Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1860901 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15840 on: July 04, 2021, 07:10:24 am »
Yeah, the shipping business, exactly. That's a stupid policy. "If we fuck up, you have to pay for it." That's not like a car insurance or house insurance where it's in case of accidents, wear and tear, or disasters happen. The USPS damaged the item, I feel like they should have to be responsible for that. It's a cop-out.

I mean you have to see it like this. their regular service is at your own risk. (on ebay/paypal only the seller has that risk)

If you get the insurance for a couple $ more you'll get all your money back minus a miniscule service fee of just a few $ if an item is damaged or lost.

Still I'm pretty sure if you don't have great insurance for either your car or your house that's a risk on you aswell. so in a way it ain't that much different. If you select the insurance option with postage you move the risk to the shipping company aswell. in all those cases your going to pay more than the options in wich the risk is on you or only partial covered

I just got a call about an hour ago that while my bid was higher, the owner went with the other bidder because they offered to waive all inspections. They must have REALLY loved the house because there is NO world I'm doing that. That might hurt my chances as time goes on but peace of mind is important to me. I imagine the seller wants it moved with the least amount of hassle as well so more power to both parties.

Oh yeah, doing that is absolute insanity.  The higher bidder is just asking for trouble, unless they themselves happen to be a home inspector.

They got the house at a lower price that's a risk that you take. Everything has it's price It's not a bad strategy I'd say. that's how it goes with the better retro deals aswell, people who are very picky with questions might scare those inexperienced sellers away while if your easy going you'll get the deal allot easier. I've gotten amazing deals with that strategy, other buyers can be annoying at times. If the price is that low I'll take a risk and bet on the worst and even in that scenario I'm pretty pleased because the price was low anyway. Less hassle is definitely a quality that allot of sellers like even if it might result in a lower price.

Let's give a more fitting example for this forum

You could buy a Retro game with 3 months of warranty from a retro game store at a premium low risk but high prices.

Or you could find a deal on craigslist for dirt cheap withouth any warranty at all it's probably not even tested either. Or heck especially listings withouth any pictures not knowing the condition high risk high reward. Allot of people don't like that though and stick with retro stores and such.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2021, 08:11:42 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15841 on: July 04, 2021, 08:31:19 am »
I just got a call about an hour ago that while my bid was higher, the owner went with the other bidder because they offered to waive all inspections. They must have REALLY loved the house because there is NO world I'm doing that. That might hurt my chances as time goes on but peace of mind is important to me. I imagine the seller wants it moved with the least amount of hassle as well so more power to both parties.

Oh yeah, doing that is absolute insanity.  The higher bidder is just asking for trouble, unless they themselves happen to be a home inspector.

They got the house at a lower price that's a risk that you take. Everything has it's price It's not a bad strategy I'd say. that's how it goes with the better retro deals aswell, people who are very picky with questions might scare those inexperienced sellers away while if your easy going you'll get the deal allot easier. I've gotten amazing deals with that strategy, other buyers can be annoying at times. If the price is that low I'll take a risk and bet on the worst and even in that scenario I'm pretty pleased because the price was low anyway. Less hassle is definitely a quality that allot of sellers like even if it might result in a lower price.

Let's give a more fitting example for this forum

You could buy a Retro game with 3 months of warranty from a retro game store at a premium low risk but high prices.

Or you could find a deal on craigslist for dirt cheap withouth any warranty at all it's probably not even tested either. Or heck especially listings withouth any pictures not knowing the condition high risk high reward. Allot of people don't like that though and stick with retro stores and such.

You buy a game without a warranty it won't collapse on your family and crush you while you are sleeping.  A house can.  Also, bought any 200K games lately?  Those are gonna get looked at.  What an asinine comparison.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15842 on: July 04, 2021, 09:23:48 am »
I just got a call about an hour ago that while my bid was higher, the owner went with the other bidder because they offered to waive all inspections. They must have REALLY loved the house because there is NO world I'm doing that. That might hurt my chances as time goes on but peace of mind is important to me. I imagine the seller wants it moved with the least amount of hassle as well so more power to both parties.

Oh yeah, doing that is absolute insanity.  The higher bidder is just asking for trouble, unless they themselves happen to be a home inspector.

They got the house at a lower price that's a risk that you take. Everything has it's price It's not a bad strategy I'd say. that's how it goes with the better retro deals aswell, people who are very picky with questions might scare those inexperienced sellers away while if your easy going you'll get the deal allot easier. I've gotten amazing deals with that strategy, other buyers can be annoying at times. If the price is that low I'll take a risk and bet on the worst and even in that scenario I'm pretty pleased because the price was low anyway. Less hassle is definitely a quality that allot of sellers like even if it might result in a lower price.

Let's give a more fitting example for this forum

You could buy a Retro game with 3 months of warranty from a retro game store at a premium low risk but high prices.

Or you could find a deal on craigslist for dirt cheap withouth any warranty at all it's probably not even tested either. Or heck especially listings withouth any pictures not knowing the condition high risk high reward. Allot of people don't like that though and stick with retro stores and such.

You buy a game without a warranty it won't collapse on your family and crush you while you are sleeping.  A house can.  Also, bought any 200K games lately?  Those are gonna get looked at.  What an asinine comparison.

What are the odds of a house collapsing if it was lived in let alone that selling a house usually takes months at the very least or far longer. You might find some leaks or that kinda stuff that could get you some unexpected high bills. It might turn out more pricy or you might have saved money

Eitherway a risk is a risk. obviously it's more risky with a house but you potentially saved a nice chunk of money as a trade off and with such big numbers the potential savings can definitely be tempting.

I'm just saying that people are willing to take a risk if you can save a decent chunk of money. or obviously the other side of the coin pay more for extra security Both sides have their advantages.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2021, 10:19:39 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15843 on: July 04, 2021, 10:04:46 am »
Speaking of picky customer's with questions.... it's annoying when a seller encourages you to ask questions before purchasing, and then doesn't answer their messages. I asked this guy some simple questions about some of the flaws I could see in the picture. Waited days for a response, nothing. I've decided that whatever flaws it has, I'm okay with, so now I've bought it. I'm sure the sale will get his attention. Now he might actually look at my questions.

Also, I thought that home inspections were part of the requirement many banks have in order to loan on a house.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15844 on: July 04, 2021, 12:12:56 pm »
Also, I thought that home inspections were part of the requirement many banks have in order to loan on a house.

They generally are.  My guess is it was a cash offer from one of those shitty landlord corporations.  They'll have their own inspectors and contractors on retainer.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15845 on: July 04, 2021, 07:35:51 pm »
if it was hassle free they'd probably inspect the house thoroughly after the purchase not before it. since a full on house inspection takes several days plus time to bargain when certain defects are found.

Still you also have people who flip houses for a living.

It's not uncommon for these individuals to buy houses as is withouth an inspection because that's usually how you get the lowest price.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2021, 07:48:56 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15846 on: July 04, 2021, 08:35:28 pm »
Mountains out of molehills...says the guy with a thesis for a response. I already said agree to disagree.

Somebody, please spare some aloe for that wicked burn.

Lol. You're slipping bud. But thanks, I never would've imagined that's what it could have possibly meant!

Well, of course, that much is clear. Your witless post is self-explanatory. Here's hoping that whoever handled your package is fine and nothing serious happened to them.

Speaking of picky customer's with questions.... it's annoying when a seller encourages you to ask questions before purchasing, and then doesn't answer their messages. I asked this guy some simple questions about some of the flaws I could see in the picture. Waited days for a response, nothing. I've decided that whatever flaws it has, I'm okay with, so now I've bought it. I'm sure the sale will get his attention. Now he might actually look at my questions.

Yeah, that's some sound logic right there. You're the gift that never stops giving.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15847 on: July 04, 2021, 09:52:05 pm »
if it was hassle free they'd probably inspect the house thoroughly after the purchase not before it. since a full on house inspection takes several days plus time to bargain when certain defects are found.

Still you also have people who flip houses for a living.

It's not uncommon for these individuals to buy houses as is without an inspection because that's usually how you get the lowest price.

I doubt the other bidder was looking to flip. The house was priced in-line with other houses in the area built the same with the same square footage. Very little cosmetic work needed to be done inside or out that I could tell outside of a jank gate to the backyard that just needed to be set and not replaced. The tenants kept the home in surprisingly good shape. Like I said earlier, it must've looked good enough to them that they felt an inspection would have been a waste of their time/money and/or they were in dire need of a house. My bid was the higher bid and lost because I wouldn't budge on inspection so for the seller to take less money in a quicker fashion seems mildly nefarious to me.  :P

There's a house that went up for sale down the street that looks like a flip. Same style of house, almost the same square footage for only $5K more than the one I bid on. In the photos I did see some water damage on the wood paneling in the laundry room but it's on top of a hill so I don't know if I can chalk that up to flooding. The washing machine might have went haywire and they never fixed the paneling. You'da thought they would have cleaned it before taking photos.  :P

I'm hoping the agent can get a showing for that house in the morning. Being that it's the holiday it's both worked for and against me. The only real downside I've seen from this new house is the neighborhood nearby isn't the best and it's a little too close to a cemetery for my liking.  :o


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15848 on: July 04, 2021, 09:55:19 pm »
Mountains out of molehills...says the guy with a thesis for a response. I already said agree to disagree.

Somebody, please spare some aloe for that wicked burn.

Lol. You're slipping bud. But thanks, I never would've imagined that's what it could have possibly meant!

Well, of course, that much is clear. Your witless post is self-explanatory. Here's hoping that whoever handled your package is fine and nothing serious happened to them.

Speaking of picky customer's with questions.... it's annoying when a seller encourages you to ask questions before purchasing, and then doesn't answer their messages. I asked this guy some simple questions about some of the flaws I could see in the picture. Waited days for a response, nothing. I've decided that whatever flaws it has, I'm okay with, so now I've bought it. I'm sure the sale will get his attention. Now he might actually look at my questions.

Yeah, that's some sound logic right there. You're the gift that never stops giving.

Why are such an asshole to everyone? Go somewhere else and be miserable. Your shit is getting really old.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15849 on: July 04, 2021, 11:18:58 pm »
Trolls are gonna troll.

Lol. You're slipping bud. But thanks, I never would've imagined that's what it could have possibly meant!

Well, of course, that much is clear. Your witless post is self-explanatory. Here's hoping that whoever handled your package is fine and nothing serious happened to them.

Well, of course, that shitpost was clearly pointless and unremarkable.

Yeah, that's some sound logic right there. You're the gift that never stops giving.

Anything for you, bud. Whenever I see that big dumb goofy but lovable smile which no doubt is probably an uncanny representation of yourself, it just warms my heart.  ;)

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15850 on: July 05, 2021, 12:24:51 am »
I just got a call about an hour ago that while my bid was higher, the owner went with the other bidder because they offered to waive all inspections. They must have REALLY loved the house because there is NO world I'm doing that. That might hurt my chances as time goes on but peace of mind is important to me. I imagine the seller wants it moved with the least amount of hassle as well so more power to both parties.

Oh yeah, doing that is absolute insanity.  The higher bidder is just asking for trouble, unless they themselves happen to be a home inspector.

They got the house at a lower price that's a risk that you take. Everything has it's price It's not a bad strategy I'd say. that's how it goes with the better retro deals aswell, people who are very picky with questions might scare those inexperienced sellers away while if your easy going you'll get the deal allot easier. I've gotten amazing deals with that strategy, other buyers can be annoying at times. If the price is that low I'll take a risk and bet on the worst and even in that scenario I'm pretty pleased because the price was low anyway. Less hassle is definitely a quality that allot of sellers like even if it might result in a lower price.

Let's give a more fitting example for this forum

You could buy a Retro game with 3 months of warranty from a retro game store at a premium low risk but high prices.

Or you could find a deal on craigslist for dirt cheap withouth any warranty at all it's probably not even tested either. Or heck especially listings withouth any pictures not knowing the condition high risk high reward. Allot of people don't like that though and stick with retro stores and such.

You buy a game without a warranty it won't collapse on your family and crush you while you are sleeping.  A house can.  Also, bought any 200K games lately?  Those are gonna get looked at.  What an asinine comparison.

What are the odds of a house collapsing if it was lived in let alone that selling a house usually takes months at the very least or far longer. You might find some leaks or that kinda stuff that could get you some unexpected high bills. It might turn out more pricy or you might have saved money

Eitherway a risk is a risk. obviously it's more risky with a house but you potentially saved a nice chunk of money as a trade off and with such big numbers the potential savings can definitely be tempting.

I'm just saying that people are willing to take a risk if you can save a decent chunk of money. or obviously the other side of the coin pay more for extra security Both sides have their advantages.

The odds aren't the point.  Of course risk is involved, but a single bad game purchase won't kill or bankrupt you.  A bad house purchase could.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15851 on: July 05, 2021, 03:38:57 am »
Come on sworddude, I kind of see where you were trying to go, but just admit the analogy was bad. There's no shame in that.

Why are such an asshole to everyone? Go somewhere else and be miserable. Your shit is getting really old.

But I'm only being an asshole to you. Plus, misery loves company.

Trolls are gonna troll.

Well, of course, that shitpost was clearly pointless and unremarkable.

Anything for you, bud. Whenever I see that big dumb goofy but lovable smile which no doubt is probably an uncanny representation of yourself, it just warms my heart.  ;)

How much rent do I owe you?

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15852 on: July 05, 2021, 11:30:38 am »
Come on sworddude, I kind of see where you were trying to go, but just admit the analogy was bad. There's no shame in that.

Why are such an asshole to everyone? Go somewhere else and be miserable. Your shit is getting really old.

But I'm only being an asshole to you. Plus, misery loves company.

Trolls are gonna troll.

Well, of course, that shitpost was clearly pointless and unremarkable.

Anything for you, bud. Whenever I see that big dumb goofy but lovable smile which no doubt is probably an uncanny representation of yourself, it just warms my heart.  ;)

How much rent do I owe you?

About tree fitty. But what do I normally owe you for all of that lovely quote mining? Don't worry about it.


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15853 on: July 05, 2021, 10:05:43 pm »
You know what really sucks?
It took a long time. We really tried, but the assholes of the internet made this forum not so fun anymore.
Folks bicker and fight and try to argue each other using eloquent speech that would get you slapped if you weren’t behind a keyboard. It’s becoming just another toxic forum on the internet.
I used to check this forum constantly. Now, I might hop on once a week.

We fought the good fight, but the miserable dickheads won.


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15854 on: July 05, 2021, 11:18:24 pm »
You know what really sucks?
It took a long time. We really tried, but the assholes of the internet made this forum not so fun anymore.
Folks bicker and fight and try to argue each other using eloquent speech that would get you slapped if you weren’t behind a keyboard. It’s becoming just another toxic forum on the internet.
I used to check this forum constantly. Now, I might hop on once a week.

We fought the good fight, but the miserable dickheads won.

Yep, it sucks. Used to be a lot better.