Minutes ago received a call from my mother telling me that an uncle just passed away early morning, he was in a rare situation where the doctors said that he was fine but he totally felt the opposite, was always in bed, depresed and without any aspiration in life, he was eating fine but never wanted to leave the bed, I seriously thinks that the damn depresion was the primary factor of his dead am not gonna say that I cried when I hear the bad new cause I know how hard can be when some one is depressed, totally lived that when was younger and totally know how it feels to be in that kinda of situation, even the idea of comitting suicide came into my mind a couple of times.
Because of my personal experiences I hate that people that believe that there is nothing left for them in life even when they are completely fine, dunno why he was depressed cause he never was alone, my grandma, my uncles and the rest of the family was always there, he was married and had a daughter am not gonna say that am not sad but am also mad because he never did anything to overcome is situation, indeed feel the loss cause this uncle when I was a kid was the one who took me to the arcades every damn weekend, even when my father never approved it, he even purchased an Atari for me when I was a kiddo so I can say that part of my gamer life is because of him, my love for the UFOs' and all the stuff that is related to the paranormal and conspirations is because and always will be because of him, he used to purchase tons of magazines of this kind which always read with a lot of joy, can only say that am gonna miss him.