Disclaimer: I love Japan. I freaking love Japan. I love japanese people too. They're awesome.
However I pre-ordered an Animal Crossing amiibo cards album from Amiami. I received the invoice yesterday saying it was ready to ship so time to pay, with a quote for ~$32 shipping. I knew I could change the shipping option, so I followed the link to the order. There were 2 buttons: Cancel, and Next. Usually, Next brings you the next step, and CONFIRM would be the name on the eventual button that confirms a freaking purchase, right? Nope.
Next confirmed the purchase.
I contacted customer support and asked to cancel my order so that I could place it again with the proper option (you know, the one that's
90% cheaper). However, Japan has so much trouble with anything that is even slightly outside of the "normal" path. Sooooo much trouble. Never order a hamburger without pickles at any McDonald's in Japan, you'll make the cashier panic and apologize profusely, and you'll also have pickles in your hamburger. You can't have anything that isn't THE way of doing things. So of course they couldn't do anything.
tl;dr I just paid $40 for an $8 binder to put some cards in. I've made mistakes that cost me a lot more in life, but the situation makes me unhappy.

I still love you, Japan. You just made me sad, but I still love you.