I tried Googling it, but I couldn't get a coherent translation. So, my guess is that it means, "Kash, you are the epitome of fabulousness and glamour. You are the apple of my eye and the honey in my tea. You are divine. And modest. Kash, you are so modest."
Was that close enough? Like I said, Google was slightly all over the place.
Ky is a character in Guilty Gear. He's been around since the first game and he's always been one of the most annoying characters to face. He's got a solid range game and he can wreak havoc up close. He's very "new-user" friendly, so folks just starting with the series tend to gravitate towards him, which is fine because I'm happy when GG gets more love. I just hate how Ky always seems to have an advantage against any of the cast members.