Author Topic: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic  (Read 3911 times)


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The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« on: September 08, 2012, 12:02:43 pm »

I'm sure that we have all (guys & gals) probably pretty much heard all of the "Size Matters" & "Bigger Does/Doesn't = Better" jokes  8)

In this case, I'll just come right out and state my opinion (As Fact); and say that Bigger does most certainly *NOT* = Better :P

Just in case there's one or two of you that hasn't caught-on yet - this topic is all about the...


1).  How big (how many games (approximately)) would you say that you own but haven't played yet?

2).  How many platforms (consoles, handhelds, digital, and PC are all fine) does your backlog span?
      ...AND...if you feel like it - Which ones are they?

3).  The platform that you have the largest # of unplayed games for is _____?

4).  What genre accounts for the largest # of your unplayed games?, and

5).  How many games would you say that you play (*NO* "NEW" games here - just your 'backlogged' ones:)...
    ...In a week?
    ...In a Month?
    ...In a year? 


Do you think that you'll ever complete 100% of your games/backlog?
Does your backlog continue growing in spite of already being entirely TOO BIG?!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 12:14:11 pm »
Hmm. I was thinking of this same thing yesterday. I almost started a backloggery account to handle it too.

That said, I'll have to take a total and see what my completion 100% is. (I'm sure it's ridiculously low)
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2012, 12:16:36 pm »
Scott -

Mine's also ridiculously low (quite likely 200+ games)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2012, 08:08:40 pm »
I was confronted with a similar question a few days ago.

Simply put, I am a collector - but the urge to collect was brought about because unlike other knick-knacks video games have the a dual purpose - looking good and being playable.

In truth, I will probably never play through even 1/5th of the games I have. There are so many reasons. Games can be near unplayable with glitches, they can be far too difficult for my skill level or maybe I just have no interest in them. Heck, there are a lot of good games that I am interested in that I buy and may never get around to completing. I've been criticized for this before.

However, almost every game I buy I do because of a few reasons:
1. I have the potential to play the game
2. I like to take chances on games I've never heard of... they could be good or they could be hilariously bad, either way is fine
3. The biggest one, perhaps - if a non-sports game is dirt cheap I will buy it

That being said, concerning my backlog...

1. Pretty big. There could be more then 100 games I'd be interested in completing I have yet to in my collection.

2. Most every system, post second generation, has quite a few I'd like to complete. So... a lot of systems.

3. It's hard to say... but probably PS1 or SNES. PS1 has so many RPGs I'd like to go through. I've gone through many SNES games, probably more then any other console, but there are still so many more that I need to go through...

4. RPGs. I play them a lot, but they are by far the most time consuming. Most action/platformer games I get through rather quickly.

5. It is really hard to say. It depends on my mood and what I happen to put in the system and get hooked on for awhile.

As for if I will ever 100% complete my backlog, the answer is probably no. It will just grow larger as I find out about more games, and time is ever more a factor.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2012, 11:12:08 pm »
1. 1500+?
2. All of them?
3. 360, since it is most of my collection
4. I couldn't even guess
5. Not even enough to make a dent, purchases far out number played
6. Honestly no


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2012, 11:41:34 pm »
1. Around five to ten
2. Gamecube, NES, N64, Genesis
3. Genesis
4. Sports and board games
5. I have no idea
6. Doubt I will ever complete them all, but I will play most of my games
7. It keeps growing.  My problem is I start out enjoying a game and feel the need to 100% the game.  Then I get distracted by another game or get bored and when I come back I start over again.  If I just played through games faster and did not go for 100% I would probably finish a lot more games.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


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Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2012, 11:40:58 am »
1).  How big (how many games (approximately)) would you say that you own but haven't played yet?
      A ton.  I have 900+ games.  I have probably finished 1/10 of them.  I haven't finished only 3 current Gen games.

2).  How many platforms (consoles, handhelds, digital, and PC are all fine) does your backlog span?
      ...AND...if you feel like it - Which ones are they?
      Atari to Xbox 360
3).  The platform that you have the largest # of unplayed games for is _____?
      The NES.  It's the only system I buy games for with no intention of playing.  Well, I guess I do have some N64 games I'll never play.
4).  What genre accounts for the largest # of your unplayed games?, and
      Genre?  I don't know.  Is "Didn't age well" a genre?
5).  How many games would you say that you play (*NO* "NEW" games here - just your 'backlogged' ones:)...
    ...In a week?
    ...In a Month?
    ...In a year? 
    If I played a different game everyday for just over 3 years, I might finish them all.  I doubt it though.  I would buy more games.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 09:16:41 am by turf »


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2012, 02:31:20 pm »
1).  How big (how many games (approximately)) would you say that you own but haven't played yet?
      Im afraid Im in the same boat as everyone else. I probably have played 5-10% of my games

2).  How many platforms (consoles, handhelds, digital, and PC are all fine) does your backlog span?
      ...AND...if you feel like it - Which ones are they?
      Honestly its not platforms, its specific games. I only really play RPGs and there are probably a fair number I have yet to jump into.

3).  The platform that you have the largest # of unplayed games for is _____?
      My PS1. I love the games I have played but the number of unplayed/unfinished far surpasses the ones I have finished.

4).  What genre accounts for the largest # of your unplayed games?, and
      Heh, I already answered above. RPGs are the only genre I play. The non rpgs I have in my collection are just that ... collection items.

5).  How many games would you say that you play (*NO* "NEW" games here - just your 'backlogged' ones:)...
    ...In a week? 0-2
    ...In a Month? 1-3
    ...In a year?  Maybe a dozen


Do you think that you'll ever complete 100% of your games/backlog? I hope to. Im working more on the gaming aspect of the hobby now.
Does your backlog continue growing in spite of already being entirely TOO BIG?! It does. I am always finding more games I havent yet played (Crusader of Centy, Tecmo Secret of the Stars, etc)


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2012, 02:45:42 am »
It's terribly outdated but here you go.

#4 RPGs
#5 Not nearly enough
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 02:49:44 am by ffxik »


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2012, 09:51:29 am »
My collection is currently comprised of only NES, Super NES, and PlayStation games. At one point, it also included GameCube, GBA, and DS games. After playing a few of the better games on each of those systems, I decided my gaming time would be better spent focusing on the few platforms I played in my youth. I sold off the three latter collections.

I think I am better for it. There is something overwhelming about having too many games to play. It introduces a paralysis that usually leads to sitting around reading about, or posting on forums about, games, instead of actually playing them. I do still have what I could consider a serious amount of gaming in my collection, but the number of games I own is staying relatively static.

I only buy what I play, and I play what I buy. If I am not going to play it, I sell it. My backloggery is in my signature.

Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2012, 11:03:28 am »
1).  How big (how many games (approximately)) would you say that you own but haven't played yet?
No idea on how many are completely unplayed, but I have 538 unfinished games (out of 1153)

2).  How many platforms (consoles, handhelds, digital, and PC are all fine) does your backlog span?
      ...AND...if you feel like it - Which ones are they?

It's across about 30+ formats, I'm not going to list them all :)

3).  The platform that you have the largest # of unplayed games for is _____?
PC at 168 unfinished games. But in my defence PC is my largest collection, and the vast majority of my PC games are RPGs.

4).  What genre accounts for the largest # of your unplayed games?, and
I've not checked , but I'd be surprised if it was anything other than RPGs :)

5).  How many games would you say that you play (*NO* "NEW" games here - just your 'backlogged' ones:)...
    ...In a week?
    ...In a Month?
    ...In a year? 

Since I got a Backloggery I've been pretty organised, so I usually keep two or three different games on the go and play them until I finish them. I dip into my arcade-style games too though, so let's say about six different games a week (three I'm working through + the odd hour on a shmup or something).

Do you think that you'll ever complete 100% of your games/backlog?
Does your backlog continue growing in spite of already being entirely TOO BIG?![/b]

Well I don't think I'll ever not have an unfinished game at home, but I fully intend to play everything I've got.


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2012, 12:09:15 pm »
My collection grows every day so my backlog is huge. My wife and I over the summer were going to try and tackle some of the list but only got 4 or 5 games completed. We plan on one day finishing them all, but to be truthful the amount of stuff my wife and I buy on a weekly basis brings me to think no we will never finish it.:'(


Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2012, 03:35:40 pm »
1).  How big (how many games (approximately)) would you say that you own but haven't played yet?
Probably 300-400. I still haven't added all my games to my list. I've played a great deal of my NES, SNES, and Genesis games. Maybe I'll go through the list and check the games I've played... New site feature for Matt to add!

2).  How many platforms (consoles, handhelds, digital, and PC are all fine) does your backlog span?
NES, SNES, Genesis, Gameboy, PS1, N64, Saturn, GBC, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, GC, GBA, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, Vita, PC.

3).  The platform that you have the largest # of unplayed games for is _____?
SNES, PS2, or 360.

4).  What genre accounts for the largest # of your unplayed games?
Probably multiple genres: RPG, Action, and Platformer are probably the greatest number

5).  How many games would you say that you play (*NO* "NEW" games here - just your 'backlogged' ones:)...
    ...In a week? 1
    ...In a Month? 3
    ...In a year? 20


Do you think that you'll ever complete 100% of your games/backlog?
If I live long enough.

Does your backlog continue growing in spite of already being entirely TOO BIG?!
Hell yeah! My wife hates me for it.