Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1666535 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9780 on: March 03, 2016, 09:40:16 am »
What do you call an Xbox One that can't get it up?

An Xbonerless!

HEY-O! Eh? Eh?


*quietly leaves*



Sony's to the left of me, Ms' to the right - here I am stuck in the middle...Wii-U  8)

I love this! I think Cloud had that as his signature a while ago.

He did indeed - he asked me if I'd mind if he used it...I take credit for this one!

Anyway, I'm glad that a few of you got the reference - it's a pretty old song.

It was also used as the opening theme for Grace and Frankie, which is a fabulous show on Netflix. I swear, Jane Fonda must feast on the blood of virgins in order to remain so fit and healthy.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9781 on: March 03, 2016, 09:45:48 am »
Xbox's media capabilities are superior to PS4.  So you are wrong.

Specs I think is arguable, the specs are so similar with a few differences, which each have their advantages and disadvantages in specific situations.

Best exclusives is an opinion, which I will state I personally own and play more X1 exclusives than I own PS4 exclusives.

Stability of Apps is arguable, given that all media apps on PS4 have crashed for me (fairly consistently), but X1 performs perfectly with media apps.

Best versions of multi-plats is also arguable, majority yes run better on PS4, but I'm certain there were a few that ran better on X1.

Best 1st party studios... uh... yeah... that's probably true.

EDIT: I actually went and looked at my collection, I actually do own more PS4 exclusives, because I think Hearts of Stone physical box was PS4 only, but all of my PS4 exclusives are sealed because I have no interest in playing them as they are all for my wife... minus hearts of stone, because I don't own Witcher 3.

LOL...I was making a funny.  But since you replied....
1  Xbox One does have more multimedia features.  That is precisely why Xbox lost before it even began:  The focus away from gaming.

2  Specs aren't arguable.  PS4 demonstrates on a consistent basis it can perform better than the 'bone with higher framerates and higher resolutions.  Sure, there may be the odd game that runs better on Xbox, but the overwhelming majority are superior on PS4.

3  Check Metacritic and Game Rankings and you will see PS4 has a higher average than Xbox One for exclusives.  Sony has also turned the tables in most cases on Microsoft and beat them at their own game of buying timed exclusives and timed exclusive content.

4  Experiences like mileage will vary, but listening to members here and on other forums, it's clear that Xbox has issues with consistently streaming content and performing downloads.  It is painfully slow compared to PS4 in most cases.

5  See #2.  With the odd exception, PS4 trumps Xbox One every time.

6  You admit Sony has the better 1st party studios.  You further admit to personally owning more PS4 exclusives.

See, Sony wins.   :P

« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 10:12:01 am by gf78 »
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9782 on: March 03, 2016, 09:51:24 am »
People really need to stop with the pointless internet arguments. Especially after an admin already politely told y'all to stop several posts ago. We're better than this here. Just stop.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9783 on: March 03, 2016, 10:02:43 am »
People really need to stop with the pointless internet arguments. Especially after an admin already politely told y'all to stop several posts ago. We're better than this here. Just stop.

Who's arguing?  It was a joke.  Here, I'll fix it.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9784 on: March 03, 2016, 10:16:03 am »
Xbox's media capabilities are superior to PS4.  So you are wrong.

Specs I think is arguable, the specs are so similar with a few differences, which each have their advantages and disadvantages in specific situations.

Best exclusives is an opinion, which I will state I personally own and play more X1 exclusives than I own PS4 exclusives.

Stability of Apps is arguable, given that all media apps on PS4 have crashed for me (fairly consistently), but X1 performs perfectly with media apps.

Best versions of multi-plats is also arguable, majority yes run better on PS4, but I'm certain there were a few that ran better on X1.

Best 1st party studios... uh... yeah... that's probably true.

EDIT: I actually went and looked at my collection, I actually do own more PS4 exclusives, because I think Hearts of Stone physical box was PS4 only, but all of my PS4 exclusives are sealed because I have no interest in playing them as they are all for my wife... minus hearts of stone, because I don't own Witcher 3.

LOL...I was making a funny.  But since you replied....
1  Xbox One does have more multimedia features.  That is precisely why Xbox lost before it even began:  The focus away from gaming.

2  Specs aren't arguable.  PS4 demonstrates on a consistent basis it can perform better than the 'bone with higher framerates and higher resolutions.  Sure, there may be the odd game that runs better on Xbox, but the overwhelming majority are superior on PS4.

3  Check Metacritic and Game Rankings and you will see PS4 has a higher average than Xbox One for exclusives.  Sony has also turned the tables in most cases on Microsoft and beat them at their own game of buying timed exclusives and timed exclusive content.

4  Experiences like mileage will vary, but listening to members here and on other forums, it's clear that Xbox has issues with consistently streaming content and performing downloads.  It is painfully slow compared to PS4 in most cases.

5  See #2.  With the odd exception, PS4 trumps Xbox One every time.

6  You admit Sony has the better 1st party studios.  You further admit to personally owning more PS4 exclusives.

See, Sony wins.   :P
1. Yup
2. Yup, but that's my point, it kind of depends on how you develop your game, as such, if devs see PS4 as the better seller they will develop specifically to make it for PS4.  Sometimes devs look at it the other way.
3. Eh, I don't judge games based on their critic or user ratings, but yeah games like Halo 5 don't help.
4. Actually yeah, installing games and updating games is so painful on X1 that multiplat I go PS4 just for that.
5. Also, See 2.
6. Yup, but that's because Microsoft ditched all their 1st party studios, saw that was stupid, tried to fix it, failed rather miserably.  Halo team doesn't know what they are doing, not too impressed with the new Gears folks work, Fable has gone to shit... but Forza is still pretty great.  Objectively speaking, I have no issue admitting Sony's first party teams are worlds above MS's first party teams, but I personally like the MS exclusives over PS.  I think we've had this conversation before, I won't argue and say shit like Bloodbourne sucks, I don't know if it does, I haven't played it.  But I also don't care to play it.  Whereas on the other hand I was interested in Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Forza Horizon 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider (Yes, Timed exclusive, will probably sell better on PS4 when it releases, blah blah blah, I wanted to play it and didn't want to wait a year). 

I guess what I'm saying is better 1st party doesn't equal better exclusives.  Only 1 of the games I listed for MS were first party, and as far as I know Turn 10 isn't owned by MS.  On that note, I actually don't know what exclusives for PS are 1st party.  LBP isn't Sony, Infamous isn't Sony, Bloodbourne isn't Sony.

Mind my ignorance, I'm learning.  I didn't know Naughty Dog is owned by Sony.  Apparently Sucker Punch is also owned by Sony.  Oh my.  Apparently Media Molecule is as well.  The more you know *twinkle*

Seriously though, I thought all of those studios were independent like Kojima Productions, just with tons of exclusive deals.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 10:25:47 am by ctracy87 »


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9785 on: March 03, 2016, 10:26:40 am »
I guess what I'm saying is better 1st party doesn't equal better exclusives.  Only 1 of the games I listed for MS were first party, and as far as I know Turn 10 isn't owned by MS.  On that note, I actually don't know what exclusives for PS are 1st party.  LBP isn't Sony, Infamous isn't Sony, Bloodbourne isn't Sony.

Mind my ignorance, I'm learning.  I didn't know Naughty Dog is owned by Sony.  Apparently Sucker Punch is also owned by Sony.  Oh my.

Just a few notes for you, then I think we should let this go since some people think we are arguing.   :P

Turn 10 Studios is owned by Microsoft
Media Molecule-the makers of LittleBigPlanet-are owned by Sony.
Bloodborne is a Sony property, co-developed between From Software and Sony Studios Japan.
And you already saw that Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog are owned by Sony. 

Microsoft's scuttling of their 1st party studios defies logic.  They either shut down or rolled into another group almost all of their studios.  Halo has sucked since Bungie left and Gears of War should have ended with 3.  Judgment sucked and I don't have a clue where they are going to go with the story now since it was resolved at the end of 3.  Fable has gone to shit and Turn 10 is milking money from their fans with DLC car packs that drive the price of the full Forza game up to around $200.  They tried forcing Kinect down everyone's throat and last gen, exclusives that weren't Kinect-I-crap were few & far between. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9786 on: March 03, 2016, 10:30:25 am »
I guess what I'm saying is better 1st party doesn't equal better exclusives.  Only 1 of the games I listed for MS were first party, and as far as I know Turn 10 isn't owned by MS.  On that note, I actually don't know what exclusives for PS are 1st party.  LBP isn't Sony, Infamous isn't Sony, Bloodbourne isn't Sony.

Mind my ignorance, I'm learning.  I didn't know Naughty Dog is owned by Sony.  Apparently Sucker Punch is also owned by Sony.  Oh my.

Just a few notes for you, then I think we should let this go since some people think we are arguing.   :P

Turn 10 Studios is owned by Microsoft
Media Molecule-the makers of LittleBigPlanet-are owned by Sony.
Bloodborne is a Sony property, co-developed between From Software and Sony Studios Japan.
And you already saw that Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog are owned by Sony. 

Microsoft's scuttling of their 1st party studios defies logic.  They either shut down or rolled into another group almost all of their studios.  Halo has sucked since Bungie left and Gears of War should have ended with 3.  Judgment sucked and I don't have a clue where they are going to go with the story now since it was resolved at the end of 3.  Fable has gone to shit and Turn 10 is milking money from their fans with DLC car packs that drive the price of the full Forza game up to around $200.  They tried forcing Kinect down everyone's throat and last gen, exclusives that weren't Kinect-I-crap were few & far between.
If there is any arguing going on... and I think I'm actually mostly agreeing with you... it's all very tame.

Yeah, Microsoft did kind of put all of their money, figuratively, into the entertainment stuff.

Man it's crazy how many studios are owned by Sony.

Honestly, I think Microsoft had this mindset that they dominated with the 360, and that they didn't need to provide 1st party support to keep winning because they had 3rd party support, but all of their screw ups with the X1 kind of screwed that.  1st party support is one of the most important things, because these are the people who should be showing off what the platform can do, don't rely on 3rd party support to do that for you.

That's actually one of the frustrating things I'm noticing, that companies are doing like Turn 10 and monetizing stuff on top of the full retail cost.  They are one of the worst because they have their "season pass" but it doesn't include all of the DLC, so you still have to buy tons of stuff on top of the season pass.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 10:34:41 am by ctracy87 »


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9787 on: March 03, 2016, 10:51:44 am »
That's actually one of the frustrating things I'm noticing, that companies are doing like Turn 10 and monetizing stuff on top of the full retail cost.  They are one of the worst because they have their "season pass" but it doesn't include all of the DLC, so you still have to buy tons of stuff on top of the season pass.

I can tell you I honestly enjoyed Forza more than Gran Turismo.  I liked the car customization, more focus on the exotic cars and less "200 variations of a Honda Civic" that is so prevalent in GT.  But Forza 4 broke me.  First, it had less cars than Forza 3.  I bought the Collector's Edition to get the steelbook and extra cars.  Then they release an overpriced season pass, and still more cars and tracks that weren't included in that.  Forza 5 for the 'bone comes along and cut the amount of cars and tracks even more than 4, and the season pass and DLC shenanigans only got worse.  So I'll stick with GT.  It's better in some areas, worse in others.  But I don't have to worry about being price-gouged on DLC and feel like they are intentionally withholding cars, tracks and other content to bleed me dry.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9788 on: March 03, 2016, 11:14:55 am »
What do you call an Xbox One that can't get it up?

An Xbonerless!

HEY-O! Eh? Eh?


*quietly leaves*



Sony's to the left of me, Ms' to the right - here I am stuck in the middle...Wii-U  8)

I love this! I think Cloud had that as his signature a while ago.

He did indeed - he asked me if I'd mind if he used it...I take credit for this one!

Anyway, I'm glad that a few of you got the reference - it's a pretty old song.

It was also used as the opening theme for Grace and Frankie, which is a fabulous show on Netflix. I swear, Jane Fonda must feast on the blood of virgins in order to remain so fit and healthy.

Growing up in a house with a Vietnam vet for a father = very little love in our hearts for Hanoi Jane.

"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9789 on: March 03, 2016, 11:19:59 am »
What do you call an Xbox One that can't get it up?

An Xbonerless!

HEY-O! Eh? Eh?


*quietly leaves*



Sony's to the left of me, Ms' to the right - here I am stuck in the middle...Wii-U  8)

I love this! I think Cloud had that as his signature a while ago.

He did indeed - he asked me if I'd mind if he used it...I take credit for this one!

Anyway, I'm glad that a few of you got the reference - it's a pretty old song.

It was also used as the opening theme for Grace and Frankie, which is a fabulous show on Netflix. I swear, Jane Fonda must feast on the blood of virgins in order to remain so fit and healthy.

Growing up in a house with a Vietnam vet for a father = very little love in our hearts for Hanoi Jane.


I must be out of the loop.

What had happened?

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9790 on: March 03, 2016, 11:30:15 am »
That's actually one of the frustrating things I'm noticing, that companies are doing like Turn 10 and monetizing stuff on top of the full retail cost.  They are one of the worst because they have their "season pass" but it doesn't include all of the DLC, so you still have to buy tons of stuff on top of the season pass.

I can tell you I honestly enjoyed Forza more than Gran Turismo.  I liked the car customization, more focus on the exotic cars and less "200 variations of a Honda Civic" that is so prevalent in GT.  But Forza 4 broke me.  First, it had less cars than Forza 3.  I bought the Collector's Edition to get the steelbook and extra cars.  Then they release an overpriced season pass, and still more cars and tracks that weren't included in that.  Forza 5 for the 'bone comes along and cut the amount of cars and tracks even more than 4, and the season pass and DLC shenanigans only got worse.  So I'll stick with GT.  It's better in some areas, worse in others.  But I don't have to worry about being price-gouged on DLC and feel like they are intentionally withholding cars, tracks and other content to bleed me dry.
lol I remember that with GT4, there were so many variations of so many cars, it's like... why?

I'm actually more interested in the Need for Speed type games, so I really liked Forza Horizon, they can't lock out tracks since it's open world, and they provide an abundant amount of cars without DLC, but yeah, tons of DLC cars in the shop and you have to pay attention.  It gets frustrating when you see a car in the shop and you are like "Oh yeah, I'm getting that" and then it's like "Connect to store and buy?"  Uh... nope.  Especially when it's outside of the season pass, what's the point of a season pass if you aren't giving all of the content.

At least games like Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat X make sense because they do separate "Seasons"


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9791 on: March 03, 2016, 11:46:48 am »
I must be out of the loop.

What had happened?

Hanoi Jane was the nickname given to Jane Fonda because during the height of the Vietnam war, she visited North Vietnamese soldiers and took pictures with them.  One picture in particular has her sitting on a large gun which had been used to shoot down American fighters.  Needless to say, Americans at that time didn't take too kindly to her basically hanging out and laughing with the enemy who had killed their fellow countrymen. 

To this day, that reputation persists especially among the people who grew up in that era.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9792 on: March 03, 2016, 11:53:38 am »
lol I remember that with GT4, there were so many variations of so many cars, it's like... why?

I'm actually more interested in the Need for Speed type games, so I really liked Forza Horizon, they can't lock out tracks since it's open world, and they provide an abundant amount of cars without DLC, but yeah, tons of DLC cars in the shop and you have to pay attention.  It gets frustrating when you see a car in the shop and you are like "Oh yeah, I'm getting that" and then it's like "Connect to store and buy?"  Uh... nope.  Especially when it's outside of the season pass, what's the point of a season pass if you aren't giving all of the content.

At least games like Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat X make sense because they do separate "Seasons"

I have a huge dislike for DLC and Season Passes in particular.  No matter what, it's nearly always in the back of my mind that the content was cut from the original game, or that the main game was intentionally made a certain way to facilitate gouging consumers for DLC.  I've bought two season passes and very little other DLC since this whole mess began last generation.  I guess you could say I had a few more season passes or DLC, but they were included in Collector's Editions of games I bought for the physical items, not for the DLC. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9793 on: March 03, 2016, 12:02:26 pm »
I must be out of the loop.

What had happened?

Hanoi Jane was the nickname given to Jane Fonda because during the height of the Vietnam war, she visited North Vietnamese soldiers and took pictures with them.  One picture in particular has her sitting on a large gun which had been used to shoot down American fighters.  Needless to say, Americans at that time didn't take too kindly to her basically hanging out and laughing with the enemy who had killed their fellow countrymen. 

To this day, that reputation persists especially among the people who grew up in that era.

Interesting. I never knew that. Has she ever explained herself? I'm sure it would be hard to change the minds of some folks even if she described what happened.

I still enjoy her. I thought she was great in 9 to 5 and On Golden Pond, and seeing how well she's aged in Grace and Frankie is inspiring.


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9794 on: March 03, 2016, 12:11:30 pm »
I must be out of the loop.

What had happened?

Hanoi Jane was the nickname given to Jane Fonda because during the height of the Vietnam war, she visited North Vietnamese soldiers and took pictures with them.  One picture in particular has her sitting on a large gun which had been used to shoot down American fighters.  Needless to say, Americans at that time didn't take too kindly to her basically hanging out and laughing with the enemy who had killed their fellow countrymen. 

To this day, that reputation persists especially among the people who grew up in that era.

Interesting. I never knew that. Has she ever explained herself? I'm sure it would be hard to change the minds of some folks even if she described what happened.

I still enjoy her. I thought she was great in 9 to 5 and On Golden Pond, and seeing how well she's aged in Grace and Frankie is inspiring.

Oh ya, my dad grew up in the Nam era, he was actually drafted by the Marines, but failed his physical. He lost a lot of friends in the war. He hates her too, considers her a traitor. 
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