Author Topic: An appeal to all members  (Read 3221 times)

An appeal to all members
« on: September 28, 2012, 03:24:41 pm »
I found this site by luck in one of the forums where I was looking for advices and a member had his collection as a signature.

I was an active member of PF (I don't want to make any advertisements) since 2009 and that site was way too complicated and thickened in my eyes so seeing something much smaller with the goal of "houseing the largest and most accurate video game database on the Internet" made me feel like in heaven.

However this is, at the moment, a bit inaccurate. At least for us Europeans. I've spent about 2 hours adding the games to my collection, and it really was not just adding. Firstly I had to check whether the current game is in the database and if not I had to submit it. From my collection of 166 PS2 games there only were 14 in the database already. So I had to add 152 games - I should receive a medal!

I don't mean to sound arrogant, I do really love it here for it's simplicity and will definitely stick around. I would just love the members to be more active. If you are adding a game to your collection, checking if there is the European version added would spend just 15 seconds! I even noticed that there were not some NA ones too. If every member cared a bit more about the database, there would have been thousands more of games already. The goal written on the main page of this site cannot be achieved by just one man's work (I mean in general, not myself) , it requires teamwork and dedication.

Compared to PF this site still has a lot of work in front regarding game titles database, but I am sure we will get there eventually. I'll hopefully be able to help achieving that differently than by posting this rant, but this kinda makes me not to want to add my 1000 PC, 40 PSP, 30 PS3, 25 PS1 and 25 Gameboy Advence games yet since it really takes ages!

Sorry for my first post being like this, but I do hope you know where I was aiming with it. So hi to all and happy gaming and collecting all of the little gems.  :)


Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 03:32:40 pm »
The majority of the population here really is from the US, but that makes your submission of EU games all the more important. You just have to add the game really. Other members will pick up the slack when it comes to adding extra info and images. Just adding the games themselves can't take more then a minute so even if you have 1000 unlisted EU games it is still only an hour a day over a few days.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 03:33:35 pm »
So YOU'RE the one that has been making my life miserable with all those Euro games! :-X

Actually, ha. The reason we don't have many European games is... well, we don't have that many European members. It's mostly Americans, Canadians, a couple of Brits, the odd German, and one Mexican. We haven't seen that many modern collectors from Europe here - I dunno why.

If you want to speed things up, you can type up your game list by platform and the admins can add bare entries to the site manually. They did this before for another user, and you'd be helping the database without doing that much work. ;)

And welcome and whatnot!

Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 04:46:11 pm »
Thanks a lot for the fast replies!

I'll see what I can do, lately I am pretty busy so even my gaming time is limited, but for sure I'll sacrifice some more of it. Still it would be beneficial if more people went for the submitting games ride with me. :)

Also I missclicked once and submitted Rez for the PS1 here: . Sorry for the trouble!


Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 08:06:05 pm »
Just be thankful you weren't around in the very beginning like some of us.  We had to populate the entire database from scratch.  Oh, and be careful what you wish for.  If people start creating listings for things that they aren't familiar with, before long you'll have a bunch of items that don't exist.

Welcome to the site!
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Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 11:50:30 pm »
Welcome to the site and thanks for all your hard work!

I know when I started on the site I had about 1400 items and buy the time I had finished adding them all I ended up I had submitted about 400 and edited 1000. It takes a lot of work but for me it pays off seeing all my hard work. To me it helps those other people who use the site.

edit: I just added my first Pal and AU games because of this post :)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 12:52:39 am by jcalder8 »

Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2012, 05:55:28 pm »
I of course appreciate the hard work everyone does in here but not having that many games may scare off the potential members. If they have a very huge collection and find out they have to add every second game themselves, they likely would not want to spend that much time doing so and will rather try their luck elsewhere. So it would be great if everyone added or edited some games each day, be it European or NA ones, to help the collection grow continously. Soon the results would show up.

It's true that mistakes can happen but I think that all of us do have a basic notion about our hobby and that we would not add trash/needless things/things we are not sure of. Every malicious intent can be easily punished.


Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2012, 09:47:13 pm »
Right now I am going through the Xbox Live Indie games so there isn't much of a chance to add other regions but as I add in additional games I will keep other areas in mind.

Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2012, 12:32:22 pm »
Today I submittted and edited some more games, the next are about to appear soon. Hope you'll enjoy!  :)


Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2012, 02:34:42 pm »
I think you are coming off bad. Ive submitted 100s of items, I know others have too. The problem you are running into is that your area (UK) is limited here. Thats not anyone's fault and it sounds like you are saying that we dont have anything in our database cause we dont have what YOU have in your collection. I dont know a damned thing about UK games and, because of that, I will not submit any of them. If I had some in my collection, they would have already been in the database.


Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2012, 03:48:06 pm »
And I already said, make a list of the games you have so an admin with higher access levels can add them in one shot later on.

Edit: soera, keep in mind English is very likely not his native language, so he might be sounding disrespectful without meaning to. I have that particular problem with Polish folks, their sense of humor is very sarcastic and it doesn't translate to English very well. XD

Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2012, 03:58:29 pm »
When I finished submitting all the games, posting this topic was the first thing I've done so my message may sound a bit harsh. I do now already know that there are people helping the community out by submitting/editing games but let's be honest - at the moment it's not enough. This site has setted up the big goal and achieveing it does require co-operation. From being here for a few days now I can see there's only a small core of active members around. Most of people just submit their games and use the profiles to keep track. But it would be nice if more people cared about the site and it's improvement.

If everyone would be as impassive as you regarding the other regions, this site could then be re-builded just as the NA one if there really are no Europeans. I am sorry but I think that adding one game twice both for each region would not hurt. You really don't have to possess much knowledge to do so, it's just to make things easier for the other people and helping this site evolve. I am sure someone with more knowledge would edit or correct the games, but every effort should be valued.

We are still missing quite a lot of games, even the NA ones and when I came across a game being unsubmitted for both regions, I was not idling and submitted both. I think it's what everyone should be doing to see some progress and more Europeans around. Otherwise the other regions are there without a reason.


Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2012, 04:11:05 pm »
Well we do what we can. We're still a relatively small site, and only a handful of us add games to the site constantly, not just the stuff we buy or own. I created the majority of the Steam and PC Digital databases and cleaned up the NeoGeo CD JP one.

There's another thing to consider - There's often more than one European release. Country-restrictions, different language versions, different ratings, etc. We still haven't discussed how to handle these versions of the games.

Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2012, 09:16:54 am »
I found this site by luck in one of the forums where I was looking for advices and a member had his collection as a signature.

I was an active member of PF (I don't want to make any advertisements) since 2009 and that site was way too complicated and thickened in my eyes so seeing something much smaller with the goal of "houseing the largest and most accurate video game database on the Internet" made me feel like in heaven.

However this is, at the moment, a bit inaccurate. At least for us Europeans. I've spent about 2 hours adding the games to my collection, and it really was not just adding. Firstly I had to check whether the current game is in the database and if not I had to submit it. From my collection of 166 PS2 games there only were 14 in the database already. So I had to add 152 games - I should receive a medal!

I don't mean to sound arrogant, I do really love it here for it's simplicity and will definitely stick around. I would just love the members to be more active. If you are adding a game to your collection, checking if there is the European version added would spend just 15 seconds! I even noticed that there were not some NA ones too. If every member cared a bit more about the database, there would have been thousands more of games already. The goal written on the main page of this site cannot be achieved by just one man's work (I mean in general, not myself) , it requires teamwork and dedication.

Compared to PF this site still has a lot of work in front regarding game titles database, but I am sure we will get there eventually. I'll hopefully be able to help achieving that differently than by posting this rant, but this kinda makes me not to want to add my 1000 PC, 40 PSP, 30 PS3, 25 PS1 and 25 Gameboy Advence games yet since it really takes ages!

Sorry for my first post being like this, but I do hope you know where I was aiming with it. So hi to all and happy gaming and collecting all of the little gems.  :)

Welcome to the site puracz! I won't reiterate what others have said but I'd just like to personally thank you for the submissions. We are very aware that we are lacking in most non-US regions and are looking for ways to improve this. I'm working on putting together a plan to improve this and should have an announcement soon.


Re: An appeal to all members
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2012, 10:22:37 am »
Welcome puracz