I laughed so hard this weekend. I traded some games to a friend who also runs a game store. He hoards all kinds of stuff. Just crazy what all he has. Well, I walked out of his place with a Force FX Darth Vader lightsaber brand-new in box.
Where does the laughing part come in? I chased my cat and dogs around the house and yard with it, swinging it while it makes all the lightsaber sounds. And when I tap one of them on the butt with it, it makes the "Kasshhh!!!" sound from the movies when the blades crossed. 
I couldn't resist. XD
I'm always happy to see folks get the enjoyment they deserve from any of their collections.
LOL...and thanks. You should really check out the Force FX lightsabers online if you haven't see them. They are highly detailed, modeled after the original props. They are made out of metal, plastic, rubber, etc. Those cheesy things at Walmart don't hold a stick to these.
Another little pickup I got this weekend is a Darth Vader helmet. I'm trying to find the manufacturer to learn more about it as it was not boxed. It's on a heavy stand with the imperial emblem on the front. What sets this apart is that the helmet comes apart in two pieces just like when Luke removes Vader's helmet for him in Return of the Jedi. That's when it gets interesting. The inside is completely detailed. I mean, insanely completely detailed. The breathing apparatus, wires and all details are present inside. You can even see out of the eye goggles. There is even a foam padding along the back edge where it would rest against Anakin's neck. It is incredibly cool looking and I would love to find out more about it.