Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1860975 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15825 on: July 01, 2021, 11:47:26 pm »
So over the past weekend I made the move to becoming a homeowner. I made it past the first hurdle in getting pre-qualified through my credit union and my cousin (a former realtor) referred me to a co-worker of his. I've only spoke to the guy through text and email so far but I'm sure he'll help me figure what all I need to get started. That said, if anyone has any tips/pointers I'd greatly appreciate them. Market is stupid here like most places with houses selling for 50-100K what they did not even 5-6 years ago. I do realize this isn't the best time to go house shopping but I wasn't given too much of a choice in the matter and need a new abode by no later than this time next year.  :P

I figured if I'm going to drop over 1K a month it should be toward my own home and not lining a landlord's pockets. Luckily most of my stuff is already tubbed/boxed up but I'm still not looking forward to moving it all.  :-*  :P  :o


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15826 on: July 01, 2021, 11:52:27 pm »
He had a note of admission from the post office where they apologized for damaging it. How could that possibly be fraud?

I was responding to your comment about shipping insurance as a whole and the typical issues that arise in the event of poorly-packaged parcels—not to the specific scenario provided. As far as the in-thread scenario, USPS did own up to what happened, although "damaging" may not be the ideal word for what happened as merely the packaging itself and not the item is what was bloodied. Nevertheless, a delivery like that is something nobody would like to receive, and I'm sure that whoever bled wishes it was avoided as well.

So over the past weekend I made the move to becoming a homeowner.

Congratulations! Hope it all works out!


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15827 on: July 02, 2021, 02:39:52 am »
Ok then, you guys can be a-okay with damaged stuff just getting a sorry note. But I still think it's B.S. I agree to disagree.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 02:55:27 am by burningdoom »


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15828 on: July 02, 2021, 11:18:32 am »
In my experience, 99% of the damaged packages that I deliver are due to improper packaging. Sounds like someone else’s package wasn’t up to snuff and it affected yours, it happens all the time. They likely repacked yours and sent it out. Not necessarily their fault, certainly not yours either. It’s just an imperfect system.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15829 on: July 02, 2021, 01:14:08 pm »
If you can find ANY pre 7th generation console sports video game I'd highly recommend buying it, sports games are highly underrated in my opinion especially 5th and 6th generation. and can be vary fun regardless of what the other people say or might think about them. When is the last time one of you all popped in a sports title into your console? and played something other than a FPS RPG Racing game or a Real Time Strategy video game? sports games are awsome, and a good filler, and for to try something different.

EA Sports games 5th and 6th gen are BOTH arcade AND Simulation DEPENDING on what you have your in-game options settings on ::)
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15830 on: July 02, 2021, 06:56:19 pm »
I'm just not interested in professional sports or games that simulate pro sports. I don't even like racing simulators very much. Real sports are slow paced, dull, technical, tedious, etc. It's for people who are really into that sport and want it to be simulated accurately. I know nothing about actual sports and don't care to.

Why do I need five different years of NBA2Kwhatever when there's plenty of NBA Jam games? There's only so many ways you can make a sport like basketball (or any ball sport for that matter) entertaining, and when developers do find unique ways, I look into it. If it's just a roster updated yearly dump of the same pro sport again? Well I've got hundreds of other games that actual appeal to me, and only so much time left to play them.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15831 on: July 03, 2021, 12:05:35 am »
I like sports, but I don’t really care for any kind of sports games. I can see why some people do, but it’s just not for me.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15832 on: July 03, 2021, 01:47:02 am »
Behold wall of text!

Let me know if you guys have heard this one... today I received a package from an eBay order. Standard bubble mailer type deal. Except, this time it’s wrapped within a plastic baggie with a printed note from USPS. Basically an apology letter “We are sorry. We fucked up your package. But we’re sorry. I mean, seriously guy, we’re reallllly sorry. We strive to do better but... we’re sorry”

What’s wrong with it? Well it honestly looks to be covered in blood. Dried up dark splotches of dark red / brown smeared across the package, and vibrant crimson wet droplets still beading up on the inside of the baggie.


No, Warm-and-brown, it actually means that there was an accident and something, possibly unfortunate, happened to the person that handles your mail.

Yeah, the shipping business, exactly. That's a stupid policy. "If we fuck up, you have to pay for it." That's not like a car insurance or house insurance where it's in case of accidents, wear and tear, or disasters happen. The USPS damaged the item, I feel like they should have to be responsible for that. It's a cop-out.

Here's the thing, it's not a stupid policy, it's their way of covering their asses, just like many other companies out there have their own way of doing so. If you're selling a high-ticket item, then the most reasonable thing to do is insure it. The other thing is the USPS has standards when it comes to packaging, and for insurance claims all packages have to conform to those standards. Like for example, writing or slapping a label that reads "do not bend" will do nothing in the event whatever you receive comes warped or bent because that item wasn't packaged accordingly with stiffeners to help protect it from bending during transit. In these type of instances your best course of action is to take your complaints to the sender. However, when it comes to insurance claims, while they tend to protract, and whether you want to believe it or not, the USPS takes and reviews all of them, but unfortunately just like with any other insurance company under the sun, they'll try their best to prolong the ordeal in order to frustrate you in the hopes that you give up, and most of the time they succeed, which is why claimants have to push their case for however long it may take.

The point is, items need to be packaged appropriately, so if you're shipping something that's fragile, then package the item in a sturdy box with enough cushioning for it to survive the trip and the possibility of some roughness on the way instead of writing "fragile" with a sharpie hoping the USPS gods smile down on you. People need to understand that the USPS isn't a daycare for packages, so they need to stop expecting they'll canoodle their packages all the way to the front of their door.

With all that said, though, most government agencies aren't exactly paragons of competence, so...

I wonder if a handler for USPS got cut or otherwise hurt and blood got on the package or something?

Yeah, pretty much. The note basically reads: "The person that services your route was involved in an industrial/vehicular incident and because of this your mail came in contact with blood." This isn't usually the case, but this has sometimes meant the death of a postman. While it's truly unpleasant to receive a package in this manner, USPS isn't exactly a grocery store where if something like this happens they can dispose of the "merchandise"; the mail has to be delivered, so there's literally no other way they can do any better. Sure, I'll concede that they could maybe include surgical gloves for the recipient to handle the package, but they do make sure to explain the situation with the attached letter, so the obvious course of action is to handle with care.

Remember, not even death itself stops the mail.

On a side, yet bizarre and morbid note, there are people that actually collect these type of mail items.

Ok then, you guys can be a-okay with damaged stuff just getting a sorry note. But I still think it's B.S. I agree to disagree.

I see you still like to make mountains out of molehills, as per usual. What happened was out of their hands, plain and simple. Insurance is there for a reason, whether you like it or not. Places like Amazon and Walmart, for example will cover your purchase, so no need to worry about damaged packages. For orders from places like eBay, in most cases when a parcel gets damaged is because the sender didn't bother to package it appropriately, so the sender is the one to both blame and direct your complaints to, and if they don't budge, then use the tools you're given to get your money back.

As I stated already, that "sorry note" was because of an accident that caused the package to get bloodied, not because it was mishandled. Just quite recently in Ohio there was an accident involving a USPS carrier that was injured in a crash, so who knows what happened in this particular case.

TL;DR: Shit happens.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 02:02:05 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15833 on: July 03, 2021, 02:22:38 am »
Mountains out of molehills...says the guy with a thesis for a response. I already said agree to disagree.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15834 on: July 03, 2021, 08:31:33 am »
So over the past weekend I made the move to becoming a homeowner. I made it past the first hurdle in getting pre-qualified through my credit union and my cousin (a former realtor) referred me to a co-worker of his. I've only spoke to the guy through text and email so far but I'm sure he'll help me figure what all I need to get started. That said, if anyone has any tips/pointers I'd greatly appreciate them. Market is stupid here like most places with houses selling for 50-100K what they did not even 5-6 years ago. I do realize this isn't the best time to go house shopping but I wasn't given too much of a choice in the matter and need a new abode by no later than this time next year.  :P

I figured if I'm going to drop over 1K a month it should be toward my own home and not lining a landlord's pockets. Luckily most of my stuff is already tubbed/boxed up but I'm still not looking forward to moving it all.  :-*  :P  :o

Welcome to the fun of home ownership. It's rewarding and frustrating, usually at the same time. Congrats!

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15835 on: July 03, 2021, 09:47:06 am »
Flashback, I think you've hit the most important nail on the head - as long as the month-to-month is about the same, and you can keep a nest egg for emergency repairs (and you will have emergency repairs), you should absolutely go for ownership over rental.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15836 on: July 03, 2021, 10:59:04 am »

No, Warm-and-brown, it actually means that there was an accident and something, possibly unfortunate, happened to the person that handles your mail

Lol. You're slipping bud. But thanks, I never would've imagined that's what it could have possibly meant!


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15837 on: July 03, 2021, 01:56:48 pm »

If you have Xbox Ultimate Game Pass you get free early access to the new Space Jam game that's like an old-school beat-em up.

Thing is, it's not in the normal Games With Gold section. You have to go to your Perks to get it.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 02:10:40 pm by burningdoom »


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15838 on: July 03, 2021, 09:34:41 pm »
Flashback, I think you've hit the most important nail on the head - as long as the month-to-month is about the same, and you can keep a nest egg for emergency repairs (and you will have emergency repairs), you should absolutely go for ownership over rental.

Busy day today on that front. I got in touch with the realtor and we scheduled six showings. A few things...

The darling of the six, my frontrunner, turned out to be a complete waste of time. Overpriced for what was actually offered and there was a LOT wrong with it, mostly backyard flooding for the semi-ravine that was the backyard. They claimed to have a partial basement but it was nowhere to be found. Super disappointed because the pictures made it look like steal. For this and most of the others, photographs hide a lot of things that are glaring when viewed in person.

One was decent but you had to drive through a BAD neighborhood to access it. Thanks but no. Another one looked like it was situated by a golf course so semi-quiet. Also near a run-down area and up a steep hill (concerns about black ice/inclement weather became an immediate concern). In pictures it looked AMAZING but once inside like the first, the flaws were glaring. One door's frame I accidentally hit and it popped off a bit. The whole house had a "Bath Fitter" feel to it where you could just feel the old bones of the place covered over by a shiny new facade.  :-\

There was one in the middle of the pack that was actually quite least nice enough that I put a bid on it. Three of the houses were occupied and this was one of them. It felt a little cluttered but gave me a good idea what would fit and what wouldn't. No major structural issues that we could see. I just got a call about an hour ago that while my bid was higher, the owner went with the other bidder because they offered to waive all inspections. They must have REALLY loved the house because there is NO world I'm doing that. That might hurt my chances as time goes on but peace of mind is important to me. I imagine the seller wants it moved with the least amount of hassle as well so more power to both parties.  :P

My cousin is a big Elvis fan and one of the houses we looked at converted their garage to an Elvis shrine. I scheduled a showing just to see the shrine in person but the house had potential. It was 20K more than the house I bid on, roughly the same layout but we uncovered lots of hoodwinking going on. The tiled backsplash in the kitchen was actually stickers made to look like a backsplash. Additionally, the "granite" countertops were also stickers slapped onto formica.  ::)

The realtor I got paired up with has been great. Very knowledgeable about all manner of things, clearly he's seen a lot. I brought my current housemate with me as he's quite the handyman and did repair work for years so he knew what to look for as well. Between the two of them I was able to get a lot of insight on what I should be expecting. That said, the search continues.  :P

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15839 on: July 04, 2021, 06:58:04 am »
I just got a call about an hour ago that while my bid was higher, the owner went with the other bidder because they offered to waive all inspections. They must have REALLY loved the house because there is NO world I'm doing that. That might hurt my chances as time goes on but peace of mind is important to me. I imagine the seller wants it moved with the least amount of hassle as well so more power to both parties.

Oh yeah, doing that is absolute insanity.  The higher bidder is just asking for trouble, unless they themselves happen to be a home inspector.