Just venting a bit. I am a huge Star Wars fan and yes I seen The Force Awakens and I loved it. But I am a Star Wars fan at heart, and I love all the films even the prequels. They are great films in my opinion and Padme and Anakin are among my top 5 characters. My frustration is to all the prequel bashing and people saying I'm stupid because I think the prequels are great and I like Episode 3 better than Episode 4. I don't hate Jar Jar Binks and I think he's a cool character. Everyone has an opinion but online at other forums about star wars putting me down because I like the prequels. Their are plenty of flaws with the original trilogy as well imo but I think they are still classics.
Okay I'm done. Thanks for listening. 
Ah, Its just a fact that people on forums (not VGC tho!) like to complain, bash, troll and just be ignorant to one another. So don't take it personal.
As for the movies themselves, everyone has an opinion. For me, Episodes I, II and III ruined my enjoyment of Star Wars so much that for about two years, I wouldn't even watch any of them. I've since watched them all again several times and have seen the Force Awakens. I can accept the prequels for what they are and they do in fact have important events happen in them. They also became more bearable with each release.
I don't really feel the need to watch The Phantom Menace again anytime soon. That movie to me is horrible, horrible rubbish. The pod race and lightsaber duel are the only redeeming qualities to it. Jar Jar Binks is one of the most moronic characters I have ever seen in a film. He's dumber than any creature that appeared in Labyrinth, Never Ending Story or Dark Crystal. He's dumber than a Fraggle. Episode I also took everything we loved about "the force" which is a mystical energy that surrounds, binds and imbues beings with power and "rekt" it. Midi-Chlorians? What the hell is that? So the force isn't a mystical power, but bacteria? George Lucas deserves to have a pineapple shoved up his ass every day for eternity for shitting on the fans and the history of the saga.