I realize that this could be relevant in several threads (like "the X-Mas" thread, the "GS" thread, etc).
I'm posting it here!
In a (I think) pretty funny turn of events (after posting how 1 of the few reasons that I go to GS is to burn up giftcards); I got some GS giftcards for X-Mas gifts.
I'd already gotten my PS4, Vita, and 3ds-XL during the last year.
I'm not personally interested in an XBox1 and/or a Wii-U at the moment.
There's not really any games (RPG's) for the PS4 that I really want yet either.
(My Vita & PS4 aren't even un-boxed yet)
So...Gimme some suggestions as to what to spend ~$450 worth of GS cards on?!
I know, I know...1st World problems to be sure