Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1859797 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15705 on: April 14, 2021, 01:33:23 pm »
The good news is, I don't have COVID. The bad news is, people on eBay must be running a massive temperature, because they're delirious.

It's so obnoxious when someone posts up something that is highly sought after, and they put a crazy don't-really-wanna-sell it price on the stuff. There's a guy on there that listed some kinda rare and sought after games, asking literally 3x the price of what they normally sell for. Nearly a grand each, for some games that normally sell for a couple hundred each. Is it a joke? Or is he trying to bait some really desperate fools? There's nothing special about them, they're just ordinary pre-owned average condition CIB. Go to his seller profile and pretty much everything he sells is like crazy high. Not sure if he's the type of seller who just preys on desperation, or he doesn't really wanna sell.

He's got a few things I would pay pretty much top dollar for, but I'm not paying 3x top dollar. I hope no one else will either.

Reminds me of the listing I've seen of Super Mario 3D All Stars after March 31st that some have listed for obscene prices. I think they are baiting on someone dumb enough to go for it especially ones in the four digits. Its pretty insane tbh. On another notes, you dont have the rona and thats always a plus


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15706 on: April 14, 2021, 01:46:51 pm »
Yeah people are already trying to sell mario all stars for $80+. Meanwhile I still see physical copies of it in my local Target, with things as hyped up as that and with that many people having the same idea, I dont think the price is ever going to rise that much. It reminds me of those trying to sell ¨mint condition¨ CIB ps4 games, like who cares what condition a ps4 game is in?
The Benevolent and Powerful covfefe2020


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15707 on: April 14, 2021, 03:21:28 pm »
This kind of reminds me of seeing the Switch version of Langrisser I & II for insane prices online, but then seeing it on Game Stop's website for a normal price. Obviously, I went the GS route. Maybe folks don't do their research? *shrug*

More importantly, I'm glad you don't have COVID!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15708 on: April 14, 2021, 03:47:45 pm »
Funny. So I sold my copy of Pokemon Emerald years ago, but I still have the box. I had totally forgotten that I had it still until recently. I ended up listing it on ebay.

As for "cashing in," I don't plan on selling everything. Just a few items here and there I don't really have any connect with.

Makes me kind of want to sell my childhood copy of Emerald that I bought from Gamestop in like 2006  ;D $150+ for a loose cart gaddamn
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15709 on: April 17, 2021, 10:57:15 pm »
Anyone hear the classic Q&A website Yahoo Answers is about to shut down? I used to post there from way back in the early days, actually still kinda do on occasion. It's not a top quality site by any means, there may be trolls but at least I never encountered any of the whining or snobbery that you encounter on Reddit's many forums. It has actually helped me in a pinch plenty of times. It was kinda interesting to read up on some of the questions people would post about gaming and retro games on occasion... or to just ask a technical question that Google is not going to instantly grant you... 15 years, and it's still quite active as of the shuttering.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15710 on: April 18, 2021, 05:20:05 pm »
Somewhat on the topic of selling parts of your collections/downsizing, what methods are folks using to do it? I figured I would go back to eBay, but I feel leery about linking my personal bank account to them. I'm not sure why they stopped partnering with PayPal. Another method would be to schlep them to a game store, take the cash or credit, and be done with it quickly.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15711 on: April 18, 2021, 06:45:18 pm »
Somewhat on the topic of selling parts of your collections/downsizing, what methods are folks using to do it? I figured I would go back to eBay, but I feel leery about linking my personal bank account to them. I'm not sure why they stopped partnering with PayPal. Another method would be to schlep them to a game store, take the cash or credit, and be done with it quickly.

I would not sell, Unless I had a bunch of unfun games I didn't want in my collection. I know better because I'll never see the games again. if I do it's probably just going to go to some kind of massive collectors who might take up the entire stock of retro games.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15712 on: April 18, 2021, 07:01:50 pm »
Somewhat on the topic of selling parts of your collections/downsizing, what methods are folks using to do it? I figured I would go back to eBay, but I feel leery about linking my personal bank account to them. I'm not sure why they stopped partnering with PayPal. Another method would be to schlep them to a game store, take the cash or credit, and be done with it quickly.

Don't you have a lot of luck selling on here?  Keep that up.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15713 on: April 19, 2021, 10:14:05 am »
Somewhat on the topic of selling parts of your collections/downsizing, what methods are folks using to do it? I figured I would go back to eBay, but I feel leery about linking my personal bank account to them. I'm not sure why they stopped partnering with PayPal. Another method would be to schlep them to a game store, take the cash or credit, and be done with it quickly.

I would not sell, Unless I had a bunch of unfun games I didn't want in my collection. I know better because I'll never see the games again. if I do it's probably just going to go to some kind of massive collectors who might take up the entire stock of retro games.
Le what-now?

Somewhat on the topic of selling parts of your collections/downsizing, what methods are folks using to do it? I figured I would go back to eBay, but I feel leery about linking my personal bank account to them. I'm not sure why they stopped partnering with PayPal. Another method would be to schlep them to a game store, take the cash or credit, and be done with it quickly.

Don't you have a lot of luck selling on here?  Keep that up.

That's not a bad idea.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15714 on: April 19, 2021, 08:20:01 pm »
Yeah, I think if I was going to sell anything, it would be on here or atariage. Most of my stuff is old, so there’s a fairly large audience between the two.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15715 on: April 21, 2021, 09:13:11 am »
Sooo. sorry for interrupting and changing the subject... but my new TV comes today and I'm flipping excited. Finally entering the modern era! 4k!!!!!!!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15716 on: April 21, 2021, 01:05:41 pm »
¨...and I finally got one of those new rectangular TVs. I've been reorganizing all my game consoles, new video switchers, working out all the bugs, new shelves, I can now get behind my game consoles to reach all the wires, and of course, the ability to play games in HD clarity. Yeah, hi-def! Yeah. Now, let's play some 8-bits.¨
The Benevolent and Powerful covfefe2020


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15717 on: April 25, 2021, 10:33:58 am »
Is it me, or has eBay become like really discouraging to sell on lately? There's some stuff that I've sold where I made literally almost nothing on it. Granted, I undervalued the shipping cost on one item, that was my bad, but 13% and 15% fees? I don't remember the fees being that high. It's no wonder people charge so much on there, as a buyer you forget how much of that is NOT going to seller. They even take a fee from the shipping cost, like you can help how much it costs to ship?

Maybe it's because Managed Payments really lets you see how much you're being nickel and deemed. But it's like, you don't make near what you think you're making on there. My most recent Payout was only a couple of dollars. Lmao. Apparently eBay just charged me a crap ton of money for some shipping labels I didn't realize I bought from them. It makes it look like my most recent sale made almost nothing after you subtract what I supposedly owe. I guess they pay you the full amount including the shipping with every sale, then bottle up your shipping charges just long enough to crush your spirit when you make another sale. Oh great, I sold something for $35 so they cut me a check for $2.92! Hooray?! I guess? I think I'll go buy a lollipop, cuz I'm feeling like a sucker.

You've been selling for how long on eBay now...? You sound like a clueless first-timer. Here, use this before listing anything.

Anyway, the TOS were updated recently with the fees for various categories raised as well; you should've received an email about it. In regards to their managed payment program, I posted and adviced against it back in November of last year, specifically due to the terrible stories I read and had been told by colleagues, which remain the same to this day. Granted, I don't know if eBay automatically enrolled you in the program, as it did to many others, but even so, you had the chance to opt out, especially after reading the small print...if you did.

But you and the rest that currently are part of the program won't be alone for long since eBay will be transitioning all sellers into managed payment by the end of this year, at least according to some reports. However, what's really messed up is that they've started using shady practices by "blocking" sellers that are still using PayPal as their payment method. What I mean by that is that buyers who make purchases from sellers that are still using PayPal are prompted with a message that states that those sellers "can't accept payment". Now, this isn't the case for everyone that still uses PayPal, but a good number of users have reported this issue, as well as the fact that customer support provides no assistance, passing the blame on to PayPal, and then PayPal doing the same in return. Not surprising since apparently the two companies haven't been in speaking terms for a while. When eBay announced that they would be managing payments, PayPal decided to revert their refund policy last year, albeit with a rocky start, but still implemented in the end where they're pocketing all transaction fees, as in the 2.9%, as opposed to the standard .30¢ fee they charge and used to keep in the event of a refund. And that's without going over the fact they're also taking a 2.9% cut of the tax collected from every sale.

So, in short, if you want to sell on eBay, you need to be a good boy and take it. However, things aren't always as bad as they sound if you're actually competent and know what you're doing. So far the main advantage the managed payment program seems to offer is that it potentially diminishes false INR and SNAD cases, especially when we consider a buyer can still open a dispute on PayPal were eBay to side with the seller...more so when PayPal gives all buyers a very generous 180 days to dispute any purchase they've made. With MP all of that is eliminated.

Regardless, I'm sticking it out until I'm forced to make the change, and hopefully by then all the kikns the program has would have been ironed out.

It's all so confusing, I don't even want to look at it. I just hope they're doing the math correctly and I'm not getting screwed. eBay is classic for giving you the impression that you're doing a lot better than you really are. They have the little money counter on your dashboard that pops up like a slot machine"WOW! L@@K at what you made!!!" But no, that's not after fees or shipping. It's just a deceptive pat on the head to keep the little guy motivated.

Well, you SHOULD definitely take the time to look at it because they've gotten things wrong in the past, so you might in the end be getting screwed. If there are sellers with stores that have been getting the shaft continuously, just imagine the field days eBay has with small sellers. You need to be on top of things.

I guess? But video game stuff happens to be in one of the highest segments of their fees system. All of their competitors have lower fees, but are fundamentally anti-seller as well. Like Micari not letting you have your money until the buyer leaves positive feedback. Yeesh.

Mercari is an entirely different monster, you can sell about anything there, but overall the demographic is different to the point certain items sell better and more than others, like high-end clothing and jewelry for instance. I mean, yes, you can sell video games and plenty of other collectible items there, but you're better off dumping all of those over on eBay, or Amazon, or some Facebook group even, especially considering Mercari encourages low pricing. I'm not shooting them down, really, as it is a good place to sell, but not for the things we commonly deal with.

Mercari reimburses its sellers in the event of a lost package, so there's that.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15718 on: April 25, 2021, 02:18:04 pm »
Does anyone else do "field research" for the site? I was looking at the gallery on my phone and I have hundreds of photos of game cases I'll spot in the wild that I'll think are either not listed or are devoid of information. Most are PC games but I have pics of a lot of DS games and such that I found have the bare minimum listed. I usually snap these pics so I can at least get the UPCs for the games.

I just cleaned out a bunch of pictures and there's images for at least a dozen games that don't have entries yet.  :(  :o

Also, I'm guessing we've dropped the ball in regards to Arcade 1Up releases? I picked up a Pac-Man 40th Anniversary one from FB Marketplace a few months ago and finally built it last weekend. I went to add it and was surprised there's not a one listed (unless I'm dumb and not searching for the right thing). I'm wondering if they go under the 'Arcade' group or 'Dedicated Consoles'  :P.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15719 on: April 26, 2021, 06:43:51 pm »
Lawnmower decided to not work today... neighbor's Lawnmower isn't working either currently. So guess who just cut the lawn with a weedwacker.