I found some of my shit in a pawn shop. It's a sad day. I didn't think she would sink so low.
At least I got all of my NES games out early. I still have those.
Ouch. Can't claim it as stoken property, either, since it's a divorce, huh?
Depending on local laws, most pawn shops *
have* to (and, in the areas where they don't legally *
have* to) they always...repeat *
always* will still let you buy back the exact items...for exactly the amount that they paid for them (no. you shouldn't ever *have* to do this), -but- this is going to be the one & only time that their cheapness will be on your side.
Here's how:
- if you can, bring the receipt for the transaction; if you can't, try to bring her (as the "seller") with you...obviously, having both her & the receipt wouldn't hurt!
read, adapt, and improvise accordingly for the person & their attitude- if necessary (and even if not), it never hurts to (nicely but firmly) demand to speak/deal with only a boss/manager.
Here, you can do whatever is the most comfortable for you (and the most appropriate); you may have to pick & choose or use them in a escalating order:
* Tell the truth. Bring her with you, say what she did & why, and nicely let them know that you're expecting no hassle in repaying what they gave her,
* don't bring her with you (or do - it doesn't really matter), and say that they were mistakenly sold/the wrong items pulled out of a box or something,
* stay civil, polite, and unwavering,
* say they were stolen - none of these stores want to be tagged with that. Decide beforehand (if you're unwilling to bring/blame your wife) *who* did it OR you don't know who did it but it happened when...(you didn't lock your doors, nobody in the house, etc)
* If/when all else fails (I've never heard of it going beyond this bit...it could);
- If you're friends, related to, or know any cops,civil/gov't law enforcement, bring em with you
- If not...
convince!* them that - in spite of being very reluctant to/and having really hoped that you wouldn't have had to...that you're going directly to the police (to inform them of a store that buys (*Receives*) stolen property.
It's never (that I've ever heard of or known) went to the point of anyone actually having to do this...just *Sell* them on that well enough so that they're thinking that you're serious and will actually do so
Obviously - the sooner the better, before it's been long enough for them to sell (or even plausibly *say* that they've) resold any/all of it!