores are five miles away :p).

Well, I came back, but I apparently left one game behind - Konami Collectors Series Arcade Advanced for the GBA. I spent the past three years looking for it until I finally asked one of my nephews and he said "Yeah, we have that." I told my sister to send it to me and she finally did. And started making fun of me for doing so. -_-;;


Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2012, 06:58:34 pm »
Kind of like Turf, I moved out of my parents' place and left a bunch of PS1&2 games there along with my GC and my brother's PS2 (some games were his and he was still living there at the time).  Not too long afterwards, however, I got a call from my parents asking if I had happened to take the PS2 console and games with me when I left.  I hadn't...

Apparently they had a break-in, and about 3/4 of the games were taken along with the PS2.  The GC and the PS2 cords were still there, though, for some reason.

I'm still trying to recover all the games that I lost then and get mad everything I see how much Legend of Mana is going for now.  It was one of my first eBay purchases back when I was a teen, and I'm sure I paid less than $17 for it then (which I'm sure I felt was too much).

Just bought renters' insurance the other day, though, and first chance I get, I'm going to sit down and calculate the replacement value of my current collection in case it happens again.
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Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2012, 07:22:11 pm »
Just bought renters' insurance the other day, though, and first chance I get, I'm going to sit down and calculate the replacement value of my current collection in case it happens again.
This is why I keep records of all the games I own and I am trying to take pictures every 6 months. Make sure you calculate how much it would cost to replace it all today not how much you spent.

Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2012, 04:50:34 am »
@desocietas I recently paid $5 for a copy of Legend of Mana at a swap meet here in Utah and turned around and sold it for $60.  Had no clue what it was worth until I got home.  I wish I had kept all my PS1 games from back in the day... makes me sad thinking about what I got rid of.


Re: Lost or found items
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2012, 05:28:35 am »
@desocietas I recently paid $5 for a copy of Legend of Mana at a swap meet here in Utah and turned around and sold it for $60.  Had no clue what it was worth until I got home.  I wish I had kept all my PS1 games from back in the day... makes me sad thinking about what I got rid of.

Ha, well, let me know if you ever see another cheap copy of Legend of Mana around - I'll double what you paid if it's $5 again ;)
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