Alright, just a cool little oddity I bought a few months back, and now I just received it. It's a computer that cost me, including shipping and an RCA cable and a case, a whole 50$.
Some of you may know about it, it's called a Raspberry Pi.

So it's a super tiny computer that fits in my hand. It's Linux based, has fairly low specs, and comes with only the board. Yes, that acrylic case was actually optional, it didn't even have a power cable. No hard drive on there either, so you have to install the OS to an SD card (though you can hook up an external hard drive to it). It has 2 USB ports, an ethernet port (sadly no wifi), RCA video, standard audio plug and HDMI. I just received it so I haven't tried it yet, but it should be just a fun little thing to mess around with. I might end up just using it as a media player of sorts, but either way it's just a cool little thing.
Check it out here if you want more info: