Not a new game or anything -but- since I'm a sucker for both a pretty-looking CE & for supporting NISA...I've just pre-ordered this sweet-looking thing! 
Anyone here that's at all familiar w/ anime know anything about this, it any good!?
I *love* CCS, and was drooling over that set when I got the email the other night. Unfortunately, that's just too pricey for me.
I'm *really* ignorant & not knowledgeable at all about/when it comes to anime...
I own a few (from N1) that I've yet to watch (one of them is a big, boxed Persona set), and the 3 Geneon
Disgaea 1 DVD's (*
natch!*) + some other (unwatched) ones that people have gven me over the years (like High School of the Dead & a few "Black Bible" (I think they're called) ones).
I'm pretty sure that the only ones that I've actually *watched* that I own are the Berserk set (which I enjoyed) & The Grave of the Fireflies (which, while not disliking it...IMO, it seemed to fall short of all of the hype & praise surrounding & associated with it - then again - maybe it was just a case of "
there had been so much hype for so long that; maybe it was already destined to come up short no matter how good it was".So...what's CCS about & what makes it special enough to you that you'd still want to get it/see it another time, buddy?