Author Topic: do you know of a vary gory retro game  (Read 6272 times)


Re: do you know of a vary gory retro game
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2012, 05:03:39 am »
Anyone know anything about the game Rule of Rose?

I remember some controversy over it & it even being banned in certain places...

I have a copy or 2 of it...but it's not very high on my "to play soon" list :P

I have this game. Survival Horror is definitely my all-time favorite genre of video games, and I plan to play it when a buddy comes over in a couple of weeks. Didn't it cause controversy because it was borderline CP? lol

I play da video games and listen to da metalz.


Re: do you know of a vary gory retro game
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2012, 09:17:44 am »
Weren't there a few "Adult/Mature" games for the 2600, too?

For showing breast-shaped pixels not covered by clothing-shaped pixels; or something?
Custer's Revenge.

Naked white guy in a hat rapes a native american girl who's tied up to a pole as a rain of arrows falls from above.
i thought she tied up to a cactus

Re: do you know of a vary gory retro game
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2012, 09:55:01 am »
For some reason the first game that pops into my head is Doom Troopers

I know there were more gory games at the time, but I remember being surprised by this one.