This is from Wednesday, I wasn't able to access Photobucket to upload this then.

Yello - One Second
Vangelis - Portraits
4 películas cómicas y de aventuras con ChanocFrontera de MexicaliTraficantes del Vicio (Sealed)
City Dragon (Sealed)
All of these were a buck each. I'm pretty sure I already have that Vangelis album somewhere but it was in nice shape so I grabbed it.
And those DVDs were found at a booth owned by a guy I really don't like. That Chanoc DVD set? Well, I already had it, but the copy I owned had scratched discs and damaged artwork. This one's mint. The other two Mexican movies, well the first one supposedly takes place in my hometown so I had to grab it. The second one stars Mario Almada, one of Mexico's most famous B-movie action superstars (in some of his roles, he basically plays a badass everyman - think Charles Bronson in the first Death Wish film; in others, he's a police officer, or a drug lord... or worse, eheh). And I already owned City Dragon, but again, sealed copy. Better condition than my old one.
If you're curious about City Dragon,
Obscurus Lupa reviewed it a while back.