Good trip to the Flea Market today. I wish I had brought more money with me, though. I only pulled out a $20 because I usually don't find much. But today, there was this guy with a ton of video games on all the major systems (NES, SNES, Genesis, PS1, PS2, PS3, N64, GameCube, Xbox original & 360, Game Boy, DS, etc.) and systems. He said he'd be there every week, from now on. So it looks like I'll now be a flea market regular. So since I didn't have much money, I just bought cheapies from his $5 table today.

Total = $20
And that comic was one I was looking for for a while now! 1st appearance of the "new" looks for Brainiac (robot-skeleton look), and Lex Luthor (Power-Suit Armor). Only a $1, and the bag and board was included!
BTW, the CD, if you wondering, is Tool: Undertow. Great album, especially for only $3!