Really kind of mad, and REALLLLLLLY can't wait to leave negative feedback.
Seller listed a game on ebay, so I bought it pretty damned quick because it doesn't get listed very often. I don't even think it was a great price, it was about what you should expect to pay. He IMMEDIATELY refunds me with an excuse saying he must have sold it at a flea market stall over the weekend.
The issue, is that I was in NO WAY notified of this, so I've been sitting around for a week minding my own business waiting for my game to come in. I check my paypal account history for a completely different reason... and I see that I have a refund for something. No message on ebay, no email from anyone. I had no clue that he had refunded my purchase. He didn't cancel the order mind you, he refunded my money. So I still have the option to pay for the item.